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(noun) a slight wind (usually refreshing)
Synonyms : air breeze gentle wind
Example Sentence
  • the breeze was cooled by the lake
  • as he waited he could feel the air on his neck
(noun) (Greek mythology) the Greek god of the west wind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for zephyr

Jeep + Hire= u will hire a jeep for having some gentle breeze

Zephyr==ze phy r Concentrate on Phy stands for physical fitness or health. And wht do we need most for good health ? we need fresh air.

Zephyr = Ze + Phyr ~ sounds like the-fire; A slight wind could help in spreading fire by blowing it in a certain direction.

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Zephyrus was god of the west wind in Greek mythology. Zephyr is a west wind breeze.

last word in barrons...congrats to all those who completed 3500 words...verbal 600+ guaranteed! :)

Zephyr is like respire...Zephyr means air and respire means to breathe, therefore you breathe in the air..hence relating the words to each other

If you use the type of soap named Zest then you feel like having breeze.

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