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(adj) cleverly amusing in tone
Example Sentence
  • a bantering tone
  • facetious remarks
  • tongue-in-cheek advice
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for facetious

someone who makes funny faces Facetious>>>Face is not Serious

Face-tease, tease by making funny faces

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FACE....SO THINK OF someone who never give serious look on his face.

take facetious remarks in a facetious manner and enjoy life

Sarcasm can be both positive and negative; facetiousness is only the positive form. Facial expressions are typically only used during sarcasm to add humor. So if the FACE is involved, its amusing. Think: <B>Sarcastic Face</B>.

mnemonic (memory aid) : FACETIOUS ~ face + t + (ser) ious; if you ever face any facetious remarks, you should not take them seriously.

face ticklish

face teasing in serious times,being funny in an inappropriate situation

FACETIOUS = face + ti + o + us; That is now making gossip towards us.

make a mockery of hitler's mustache . be cause he is a FACIST


(noun) a servant employed to do a variety of jobs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for factotum

focus on totum : total meaning all

The Servant who does one job- just fucked partially. The servant who has to do all the JOBS- Fucked Totally- FACTOTUM

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Factotum=Fact + totum = factory + total - We can remember it like doing all(total) the work in the factory

Factotum - FACT-TOTUM - If you can imagine the TOTUM(in INception) as a person... then the totum is a handy person who can tell you everything if you are in a DREAM

Example: Ramu kaka in old Bollywood flicks

facilitates+ total= a person who helps in all the things;

FACTOTUM = factory + tum; you are a factory i.e bunch of work.

fact - to - tum - sab jante he hoo,, means u r able to serve in wide range of capacities

factory total work is done by factotum robot


(adj) likely to fail or make errors
Example Sentence
  • everyone is fallible to some degree
(adj) wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings
Synonyms : frail imperfect weak
Example Sentence
  • I'm only a fallible human
  • frail humanity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fallible

fall+iblle....think of a person who can FALL FOR anything, hence makes mistakes.

Fallible may be memorized as "Failable" = Likely to fail.

a gullible is fallible

fALLIBLE.. read the capital one..e.i; ALLIBLE... A=not... LLIBLE= liable... so its maens not liable tht means wuld definitely mak some ERROR....

false bill - > bills liable to make mistake


(noun) the act of pausing uncertainly
Example Sentence
  • there was a hesitation in his speech
(verb) be unsure or weak
Synonyms : waver
Example Sentence
  • Their enthusiasm is faltering
(verb) move hesitatingly, as if about to give way
Synonyms : waver
(verb) walk unsteadily
Synonyms : bumble stumble
Example Sentence
  • The drunk man stumbled about
(verb) speak haltingly
Synonyms : bumble stammer stutter
Example Sentence
  • The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for falter

falter is like farter.. who farts a lot.. people hesitate farting in public.. so HESITATE

FALTER-fall in gutter becoz u feel weak and stumbling while walking

failing to utter due to hesitation.

falter sounds like fati(Hindi)jab kisi ki fatti he tab he or she falter.

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a faulty person[falter] always hesitates to avoid further faults

'Falter' sounds like 'halter' & girls hesitate when they wear halter!

falt+alter--- we HESITATE to ALTER our FALTS(faults), we are always reluctant to correct some fault which we have done

"hindi chor ki dadi mein tinka " Defaulter always hesitate

falter- a person who falls while walking loses his momentum.

Chelsea falter, United flatter in ECL: http://media.smh.com.au/sport/sports-hq/chelsea-falter-united-flatter-in-ecl-2303077.html

faltu hindi pe wrong person so generally people who commits sin hesitates more waek in spirit

Falter sounds like fall..when you fall in front of others you feel hesitated

f+alter---->focus altering....changing focus continuously...

fathers hesitate weaken in purpose or action.


(adj) extremely hungry
Example Sentence
  • they were tired and famished for food and sleep
  • a ravenous boy
  • the family was starved and ragged
  • fell into the esurient embrance of a predatory enemy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for famished

FAMine+shed-You shed lot of weight in FAMINE due to unsatisfied hunger.

famished is very close to word finished ...think of the time when you are EXTREMELY HUNGRY AND the food gets finished ...

to gain FAME u have to SHED weight for which u have eat little which will make u xtremely hungry = FAMISHED :) easy na!!


(noun) a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations
Synonyms : farce comedy travesty
(noun) mixture of ground raw chicken and mushrooms with pistachios and truffles and onions and parsley and lots of butter and bound with eggs
Synonyms : forcemeat
(verb) fill with a stuffing while cooking
Synonyms : stuff
Example Sentence
  • Have you stuffed the turkey yet?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for farce

sounds like FARTS....what a comedy show in which FARTS and farting was basic knack/talent to be shown.

