hindi mnemonic: lachrymose: focus on the first part lachr--SOUNDS LIKE HINDI WORD LACHAR- SOME WHO IS NOT IN POSITION TO DO SOMETHING.)SO A LACHAR person SHOWS his SORROW.
LANGRI(crippled) MOSI(aunt) is always tearful due to handicap.
Sounds like lacking remorse...but NOT; in fact, very sad and crying alot!
LACHRYMOSE sounds like LAGRIMAS, which means tears in Spanish
lack times u remorse then it is tear causing
lachry (ladki- girl in hindi) mose (moch- wipe out in bangla) ladki moch your tear
lachrymose-imagine because you havenot buy lays for your daughter she is crying and showing sorrows and being sad
La - conic There is a LAck of words in the COMIC book. (lack-comic)
LACONIC: it ends with conic... which looks like CONCISE-- using few words
LA+CONE....I asked my friend to bring a cone so that I can underline the important lines and make a speech that is laconic and to the point
Conic sections are shapes taken from the intersection of a plane with a cone. Cone -> Sharp point
conic (communic-ation)--- Lack in communication means speech
To <B>Lack Phonic</B>
likho nic. not full
laconicus 'of Sparta', from Greek lakonikos; because the people of ancient Sparta were famous for not using many words]
churlish is rhyming to chal-ri which means to be rude to a girl
laconic = lac ( lakh ) + on + ic ( integrated circuit); Lakh line programs on integrated circuit, so everthing abt the operation is concise in the chip.
sound like la+ conic. french for the cone. a cone has a pointed to..hence its to the point.
It's a writer who gets a lack on..in other words when his lack is off he writes a
lot..and when his lack is on ...he writes a little bcz he lacks many words
means lacking in words. "lacks in phonics"
phonics deal with words/speech
He was not one prone to speak.
His manner was LACONIC.
The request was to his bar-keep.
. . Three words -- “Gin And Tonicâ€.
COMIC(conic) books don't use LACs of words and use only few words as most of the things are cleared through pictures
Definition (noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
LAMPOON- if you pour oil for a LAMP with a SPOON ppl will ridicule cos for a lamp you should pour a lot of oil!!!
---kuch langoor jaisa lgta hai.
aisa art jis se kisiki achi bhali shakal ko langooron jaisi bna dena
lampoon---A composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way
if a man behaves like BABOON, then he will be subjected to LAMPOON
Lampoon rhymes with Harpoon which is a spear used for hunting....so when somebody lampoons you they hunt you with harsh satire.
Instead of using a harpoon to impale the whale, the clown used a LAMP = he used a LAMPOON.
sounds like EXTINGUISH-wen a person losing strength aur virality or become exhausted then we say that he is extinghuishing
The word has the same root as "lax" which means negligent and careless. A person is negligent ang careless only when he is weak and lacks the strength to do the work energetically which is the meaning of languish.
larg(large)+ess(axe a kind of deoderant)....so a girl donating the large number of axe deo as gift to males who sweat alot...such a generous gift it is....
"Large S" = $
when u come late to class .u will be in class without attendance
Definition (noun) a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness)
LAST+ALTITUDE....when we reach the highest altitude, we are in lassitude
lassitude sounds like "lets sit dude" .. means the guy is tired ..
a sitting attitude, as in weariness, langour
lassi pee ke panjaabi dude ko neend aa gayi
lassi(Lazy) + attitude >> Lazy attitude means lack of energy or vitality..
lasting too few = tired and weary
lassitude = less + atitude; weak in operation.
Lass(girl)+Attitude=Lassitude...that's something i think both guys and girls can relate to...a girl with an attitude can lead to..lack of energy..if your chasing her or if your dealing with her..
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