unbridled - bridle is hand gear of horse...imagine if horse is unbridled... it is violent.........
(unbridled ~ un + bride) focus on bride; a bride should be in a husband's control, if not then she is UNBRIDLED (not in control)
unbridle - u can quickly remember bridal or bride and so you think about marriage and barat (where the relatives dance) ... every body was drunk and hence the situation became voilent and uncontrollable..
COUTH sounds like COURT so a court always supports ethic. So a person is said UNCOUTH if he does UNETHICAL things something like SOCIALLY UNACCEPTABLE THINGS
un mouth... (speech - mouth)
sounds like UNCOUCH..a person who doesn't(un) sit on the couch is uncultured..
youth herding cows n buffaloes, lives in village hence outlandish, ill mannered
Uncouth...uncouth + youth... the uncouth youth, an unrefined, boorish young man.
un mouth ~ jo apna moo na band rakh sakey ~ boorish
UN(not) wearing cloth(COUTH) means lacks culture
un mouth -> opened the mouth and gave vulgar & clumsy talk.
Definition (noun) excessive but superficial compliments given with affected charm
unctuous -> functuous -> party like ... in parties girls do a lot of oily makeup and try to appear and behave sauve but in my opinion they look and behave in a bland way.
upBRAID. Relate BRAID with BRIDE. When you catch up a bride who's eloped, you scold her severly and reprimand her.
Upbraid and Deprecate have somewhat similar meanings. The words mean, express disapproval of, reprimand.
A BRAID(plait) is a pattern formed by intertwining three or more strands of flexible material such as textile fibres, wire, or human hair so u r asking a girl to lift her braid (upbraid)tie up over n ask her to walk mean(criticize
give up bribe above the bike openly so policeman severely scolded him
UPper class people often faces RAIDS....
Up(coming) + raid ; If someone comes to raid ur house, you will first try to scold or Critize him, to woo him off..
Definition (adj) showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience
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