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(noun) gibberish resembling the sounds of a baby
Synonyms : babbling lallation
(verb) utter meaningless sounds, like a baby, or utter in an incoherent way
Example Sentence
  • The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention
(verb) to talk foolishly
Example Sentence
  • The two women babbled and crooned at the baby
(verb) flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise
Example Sentence
  • babbling brooks
(verb) divulge confidential information or secrets
Example Sentence
  • Be careful--his secretary talks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for babble

babble = bab - ble bla bla bla ( ble) which means to chatter foolishly

babble sounds like blabber(Speak (about unimportant matters)).so bla bla bla

imagine a babby in bathtub playing with bubbles and saying Bla Bla Blabble....

babble ~ ba bb bl; just imagine a baby saying Ba ba ba ba .. (making meaningless sounds)

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babble = babe always do bla bla mean womens are talking continuously

Sounds like mother asking his boy baba bol(talk) then the little boy spelling the words which are confusing to understand.


(noun) a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
Synonyms : baffle board
(verb) be a mystery or bewildering to
Example Sentence
  • This beats me!
  • Got me--I don't know the answer!
  • a vexing problem
  • This question really stuck me
(verb) hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Example Sentence
  • What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
  • foil your opponent
(verb) check the emission of (sound)
Synonyms : regulate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for baffle

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baffal=bad+fal(hindi)fruit...a bad fruit frustates u

baffle sounds like buffalo and a wild buffalo can really frustrate you with his crazy actions.

baffle sounds like be + fool. Everybody knows that a fool is always confused and frusturated while trying to understand / do something new.

Baffle = frustrate = bewilder. Now u can imagine about a Buffalo getting wild...

when you eat baffla(e) ,you overeat & get frustrated on the cook afterwards, who made you eat so much.

Buffalo on the road baffled me.

baffle sounds like battle so we get frusteted during battle time.....

similar to BEFUDDLE

BAFFLE sounds like ba ba fool i.e father confused.

baffle- just assume that zyada baafle(dal-bafle) khane se frustration hota hai :P


(adj) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Example Sentence
  • bromidic sermons
  • his remarks were trite and commonplace
  • hackneyed phrases
  • a stock answer
  • repeating threadbare jokes
  • parroting some timeworn axiom
  • the trite metaphor `hard as nails'
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for banal

abey nal to roz hi kholte hain...


'ban + al' --> 'ban all' those directors whose movies are 'banal' (the same old story lines are repeated ; (another meaning) dull and unoriginal(dubbed))

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Divide it like -- ban + al(ban all people); you ban all those people from your group, if they are repeating the same activity again and again.

When u r in severe depression u will lock urself in ur room BANNING ALL people for a while as u need some privacy

Banal = I would like to BAN-ALL banal words because they are dull and overused.

banal sounds like GUNAL(a tamil movie actor).So his death has been shown on TV for many days(repeated too often).

banal => bakwaas(hindi) not always, means being a waste as it's overrepeated.

banal: beh nal. behta hua nal is a vey munadane affair

ca be taken as a short from for Boring And Not originAL....


(adj) cleverly amusing in tone
Example Sentence
  • a bantering tone
  • facetious remarks
  • tongue-in-cheek advice
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bantering

Bantering -- bante + ring; bante - remember Banta Singh -- we read so many silly jokes on him. we can figure out Banta Singh as a funny person or a person who always does joking talks.

bantering=ban+tearing i.e ban tears and to ban tears we crack jokes and do joyful talks.

you can percieve it like banta(e)-(r)sing...which is good natured ridiculing..!!


Remember this as santa-banta jokes i.e., we crack jokes on them and hence the meaning.

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remember chntu bantu talks in movie style


(noun) the historic period from about 1600 until 1750 when the baroque style of art, architecture, and music flourished in Europe Definition
(noun) elaborate and extensive ornamentation in decorative art and architecture that flourished in Europe in the 17th century
Synonyms : baroqueness
(adj) having elaborate symmetrical ornamentation
Example Sentence
  • the building...frantically baroque
(adj) of or relating to or characteristic of the elaborately ornamented style of architecture, art, and music popular in Europe between 1600 and 1750
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for baroque

BAROQUE Obama....when we think of him, we see white house which is highly ornamental and extravagent in style....

