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(verb) formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure
Example Sentence
  • He retracted his earlier statements about his religion
  • She abjured her beliefs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recant

RE (again) + CANT (cannot) = "I have told you this AGAIN and AGAIN, it CANNOT be done, it has been REJECTED."

re + chant(sing): singing/telling again. what?? telling what i told earlier is wrong wrong!!

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re+cant telling that it cant which means it is wrong and DISAVOWED, DISCLAIMED

RECANT = when you REspond i CAN´T say it again, you're recanting what you've said before.

recant means to publicly take back. DECANT means to pour out.RECANT means to pour in back..that is to take back and confess.

RAJANIKANT.....actor....in his movies, when a criminal sees him, the criminal RECANTS after he is injured by RAJNIKANT

When u recant something, u simply cant refrain from recalling and correcting what u said earlier.

when we decant, we make something pure...

RECANT=RECOUNT...when uapply for recount en pass..then already establishedfact that u failed...is put down!!

RECANT=RECOUNT...when uapply for recount en pass..then already establishedfact that u failed...is put down!!

becoz of "cant" i.e military pressure this cant be done or formaly rejected

As Decant is to empty.. similarly recant is to fill back again .. or we may say that we are taking in wht was decanted before..

Re+cant=Reet(hindu religious law) cant be accepted.So i reject it.

Re earlier said he Wreck Ant but now Re can't??


(verb) summarize briefly
Synonyms : recap
Example Sentence
  • Let's recapitulate the main ideas
(verb) repeat stages of evolutionary development during the embryonic phase of life Definition
(verb) repeat an earlier theme of a composition
Synonyms : repeat reprise reprize
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recapitulate

sounds like recap....if you have noticed , whenever you watch a serial ,before it starts they always give the recap of what happened the previous day,..in other words they repeat what already has been shown but in a concise form.


(noun) habitual relapse into crime
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recidivism

=re (back to) + CID (crime investigation department) = back to crime

re+CIDIVISM consider the second part, if you see suicide,homicide etc all will end up with cide which is bad, CRIME

re- "back" + cidivism......cid/cad=I fall)....falling back.....to something..again..or reoccurring......so recidivism... is the act of a person repeating an undesirable behavior..nothing but habitual relapse of crime.

recidivism = recidi (recede) + divism -> prism -> prison ... a phenomenon that does not allow to recede(pull bak) from goin to prison

Racism is the crime

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Racism is a crime and no matter how much you punish, it always keeps coming back to the criminal.

RACE+DIVISIM.....people who divide people on the basis of race relapse into racedivism

Recidivist was pirating CD’s (RE ) again

Recidivist was pirating CD’s (RE ) again

When your dick is way too big for a mouth or pussy, and when you hate this websites lack of words. And restarted ads (like fucking jack in the box jumbo jack!


(noun) one who lives in solitude Definition
(adj) withdrawn from society; seeking solitude
Synonyms : reclusive withdrawn
Example Sentence
  • lived an unsocial reclusive life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recluse

re+close . Closed=hermit

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recLUSE : read luse as lose ; if u lose in any game u like to live alone

sounds like seclude

You get in a car WRECK and LOSE your teeth. You're so embarassed you hide in your house and never come out again.

RE(retreat)+CLUSE(close)- Retreat from being close to people.

snds like let loose-so let loose from society

re+CLUSE if you consider the second part which sounds as clues which are ISOLATED,LONE away from our eyes.

sounds like reckless/....so a reckless person lives lonely

sounds like exclude..

sounds like reh+loose---live alone

really+closed...shut from the outside world

If u lose any game and say it s a record lose, then u like to live alone and avoid people.

RE+CLUSE Concentrateing on ecluse=excluse(exclusive)....which means sth different from others

Ree couldnt get a CLUE. true, she LOSE the game of love. now Ree live alone. hermit status, all day everyday. sad ta say.

re(remain)+ close


(adj) difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge
Synonyms : abstruse deep
Example Sentence
  • the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them
  • a deep metaphysical theory
  • some recondite problem in historiography
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recondite

read recondite as "re conduct". The professor re coducted(repeated) the topic as the students could not understand properly.

recon-dite:recon sounds like reckon which means guess...if a question is DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND u will GUESS the answer

RECKON + TRITE (repeated) = the word was DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND even after REPEATED attempts to RECKON its meaning.

REC + ON +DITE ==Obviously it it is very DIFFICULT to record while ur dite(eating)...

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re + condite(sounds like contact). It is DIFFICULT to contact a VIP again and again(Re).

recondite sounds like 'wreck on diet' meaning destruction while on a diet. This sounds very absurd and very difficult to understand whats going on !!

