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(noun) intense aversion Definition
(noun) the relation between propositions that cannot both be true at the same time
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repugnance

re and pugna(pugnacious). well pugnacious means war-like. people indulge in war wen they extremesly dislike each other.


RE(again)if u give ur PUG the same FOOD it will HATE DISTATE LOATHE


(noun) a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person Definition
(noun) a musical setting for a Mass celebrating the dead Definition
(noun) a Mass celebrated for the dead
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for requiem

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requiem = re (recite) + quie (quiet) + m (man); means recite for a quiet/dead man.

Requiem for the queen who died in a car accident

requiem = require + him... On the mass, they are missing the deceased.


(verb) cancel officially
Example Sentence
  • He revoked the ban on smoking
  • lift an embargo
  • vacate a death sentence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rescind

rescind reminds us of "resign", where resign is to cancel your appointment and rescind is to cancel an agreement.

chodd na RESEND kon karega cancel kar de

rescind sounds like resend. So you cancel and an official doc and resend for correction.

Rescind sounds like RESEND...i.e.when previous file transfer got CANCELED/INVALIDATED we ask to resend.

resend the ' removed deleted canceled ' files

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ReScind : Scindias still have power to officially cancel contracts ..


(adj) recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like Definition
(adj) elastic; rebounds readily
Synonyms : bouncy live lively springy
Example Sentence
  • clean bouncy hair
  • a lively tennis ball
  • as resilient as seasoned hickory
  • springy turf
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for resilient

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Resilient=RE(recover)+ EASILY+BENT. So, RESILIENT means something which RECOVERS EASILY when BENT.

re"SEAL"ient...sounds as in M SEAL"ient...which can be elastic and easily bent...hahahah

re + silent >>> when teacher makes small kids silent, they again make noise... ie they BOUNCE BACK WITH noise.. or rebellions sounding >>> rebellions BOUNCE BACK after they are curbed and that too again n again.

RESILIENt sounds like BRAZILIAN. Remember Brazilians dace moves , they bend; flexibility !!

"See how Lenient"...flexible..easily bent..


(noun) a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort
Synonyms : reprieve
(noun) a pause from doing something (as work)
Synonyms : break recess time out
Example Sentence
  • we took a 10-minute break
  • he took time out to recuperate
(noun) an interruption in the intensity or amount of something Definition
(noun) a pause for relaxation
Synonyms : relief rest rest period
Example Sentence
  • people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests
(noun) the act of reprieving; postponing or remitting punishment
Synonyms : reprieve
(verb) postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution
Synonyms : reprieve
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for respite

Tarik pe Tarik (Sunny Deol) Respite pe Respite

rest a bit

After taking the GRE, take a RESPITE and drink a SPRITE.

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The purpose of a RESPITE is to RElax and RESPIrE(breathe).

respite = rest + sprite; again you are taking rest with sprite.

@Angelina jolie: take some rest o bred pitt

dispite this respite, we shall study harder & harder


(adj) having great beauty and splendor
Example Sentence
  • a glorious spring morning
  • a glorious sunset
  • splendid costumes
  • a kind of splendiferous native simplicity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for resplendent

resPlENDENT: Pendent, if gold, is shining and glowing...

word 'resplendent' is synonym of 'splendid'. (focus on 'splend' in both the words)

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resplendent looks and sounds like splendid. Word gives out the definition itself.

re(again)+splende splende bike if drive again & again it is very inressive to us

ReSplendent - Really Splendid..!!

Resplendent: Re splend (splendor bike) is looks dazzling and it is so economic that itis a brilliant choice to buy

splendid pendant


(noun) a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury Definition
(noun) the act of restoring something to its original state Definition
(noun) getting something back again
Example Sentence
  • upon the restitution of the book to its rightful owner the child was given a tongue lashing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for restitution

restitution....we can think of "rest". we take rest when we feel tired.i.e when energy is lost.....so "rest" is a "compensation" for an energy loss.

Its a synonym of "restoration" and also sounds like it.

restitution: REST+INSTITUTION, when an institution rests, it means that it will not work any further,so if a institute rest for life time means its closes and it has to pay heavy compensation to its investors.

REST+TUTION..if yu take rest and not listen to GRE classes ..thn later yu gotta pay compenasation coz yu anyhow have to take retake GRE if so

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restitution :reparation,indemnification assume 1 guy working in his rest time after his office and taking private tuition and earning money for restitution of his loan

destitutio me churaaya restitution me lautaaya

rest in tution to compensate for loss of energy at school

re+situation: hetting the same situation again


(adj) being in a tense state Definition
(adj) impatient especially under restriction or delay
Example Sentence
  • the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for restive

Restive is actually restless. Like factitious is actually factless :)

restive.. rest ivvu rest ivvu a person is repeatedly saying.. restivvu restivvu.. so tht means hes restless..

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Restive sounds like festive.In festivals we will be impatiently restless.

REST+deprIVE....Deprived of rest is Restive....

restive = rest + ive; without rest


(verb) cause to become alive again
Synonyms : raise upraise
Example Sentence
  • raise from the dead
  • Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected
  • Upraising ghosts
(verb) restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state
Synonyms : revive
Example Sentence
  • He revived this style of opera
  • He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina
(verb) return from the dead
Synonyms : rise uprise
Example Sentence
  • Christ is risen!
  • The dead are to uprise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for resurrect

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resurrect~re+erect -> you erect a monument that had fallen - resurrect

re+erect : khada ho gaya again(has become active now)... pehle soo rha tha(inactive)!!..lol

transient...trans+ient...associate trans wid transporter movie...in da movie hero moves quickly...

pungent...pun+gent...gent PUNch strongly strongly

RECANT=RECOUNT...when uapply for recount en pass..then already establishedfact that u failed...is put down!!


(verb) cause to regain consciousness
Synonyms : revive
Example Sentence
  • The doctors revived the comatose man
(verb) return to consciousness
Synonyms : come to revive
Example Sentence
  • The patient came to quickly
  • She revived after the doctor gave her an injection
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for resuscitate

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RECESS+ATE---in RECESS I ATE something and due to only that I got proper consciouness.

Compare it with 'Resurrect'; meanings are also same.

it can be re+suicide+ate so after suicide he resuscitate for eating

resuscitate: 're' again, susc sounds like saans(breath), -itate to enable - again saans lene ke liye enable kiya- to revive, rally

recess + kit + ate

in recess i ate to revive my strength

re + saans + take , revitalize come back to life.

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