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(noun) a remote or indirect consequence of some action
Synonyms : reverberation
Example Sentence
  • his declaration had unforeseen repercussions
  • reverberations of the market crash were felt years later
(noun) a movement back from an impact
Synonyms : backlash rebound recoil
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repercussion

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very simple !! concentrate on CUSSION(I mean cushions) ... cushions itne soft hote hai ..bouncy bouncy (rebound property)...similarly reperCUSSION --> rebound

Re(BACK AGAIN)+per+cussion(… CUSHIONS) ... cushions are so soft that whenever we sit on them (CUSHIONS PAR) we bounce BACK AGAIN and again i.e REBOUND

Dis'cussion' on reper'cussions' of World war II.

rhymes with "recursion",....remember in C language...recursionmeans a function which calls itself....relate it here....while the process of clling a function ...it is "rebounded" in b/w two flowerbraces.smtng "reacn" tkes plce der


(noun) the entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field or occupation
Synonyms : repertory
Example Sentence
  • the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism
  • has a large repertory of dialects and characters
(noun) a collection of works (plays, songs, operas, ballets) that an artist or company can perform and do perform for short intervals on a regular schedule
Synonyms : repertory
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repertoire

=REPET (Repeat) + TOIRE (sounds like CHOIR = songs) => so repeat-choir = repeat songs = collection of songs

Repertoire of a rapper

Repertoire of rapper musician


(verb) express discontent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repine

Imagine on Christmas, your friend brings pine tree instead of Christmas tree, so you will repine...

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re+pine, pine rhymes with wine, so when you are given a wine that is not proper, you will COMPLAIN.

sounds like whine...

re+PINE is like poking with a pin which is FRETFUL,ANNOYED.

complaining for doing rape...

Repine=reply for pine(poking with pin).Express discontent.

suppose ur given pine juice over n over again (RE), u will complain and fret

Rhymes with REFINE. So we REPINE about something until it is REFINE.

re+fine if ur refined for a same misdeed again you will be sad

Repine is also like "pine" e.g., pining for a cigar, pining for a lover.

Peinlich: 1.uncomfortable 2.mortifying 3.painful 4.embarrassing 5.awkward - (If someone uses the word peinlich in German then they are probably complaining about something.)


(verb) fill to satisfaction
Synonyms : fill sate satiate
Example Sentence
  • I am sated
(adj) filled to satisfaction with food or drink
Synonyms : full
Example Sentence
  • a full stomach
(adj) (followed by `with')deeply filled or permeated
Synonyms : instinct
Example Sentence
  • imbued with the spirit of the Reformation
  • words instinct with love
  • it is replete with misery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for replete

deplete, complete, replete all relate to the quantity of something. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE WORDS LIKE OBSOLETE etc.???

replete(like comPLETE)..SO ANYTHING which is COMPLETE is always FULLY FILLED

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replete = repeatedly eat

Replete has a close meaning to replenish.

REPLETE is the opposite of DEPLETE.

Replete-(re+plate);when someone asks for re(again) plate and eats that all than he is full.

to be efficient in many ways makes us more happy...

Re + Plate fill your plate with food until satisfaction


(adj) bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure
Example Sentence
  • a criminal waste of talent
  • a deplorable act of violence
  • adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprehensible

It sounds like opposite of apprehensible and apprehensible sounds like derived from appreciate..so reprehensible is something which is not appreciated.

raping a hen is disgraceful n blameworthy act

Reprehensible ~ Sensible ; A sensible person takes care that his actions are not reprehensible

reprehend: you apprehend (catch) someone who s blameworthy and wanted.

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re+prehen(d)..means to grab....+s+ible..(sounds like able)...so think of A DACOIT who is able to GRAB ALL the property of poor people.. so he is blameworthy for this condition of people..he deserves blame for everything that these people are facing t

An un-responsible person's actions are always blame deserving.

Reprehensible <-> Re+Prehensile : If you mod an already prehensile(adapted for gripping)body with another one, you are wasting resources.. You are liable to deserve blame.

reprehensible = representing an apprehensive feeling or represent a tense feeling of condemnation or reproach


(noun) a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort
Synonyms : respite
(noun) an interruption in the intensity or amount of something Definition
(noun) a warrant granting postponement (usually to postpone the execution of the death sentence) Definition
(noun) the act of reprieving; postponing or remitting punishment
Synonyms : respite
(verb) postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution
Synonyms : respite
(verb) relieve temporarily
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprieve

sounds like relieve and means the same

reprieve rhymes with deprive, when you are deprived of energy you will take a break

re+pri(fri)+eve-on d eve of gud FRIday punishment to all d prisoners are postponed or cancelled

uh oh my mnemonic temporarily stayed here and left!!


(noun) an act or expression of criticism and censure
Example Sentence
  • he had to take the rebuke with a smile on his face
(verb) rebuke formally
Synonyms : censure criminate
(verb) censure severely or angrily
Example Sentence
  • The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
  • The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
  • The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprimand

Rep+rimand(Remand) when police take remand of someone,,they Scold them harshly (Strong rebuke)

mand refers to an order. <br> mandatory => maintained by an order <br> reprimand => reprove by order <br> command => Ask by order <br>

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Rape + Remand that means Official rebuke by police

If you keep commanding, bossing on your peers you will be reprimanded someday by them !