Recondite=raw(re)+ corn(con)+diet(dite),is difficult to eat, so is recondite teachings are difficult to understand.

recondite.. concentrate on CON, sounds like concealed. so recondite means something hidden, concealed.

Like "recon at night" or hard to see, hidden

RECONDITE=RECorded On NDtv ITshow..... That IT show recorded on NDTV was out of my ability to understand

Recon(RECKON…..means TO THINK)+dite(DIET)… It’s very DIFFICULT/ABSTRUSE to THINK(RECKON) about the DIET… KAREENA KAPPOR would have taken for Zero Figure in Tashan……

Picture an auto accident on a dike: a WRECK ON the DIKE: How on earth did that happen? What are cars doing on the dike? It's hard to understand.

re (resist) + con (don -> don'T) + dite (diet) -> I DON'T understand (or it is difficult for me to understand) how people go on diet and RESIST their temptations!

sounds like 'read cannot' -so abstract and difficult to understand

Your reckonings are so recondite.

It's very obscure for me, why gluttonous REC is ON DIeT ?

no one knows what to do for a klondike bar

Words with dite - Indite(write), Erudite(scholar) and Recondite .. What a scholar RECKONS to be a good read, it is abstruse(Recondite) for a laymen/laity.

re conduct it bcoz it is difficult to understand


(noun) the act of reconnoitring (especially to gain information about an enemy or potential enemy)
Example Sentence
  • an exchange of fire occurred on a reconnaissance mission
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reconnaissance

reconnaissance means recognising an enemy while surveying your. territory,Recognisation of conman-(thief) by nice sons(of the country)--soldiers.

RECONNAISSANCE...SOUNDS LIKE RECOGNIZANCE....so recognizance of the army persons to do their act....or ...binding them to spy over enemy's....... reconnaissance of an area by the army..

reconnaissance = (re)ye (con)kaun (nai)hai (sance)sons --> The old man asked his sons to get information about an unknown enemy and asked them "yeh kaun hai" ... weird but hope it helps you !

Reconnaissance- You inspect the number of s and n in this word...preliminary inspection of the enemy

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recognize in essense the enemy troops position


(noun) an abject coward
Synonyms : craven poltroon
(noun) a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. Definition
(adj) having deserted a cause or principle
Synonyms : renegade
Example Sentence
  • some provinces had proved recreant
  • renegade supporters of the usurper
(adj) lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful
Synonyms : craven
Example Sentence
  • the craven fellow turned and ran
  • a craven proposal to raise the white flag
  • this recreant knight
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recreant

Re (again and again)+creant (create). So creating some excuses again and again not to go for a fight because you are a COWARD.

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miscreant means without moral ethics. This is a characteristics of a recreant

recreate recent recreancies in the royal family.

ant = cheenti = slang for coward

Recreant : Repeatedly crying Aunt because of a Recreant Uncle . ( Someone is disloyal) 2nd Synonym: Miscreant ( means a criminal ) will eventually become Recreant ( someone who will beg for Mercy of the Police) later.

miscreant, recreant. miscreant destroys and recreant says its ok to destroy, he will create again as he is scared of miscreant. recreant is coward.


(noun) mutual accusations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recrimination

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re-crimina-tion: crimina relates to a crime. recrimination means: one accusing the other for a crime. The other "re" accused him of another crime.

re CREAM pie..yu throw a pie on someones face and they throw yu back another CREAM pie again as a countercharge...we see this lot in movies..!!..This process is called reCREAMination

Reverse + Criminal + Accusations => Recrimination....Means saying each other criminal.

re-again, crimination-crime, accuse one another again and again of crimes, i.e counter-charge


(noun) righteousness as a consequence of being honorable and honest
Synonyms : uprightness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rectitude

rectitude -> rectified + attitude. If a attitude is rectified, it has to be correct.

rectitude is modified as your mom ate the fried chicken last night RECTIFY THE ATTITUDE.

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right attitude

sound like rect + itude...prefix sound like correct so nything that is moraaly correct is rectitude...

rectify your attitude in right directon

The home of a priest is called a RECTORY. Imagine that every time the high priest comes out of his RECTORY, a line of trumpeters plays TA TUDE: RECTORY TA TUDE.



(adj) lying down; in a position of comfort or rest
Synonyms : accumbent decumbent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for recumbent

recum+bent => sounds similar like become+bent. you become bent while sitting means you lie down.

recumbent -> re (phir) + cum (kamar means back) + bent. Apni kamar phir se bent karo means lie down.

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Ray only cums when he's bent over or re-cum-bent. (Apologise for the graphical nature of this mnemonic, but I'm sure you'll agree that you'll remember it now!)

Can be derived from incumbent which means in office so one who is in office like a babu always lays back in the chair.

Sounds like recliner...one rests back in a recliner.

wind shinks the amount of money kept on the table

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