sab(in hindi we all)+teur..sounds like tear...during the gujrat riots when people were destroying property..people who were eying on tv sets .un.SAB ki aakho me tears aa gaye.
This can be taken as sab-tod(in hindi)means one who destroys things,property etc..
SABOTEUR a DESTROYER - One who commits sabotage, causes wilful damage to machinery or materials or disruption of work.
In Hindi 'sacro' or more likely 'sainkdo' means 'hundreds' and 'sant' means 'a hermit (a sacred person)'.In the Hindu Mythology we have descriptions of hundreds of the MOST SACRED hermits.
try to look at the lastsacro+SANCT(SANCTITY).....AND think of saints who are living life of sanctity.
SACRO(pure) n SANCT(Pure) are the root words of pure which results da etymology of many imp words... sacrosanct is pure+pure => very pure , inviolable
saga+cious—SAGA means legend, so anything that is old/legend will have expierence and will be SKILLFULL IN MANAGEMENT AND JUDGEMENT
SAGACIOUS or INTELLIGENCE which sound somewhat similar refer to someone who is wise, perceptive.
sagacious means acutely wise,sharp,insightful,skillful.It has word 'saga'which means a narrative story(mytholpgical).In Mahabharat epic, u obeserved how Srikrishna delivered wise lectures,sharp suggestions,skilful arts to Arjuna.
saag(palak ka saag) khao sagacious ho jao.
A SAGE is a wise man: The SAGE is GAY: Let's all PRAY the GAY out of the SAGE.
Wise people narrates a SAGA of their experiences. Hence - SAGAcious
Sagacious person knows SAAG sad gaya hai
sagacious -sagai (engagement) is done to the schrewd or clever man
The man who brought saga from the saga & sagi is a skillful person.
salutary and salubrious are synonyms and they sound similar too.
Salutary-->(Saali loot Rahi) can be used for Phoolan Devi who stood up against vicious landlords for the BENEFIT of poor people. So, something beneficial is Salutary
remember salutary has slightly a different or a second meaning from that of salute. Just think of when do u salute a person? When he does some benefecial or improve the wellbeing of others or improve the health conditions
if you salute your seniors you will allways stay healthy ie its beneficial for ur health
when a woman is depressed she will cheer herself by going to a SALE or TERRY at a SALE
salutary=(sal+utary ~ ut~uthna.. my salary(sal)is going up this means my performance is IMPROVING and getting GOOD,ofcourse this will be BENEFICIAL to me and my company. benificial,tending to improve.
we salute your remedial improvements
Definition (noun) semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation
sanguinary rhymes with SANG(WITH)-ARMY.....there were more BLOODSHED when ashok attacks along WITH(sang) his ARMY...
She was angry & cut her artery.. So much blood..
sangeen naari = kill bill
SANGUINARY or GORY which are rhyming words also have the same meaning which is, blood-thirsty or full of bloodshed.
Imagine a penGUIN that is sanguinary to others who SANG, because he himself is not able to.
sanguinary=s+aang+urinary, some body parts which contain BLOOD
Sangui + (Merce)nary - BloodThirsty!
In tamil nary means fox. Imagine a nary killing animals for food
angui(angry) + nary(nari) >>> an angry lady will try and kill u and shed ur blood or can even cut her hand and shed her blood..
A nari(women) sang contineously in a sanguinary incident,,
Definition (noun) a blood-red color
Definition (adj) confidently optimistic and cheerful
Definition (adj) inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life
SANGUINE is pronounced very much like "SANGEEN" in hindi which is usually referred with crime-"sangeen hatya" which shows serious murder with blood red colour...
break it like sang + vine, so wen u drink vine and singing song you feel cheerful, happy
Sanguine - Penguin : Kids cheer up when they see penguins .. Penguins are very cheerful and hopeful (Ref the movie "Happy Feet")
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