FACE....SO THINK OF someone who never give serious look on his face.
take facetious remarks in a facetious manner and enjoy life
Sarcasm can be both positive and negative; facetiousness is only the positive form. Facial expressions are typically only used during sarcasm to add humor. So if the FACE is involved, its amusing. Think: <B>Sarcastic Face</B>.
mnemonic (memory aid) : FACETIOUS ~ face + t + (ser) ious; if you ever face any facetious remarks, you should not take them seriously.
face ticklish
face teasing in serious times,being funny in an inappropriate situation
FACETIOUS = face + ti + o + us; That is now making gossip towards us.
make a mockery of hitler's mustache . be cause he is a FACIST
Definition (noun) a servant employed to do a variety of jobs
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for factotum
focus on totum : total meaning all
The Servant who does one job- just fucked partially. The servant who has to do all the JOBS- Fucked Totally- FACTOTUM
Factotum=Fact + totum = factory + total - We can remember it like doing all(total) the work in the factory
Factotum - FACT-TOTUM - If you can imagine the TOTUM(in INception) as a person... then the totum is a handy person who can tell you everything if you are in a DREAM
Example: Ramu kaka in old Bollywood flicks
facilitates+ total= a person who helps in all the things;
FACTOTUM = factory + tum; you are a factory i.e bunch of work.
fact - to - tum - sab jante he hoo,, means u r able to serve in wide range of capacities
factory total work is done by factotum robot
Definition (adj) likely to fail or make errors
Example Sentence
everyone is fallible to some degree
Definition (adj) wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings
Definition (noun) mixture of ground raw chicken and mushrooms with pistachios and truffles and onions and parsley and lots of butter and bound with eggs
certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fastidious
just like ...
If your boss is a demanding person he may not leave to you time to eat.Fasting is tedious. So your boss is fastidious.
fas(ana) is tidious ..means kisi ko fasana bhut tidious hai. (jangal mein kisi shikar ko FASaney ke liye use "please" (by bait) karna padta hai. FASana+TEDIOUS=difficult to please=FASTIDIOUS)
those who FAST, be TIDY (ppl who are more like perfectionists) are DIFFICULT TO BE PLEASED
the word also means very careful in matters of taste...FAST+TEDIOUS....a person who takes tedious time to eat is fastidious
fas(Fussy)tidious: remember like he is tediously fussy about minute details.
FAST + TEDIOUS >>> if u do a tedious work fast, then it will NOT be PERFECTly done.. So its DIFFICULT TO PLEASE the person for whom we are doing the work..
To do a tedious job fast is difficult.
It's hard to please someone who's FAST and TEDIOUS at the same time.
Imagine a child FASTing because it is TIDIOUS to give him food he likes. i.e difficult to please the kid
fast is what we do to please god n it is difficult or tedious to do. s6 fastidious is difficult to please
focus on 'fat' in this word ..for some foolish people fat people are generally foolish
generally fat people in US are foolish!!
Fatuous - "Fatu" In hindi Fatu means one who dont have much confidence in doing things. So Fatu is one who dont have brain(barinless) and foolish, thats why he is not that so confident
relate it with FAN..imagine of a crazy FAN who ALWAYS TRY TO exhibit his affaction....AND COURT A favour to be with you whole day by flattering with you..
ur pet tryin 2 please u 4 u givin it a meal
FAWNING --- > fa+wning
.....We normally use scent "" fa"" to please a woman rite???...to smell good
Thus the meaning
basically it is derived from fagen ..which means REJOICE..so REJOICING about your boss success by giving him a party..so that he could favour you DURING meetings.
Consider the word in bracket only.
Faw sounds like Wow... U look at a beautiful girle and say Wow... I will TRY TO PLEASE HER BY FOLLOWING HER AND TALKING TO HER(obsequiously)
fawning (yawning) -> so you are out on a date and you start yawning your gf gets angry and then you try to please your gf by flattering
fawn+ing..form..fawn..sounds like fain...means happy and pleased....THINK OF YOUR DOG WHICH IS FAINED WITH YOU..MEANS HAPPY AND PLEASED.
If someone is blowing a paper-FAN for you so that you don't feel hot, he/she is trying to FAWN you
Definition (noun) any distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack)
Definition (verb) deceive by a mock action
Example Sentence
The midfielder feinted to shoot
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for feint
The boxer was faked out by his opponent's feint. He then fainted because the blow he received was very strong.
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