Prem->Rape->Remand that means Official remand

After consuming the meal we ate, Amelia rated Its overall quality, saying it might be ameliorated If dusted with imported Parmesan, freshly grated And by having the entrée more attractively plated. JBG 12/27/10


(noun) a mild rebuke or criticism
Example Sentence
  • words of reproach
(noun) disgrace or shame
Example Sentence
  • he brought reproach upon his family
(verb) express criticism towards
Synonyms : upbraid
Example Sentence
  • The president reproached the general for his irresponsible behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reproach

divide it as re(again..)+proach(..approach).. you ask someone to APPROACH AGAIN & AGAIN since you DISAPPROVE OF HIS WORK..(eg during submissions)

If u see a cockRROACH, u express disapproval!

RE + POACH (killing animals).. Sallu (Salman Khan) is killing Chinkara again and again. You express DISAPPROVAL and DISSAPOINTMENT. He is a total disgrace or shame to INDIA

you REPrimand someone for bringing a ROACH into the house

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when you are rejected by a gal., and you approach again and again, she'll disapprove oly. gals are head weighted.

re(AGAIN..)+proach(..APPROACH).. we APPROACH our project professor AGAIN & AGAIN..to get valuable suggestions so that nobody EXPRESS DISAPPOINTMENT or BLAME our project during project’s presentation

why do u reproach to someone because dey SCOLDED u

somebody is approaching you again and again because he has to blame you

Coach reproach the cricket team for bad performance.

reproach->Approach.If you have approach for a post in MNC,you are not going to be selected.Not only that they will scold you for doing such type of immoral work.

If u appROACH again and again.. He may get DISAPPOINTED.

sounds like re+poaching-poaching means smuggling ie.illegal.....so if u r poaching again and again =>u will be criticised

to repoach would gain reproach (especially if poaching a roach)

A sales REP was criticized when she brought her pet ROACH to the store with her.


(noun) a person without moral scruples
Synonyms : miscreant
(verb) reject (documents) as invalid Definition
(verb) abandon to eternal damnation
Example Sentence
  • God reprobated the unrepenting sinner
(verb) express strong disapproval of
Example Sentence
  • We condemn the racism in South Africa
  • These ideas were reprobated
(adj) deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good
Example Sentence
  • depraved criminals
  • a perverted sense of loyalty
  • the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reprobate

reprobate: rep(repeatedly)+rob+ate.. a person who again and again robs other peoples food and eats it up has no moral values.

reprobate is a person who has no probity

rape+rob+ate...change ate to eat...a person does unscrupulous things like this...hardened in sin..rep-rob-ate

one "reinstated in probation". i.e., morally corrupt person.

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rep + pro + bait = he is a repeated "pro" or "professional" in baiting or luring others immorally

re-probate: Even after REpeated PROBATions, he remained a MORALLY CORRUPT PERSON!


(verb) cast off
Synonyms : disown renounce
Example Sentence
  • She renounced her husband
  • The parents repudiated their son
(verb) refuse to acknowledge, ratify, or recognize as valid
Example Sentence
  • The woman repudiated the divorce settlement
(verb) refuse to recognize or pay
Example Sentence
  • repudiate a debt
(verb) reject as untrue, unfounded, or unjust
Example Sentence
  • She repudiated the accusations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for repudiate

he ate the PUDDING AGAIN.. When his mother asked him if he ate the pudding, he tried to REPUDIATE (deny eating it)... :)

re(reject....)+pudi...(pudding..a sweet dish given after meal)...ate......past participle of eat.....well anyone who reject to eat a cake pudding

repud(refused)+iate(to eat) = refused to take anymore or acknowledge

divide this word into repud(sounds simillar to repute....reputation)+iate....sounds like eat...eaten(past parciple).........eaten...means decrease..in sth.....and when reputation decreases ?when you get invove in doing bad things....so to save your r

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REPUTATION+ATE....in hindi cinema if you marry a girl not belonging to your religion,class,....the father says you ate my reputation and you are not my son from now....hence the father DISOWNS his son....

i was giving him his reputation, ( repu dia) but he only refused or repudiated !! wat can i do

Repudiate:Repu(means tomorrow in Telugu)+Diate(Date),so one boy asked the girl weather she comes for the Date(Diate) Tomorrow(Repu),the girl refused to come....she rejected,disclaim,deny,not accepted.....

The woman refuted the divorce settlement.

REPUtation + ATE

refused to ate

repudiate ~ refuse ~ reject

REPUdiate here in Telugu REPU means doing tommorrow that means today he is refusing to do the work

repudiation = reput (reputation) + i + ate; The reputation of family i have ate so nobody will accept me in my family.

refuse to eat pudding

REPUDIATE...refused that I ate the pudding..or I repudiated the date proposal of a reputed girl

repudiate : refuse a hot date because she's not true,reasonable.

repudiate: re - POOH POOH it as DIEd and done and eaten away

REPUtationDIviATE - sounds like Reputation+Deviate. to 'deviate' from a shameful fact to save ones 'reputation'.

Repudiate: Repu(reputation) daav par lag gayi hai uss idiot (diate) ki, jabse usse gharwalo ne disown kiya hai

(Sound like) Repeat + It... ie rejecting

re(REFUSED....)+pudi...(PUDDING..)+ate…….he REFUSED/DENIED to eat PUDDING coz of vomiting

Reputation at stake! Deny all knowledge!

Think "pew" which in American means to stink

Repu+De.. apne boss ko Repu de warna he will Reject u or refuse to give u promotion.

rep..+ate i REfUSE that i ATE the ... =i do not accept

Repudiate/Re-pyo-diate/ Re-Rejected, pyo-poop, diate-date/ When he saw his blind "date" eating turtle "poop", he "rejected" that disgusting woman.

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