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remove the burkah....... and u see the most beautiful women.

baroque sounds like bareekee ka kaam on shawl.

We can remember it by reminding the last letters "...que" which we read in letter "A". >> Arabesque: which is a complex ornament. So, Baroque: highly ornate.

Its pronunciation is 'buh-rokh' almost same as of broke > he got "broke" buying expensive ornaments for house

Baroque--Bar + oque (opaque)-- The "dance bar" was highly ornamented with the "opaque" glass.

BAROQUE- think of SHAHRUKH(pronounciation nearly the same). srk always overdoes the emotions(baada chaada kar dikha tha hai). so he is elaborate in his expression on emotions. i.e elaborate, flamboyant etc.

In Disney's Beauty and the Beast Cogsworth gives a tour of the BAROQUE castle and jokes, "If it isn't BAROQUE, don't fix it."

Bou(Bride in bengali and the bride always wears jeweleries in Bangladesh) rocks


(verb) derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in
Synonyms : enjoy relish savor savour
Example Sentence
  • She relished her fame and basked in her glory
(verb) be exposed
Example Sentence
  • The seals were basking in the sun
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bask

Baskin N Robbin's Ice Cream, Remember? Costly one; We really enjoy going there and having ice creams.

Basketball player Michel Jordan lives luxury life.

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bask--look for word bask in basketball--Playing BASKetball gives pleasure as well as warmth to the body.

Bask reminds bath :) You can bath in the sun, water, love, etc.

remember US's basking ridge.. where people live luxurious life

bask is similar to BASS(a deep musical sound)and you receive please from BASS.

BASS is going to increase after task.

Hound of BASKAR vills; baskar vills was a luxurios place



(adj) diminished or moderated
Example Sentence
  • our bated enthusiasm
  • his bated hopes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bated

When you bat, you hold your breath till the ball comes and you hit a six and win! i.e... Control or restrain breath. .. With bated breath. ..


(noun) lewd or obscene talk or writing
Synonyms : bawdry
Example Sentence
  • it was smoking-room bawdry
  • they published a collection of Elizabethan bawdy
(adj) humorously vulgar
Synonyms : off-color ribald
Example Sentence
  • bawdy songs
  • off-color jokes
  • ribald language
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bawdy

Bawdy = Rowdy!

A Female actor showing her body on screen in Indecent and obscene

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sounds like body girls showing body in songs it means its vulgar

sound like GAWDY. which means indescent, obscure

ball bearing makes a connection between two metal bodies

This word rhymes with brandy After drinking brandy, he started behaving indecently.

Bawdy sounds like “devdy”, it is a movie which is very indecent.


(verb) be envious of; set one's heart on
Synonyms : envy
(verb) wish ill or allow unwillingly
Synonyms : resent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for begrudge

begrudge can be broken into beg + rude... so some one who behave rudely with beggars ... the beggar 'wish ill ' for that person

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be+grudge. when u have grudge on somebody u always wish ill for him

begru+dge--begru sounds like beggars. beggars usually wish ill to others as their own situation is bad.

be+grudge --recall Grudge the famous horror movie, in which the ghost ( of a lady) killed by her husband which later killed many others because of envy and grudge.

If you "be"come a "guru", others will be jealous of you and push you down from the e"dge" of a cliff.

basically taken from begrudgen,...means to complain..so you complain about others because you dont like them.

begru+dge--begru sounds like begher , a begher (without house) person will always be envy of people who exiled him from his house.

REMEBER THE MOVIE GRUDGE where actor jim carrey portrays to be envy of santa...


(noun) someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful Definition
(noun) a person of exceptional importance and reputation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for behemoth

behemoth = Mammoth

if we can remember the word "mamoth" a large huge creature.

behemoth...it can be remembered wid behim(f mahabharat) who was very big n a powerful person...hence behemoth relates 2 a big n poerrful thing or company....

those who played FINAL FANTASY.BEHEMOTH is a big monster in dat game.

behemoth sounds like "bereham maut" (Hindi word) [death]. Relate it to death caused by huge monster.

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Big + Mouth - monster like ....having great power ..!!

Behemoth = Baht+ Mahtv...Aperson of High impotance or reputation.

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