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(adj) stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing Definition
(adj) showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings
Synonyms : flint flinty granitic stony
Example Sentence
  • his flinty gaze
  • the child's misery would move even the most obdurate heart
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obdurate

OB+DURA(RELATE IT TO WORD DURABILITY)..SO anything which has durability..has the resisting power, and something which can resist, is stubborn.

OB+DU+RATE realate it as AB(OB) RATE DoUble ho gaya,and the seller was very STUBBORN about that

durate -duration There will be a period(duration) in everyone's life when we will be very obdurate(i.e, stubborn )..

Think "obstinate" which is stubborn

Obdurate - Try reading as "Odd - along - duration" :Means stubborn

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ob = negative durate = through out duration of life


OBstinate DURATion = stubborn over time, persistently stubborn

finance people stubborn to collect the due rate

A person who is OBDURATE is both OBtuse and DURAble.

Obdurate means stubborn or 'harden'. See 'duro' in durability. Also the spell Hermione used to harden the tapestry is 'duro'!

O.B is a tampon brand. So split ob + durability= Ob will absorb all the blood.so long durable



(noun) bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greeting
Synonyms : bow bowing
(noun) the act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior with respect to another person
Synonyms : obedience
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obeisance

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divide this word...into .....obei which sounds like obey and+sance which sounds like saints.....and when we obey saints we show them respect.

obeisance rhymes with obey(obedient) sons...so obedient sons alwaya RESPECT their elders

OBEISANCE sounds similar to OBESE+HENCE,so im obese and hence i have no way but to BOW in front of others

On the lines of preetisoni: remember OBEY-STANCE (position) - the position of Obeying is BOWING!

nuns show obedience to the priest

OBEISANCE sounds like obedience i.e means respect.


(noun) a stone pillar having a rectangular cross section tapering towards a pyramidal top Definition
(noun) a character used in printing to indicate a cross reference or footnote
Synonyms : dagger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obelisk

the character Obelix from Asterix and Obelix carried a huge stone obelisk

oblisk sound like oblique (slanted).... here faces are kept oblique so tht at top tapering ll happen...something like pyramid...

tall structure near white house is an obelisk..

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oblique+sky,oblique sides facing the sky ,hope it helps

obelisk - o bell is narrow or tapering end at top.

Do google image search for this word. you will never forget it.


(verb) make obscure or unclear
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obfuscate

ob (ab---now) FUSCATE = fuss + create To deliberately create a fuss about an issue to make it hard to understand and hard to understand.

obFUScate-- same as conFUSe

ob(vieously)+fus(fuss).+CATE(CREATE)...protest against the english movie created fuss in theater, as it was unclear to people that the movie will begin or not.

If you can't solve a confusing problem you say "AHH.. FUCK IT" and move on

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Fuse bulb put you in dark now.

a confuse create

OBstruct the VIEWS (fus) from CATE so she becomes confused and distracted.

Etymologically, Latin obfuscare, from ob- + fuscare (“darken”).

O is it a fus(fungus) cake, cause confusion


(verb) mark for deletion, rub off, or erase
Synonyms : kill wipe out
Example Sentence
  • kill these lines in the President's speech
(verb) make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing
Synonyms : blot out hide obscure veil
Example Sentence
  • a hidden message
  • a veiled threat
(verb) remove completely from recognition or memory
Synonyms : efface
Example Sentence
  • efface the memory of the time in the camps
(verb) do away with completely, without leaving a trace Definition
(adj) reduced to nothingness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obliterate

lets ' all-be-literate ' and destroy illiteracy completely

after destruction things are all over the place and it seems as if the place has been littered.. hence ob+liter+ate

take ob as not...it becomes not literate..means illeterate destroys coz he doesnt know

only LITERATE can OB+LITERATE (destroy)corruption

obLITerate,so concentrate on the word LIT.so when yu have LIT somethin means u have set it to fire,hence it gets DESTROYED COMPLETELY

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obliterate ~litterate ~ something that you make more little - hence you destoy it completely

Ob(Off)+literate = Off literate -> destroy completely

remember movie "war games" where the joshua comp asks everyone to run away because of missile being approached by ripley . then joshua asks them to run away because of OBLITERATION

ob+literate—ob(against) from literate, those against literate can destroy i.e., illiterate people do such acts of destroying

In war, a jet pilot takes aim on his target and blows it to smitherines, and then reports back to headquarter that the OBJECTIVE turned to LITTER. The OBJECTIVE LITTERED.

