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    repeal - Dictionary definition and meaning for word repeal

    (noun) the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation
    Synonyms : abrogation , annulment
    (verb) cancel officially
    Example Sentence
    • He revoked the ban on smoking
    • lift an embargo
    • vacate a death sentence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repeal

we peal the ORANGE before eating .. similarly

rejection of an appeal = repeal :)

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His appeal is null since the law is repealed.

When you repel something you repeal that thing....

Repel-U hate it and drive it away. Repeal-U dislike it and renounce or cancel it.(it is neutral approch).The extra 'a' removes the anger.

It's a bad try but you can consider REPEAL as a mixture of REVOKE and ANNUL and that is what it means - REVOKE or ANNUL.

1. निरस्त करना 2. रद्द करना 3. निष्प्रभाव करना 4. खण्डन करना

Reverse of Appeal => Cancel

his first appeal was revoked so he will now re-appeal


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