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guys used to say in hindi-PHAAD(FARCE) COMEDY THI YAAR...

farce -- face Think of the face of d clown... connect it with comedy and mockery...

farce relates to force...a comical situation can sometimes b a forceful hitting...

"padhe FARCEe beche tel" is proverb with mockery and satire.. you use it to make fun of someone

Face and Arse. Imagine someone saying, "His face is like an arse", its a farce. (Broad comedy, mockery)

Far + see + kal ( kal = tommorow ). That means he is making us laugh by showing our far future ...!! ;)


(adj) giving careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned with cleanliness
Example Sentence
  • a fastidious and incisive intellect
  • fastidious about personal cleanliness
(adj) having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures
Synonyms : exacting
Example Sentence
  • fastidious microorganisms
  • certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fastidious

just like ... If your boss is a demanding person he may not leave to you time to eat.Fasting is tedious. So your boss is fastidious.

fas(ana) is tidious ..means kisi ko fasana bhut tidious hai. (jangal mein kisi shikar ko FASaney ke liye use "please" (by bait) karna padta hai. FASana+TEDIOUS=difficult to please=FASTIDIOUS)

fussy n tedious.

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those who FAST, be TIDY (ppl who are more like perfectionists) are DIFFICULT TO BE PLEASED

the word also means very careful in matters of taste...FAST+TEDIOUS....a person who takes tedious time to eat is fastidious

fas(Fussy)tidious: remember like he is tediously fussy about minute details.

FAST + TEDIOUS >>> if u do a tedious work fast, then it will NOT be PERFECTly done.. So its DIFFICULT TO PLEASE the person for whom we are doing the work..

To do a tedious job fast is difficult.

It's hard to please someone who's FAST and TEDIOUS at the same time.

Imagine a child FASTing because it is TIDIOUS to give him food he likes. i.e difficult to please the kid

fast is what we do to please god n it is difficult or tedious to do. s6 fastidious is difficult to please


(FAS)fussy about (TIDIOUS)tedious details


(adj) devoid of intelligence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fatuous

remembles FAT ASS an ass is considered foolish

focus on 'fat' in this word ..for some foolish people fat people are generally foolish

generally fat people in US are foolish!!

Fatuous - "Fatu" In hindi Fatu means one who dont have much confidence in doing things. So Fatu is one who dont have brain(barinless) and foolish, thats why he is not that so confident

faLtu bolne wala - foolish n insane!

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INFATUATED means unintelligently and foolishly in love. Fatuous means unintelligent or foolish.

fat buddhi meaning stupid..

Focus on the FAT in the word, then think of Larry the Cable Guy, who is fat, who makes fatuous comments, and who seems content with his foolishness.


Fatuous = 'fataha'

fatuous=think of a fellow who becomes fat by eating and does not spend any time to become intelligent; foolishly self-satisfied

FArTuous......what will you call your friend farting frequently??? IDIOT

remember those lame-tards in MTV Roadies who call each other fattu instead of Phattu? boy are they FOOLISH.

Fatuous is always worn by stupid & uncultured person.

fattos hain woh

FAT-U ous:u gotta b inane asinine to b fat..

sounds like farthin.. farthing in crowd is too foolish and silly


(adj) attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery Definition
(adj) attempting to win favor by flattery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fawning

relate it with FAN..imagine of a crazy FAN who ALWAYS TRY TO exhibit his affaction....AND COURT A favour to be with you whole day by flattering with you..

fawn~~fauna~~animal ur pet tryin 2 please u 4 u givin it a meal

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FAWNING --- > fa+wning .....We normally use scent "" fa"" to please a woman rite???...to smell good Thus the meaning

basically it is derived from fagen ..which means REJOICE..so REJOICING about your boss success by giving him a party..so that he could favour you DURING meetings.

(faw)ning: Consider the word in bracket only. Faw sounds like Wow... U look at a beautiful girle and say Wow... I will TRY TO PLEASE HER BY FOLLOWING HER AND TALKING TO HER(obsequiously)

fawning (yawning) -> so you are out on a date and you start yawning your gf gets angry and then you try to please your gf by flattering

fawn+ing..form..fawn..sounds like fain...means happy and pleased....THINK OF YOUR DOG WHICH IS FAINED WITH YOU..MEANS HAPPY AND PLEASED.

If someone is blowing a paper-FAN for you so that you don't feel hot, he/she is trying to FAWN you


(noun) any distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack) Definition
(verb) deceive by a mock action
Example Sentence
  • The midfielder feinted to shoot
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for feint

The boxer was faked out by his opponent's feint. He then fainted because the blow he received was very strong.

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Relate it to the word feign which means to deceive

David Villa was unable to get a penalty after his pretentious faint during a feint tackle

FAINT...while playing Table Tennis I made the tubelight FAINT to distract the attention of my opponent

"Feign(pretend/fake)"+"Trick"->to deceive and trick people by feigning sth

faith becomes feint i.e. faithless.

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