ob = -ve literate..yesterday i was readin the white tiger. it said illeterate ppl are given the power to choose the govt and this destroys every aspect of society in itself.

obliterate is used in google chrome browser option"obliterate the following" to erase the history if u remember

Obstruct + literacy :means it will automatically destroy


(noun) the state of being disregarded or forgotten
Synonyms : limbo
(noun) total forgetfulness
Synonyms : obliviousness
Example Sentence
  • he sought the great oblivion of sleep
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for oblivion

Oblivion= OB+ BLI + VION ="absolute blind vision" of forgetting important things/matters

think of oil livon so when u message your head with livon u forget everything

O+bli-nk+vi(s)ion:- reminds of blink vision,when u forget something it's like blink vision of past.

key live new forgot live things ===ob(against)+live=forgetfulness

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o bad incident leave on (forget completely)


(adj) (followed by `to' or `of') lacking conscious awareness of
Synonyms : unmindful
Example Sentence
  • oblivious of the mounting pressures for political reform
  • oblivious to the risks she ran
  • not unmindful of the heavy responsibility
(adj) failing to keep in mind
Synonyms : forgetful
Example Sentence
  • forgetful of her responsibilities
  • oblivious old age
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for oblivious

It is obvious to be oblivious when keeping too much info in mind.

somethings are so OBVIOUS that you take them for granted, thus oblivious to it

it is obvious that while writing oblivious we forget l....

Oblivious can be remembered from "Oblivion" which means something which has been forgotton!

oblibious - bob leave ous forgetful for his marriage.

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obviously he was on leave so he is not aware of whats going on


(noun) state of disgrace resulting from public abuse
Synonyms : opprobrium
(noun) a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obloquy

etymologically OB-'against' and LOQUY-'talk'. Therefore OBLOQUY means to TALK AGAINST SOMEONE,i.e. SLANDER


break its pronunciation as..."wo+blow+ki"= agar load shedding ho to jo candle blow kar de...she grings disgrace and infamy upon herself.


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o blue guy(obloquy) blue cross will save animals but misinterpreted to find fault on others

well divide it as "a" " blow" "thee" which means a blow to something i.e infamy

think of it as making an oblique (sideways) reference to someone, or slandering


(adj) causing disapproval or protest
Synonyms : objectionable
Example Sentence
  • a vulgar and objectionable person
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obnoxious

Hayden recently said Bhajji an 'obnoxious weed' pertaining to the event of him calling symonds a monkey.

ob(viously)+noxiousi.e offensive

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ab aur nahi .. i will protest

"noxious" means physical/mental injury. So Obnoxios means aao-injury which is not approvable.

AGAIN THE ROOT NOX ...means harm...so some gases are very harmful/ or a person who is offensive can be HARMFUL to us.

if asked again will knock us.(offensive disagree)

noxious means harmful....so noxious talks r always offensive

abe no oxigen(obnoxious) h sas kaise lega jo hmare liye hanikark h

ob-NOX-ious NOX are harmful gases which causes pollution of environment so emission of these gases should be objected


(adj) attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery Definition
(adj) attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner
Example Sentence
  • obsequious shop assistants
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obsequious

or obse(ssed)-Qui( yes in frech)-ous=always obsessed with saying yes to it all

ob + SEQUI + ous .. sequi means sequence where one thing "follows" the other.. and servants follow what their masters say..

seq = Suck, uio = Your, us = Ass. He sucks your ass, therefore he's obsequious.

Think "seek" because when you seek something you show attentiveness to find it.

sounds like AP+SEEK+QUOUS.......when you seek help,you are attentive and your manner is servile

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obsequious - obey sequence of work in office(obedience, dutiful).

Sounds like obedient. obsequious obedient servants

in hindi 'oab seakh ese' If u wanna learn anything u shoult be attentive

ob ( to) sequi ( to follow) and ous ( full of) so obsequious is full of following after

ab(ob)se qosis karunga aisa bol ke chaplusi karte ho father se ye obsequious hai.

OBSESSION: The domination of one's thought; OBSEQUIOUS: The domination of one's respect (over-respect)

Imagine a boy or Suise Q obse(ssed) with boot licking her king's sexual needs (I know...);

ob+serious = not really serious

Latin: Ob = after and sequi = follow. Think “follower”, with sequi as “sequence”

Note: suffix 'ious' means full of..Ob (obey) + seq(seek)+ u+ ious= if u are full of seeking to obey then u are submissive

obstinate in getting a yes (qui) from everyone

O(office mein) B(boss ki) SEQ(secretary)kaan lagake sunti hai meaning she listens slavishly to him.

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