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(adj) implied by or inferred from actions or statements
Synonyms : silent understood
Example Sentence
  • gave silent consent
  • a tacit agreement
  • the understood provisos of a custody agreement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tacit

tacit ~ take it; imagine you are giving permission to someone to take something from your room...but you didn't say it verbally but via your actions.

tacit= take + it or you will have to take something which is not expresssed...

Tacit - Change the word to Tact - You tactfully (with perfection)handled the situation even without expressing it in words (tacit).

break it as taci -t = taxi ..when u r waiting on road side . it implied, understood without being expressed that you need taxi

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Example for Tacit is Mr.Bean's Action,who used to laugh a lot with out speaking a word Mr.Bean is a tacit Actor :)

pushpaka vimanam is a movie in which kamalhasan acted,it is movie full of tacit no single word or dialogue,its full of actions


(adj) habitually reserved and uncommunicative
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for taciturn

Taxi_turn Taxi Driver will be reserved or uncommunicative while "Driving".

meaning of tacit = silent. so meaning of tacit + urn = taciturn = silent person , untalkative

akin to tacit which means "without words".

Taciturn and Reticent are somewhat similar in sound and they also have the same meaning, which is, someone who uses words sparingly, is reserved.

taciturn is uncommunicative;1 who talks little its anotnym being garrulousness

Ben loves soccer and tennis. He also enthusiastically plays ping-pong and frisbee golf.


(adj) of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch
Synonyms : haptic tactual
Example Sentence
  • haptic data
  • a tactile reflex
(adj) producing a sensation of touch
Synonyms : tactual
Example Sentence
  • tactile qualities
  • the tactual luxury of stroking silky human hair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tactile

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CON-tact - If you are in contact with something, you are in touch with it and hence it is tactile.

It sounds similar to Reptile(class of animals e.g Snake).Now this animals e.g snake are quite sensitive or react suddenly when see something .thus quite sensitive and as we can't touch them so related to touch.

tactile sounds like textile, we are in constant touch of clothes, it implies the meaning

come in-tact means come in touch. So, tact means: sense of touch.


(noun) the state of being contaminated
Synonyms : contamination
(verb) place under suspicion or cast doubt upon
Synonyms : cloud corrupt defile sully
Example Sentence
  • sully someone's reputation
(verb) contaminate with a disease or microorganism
Synonyms : infect
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for taint

Stained PAINT

taint is spelled same as stain where stain is one which causes to lose the purity.

Think of situation, where you are expelled from city because of u lost purity or bcoz of bad repute then u need to stay out of city, in a tent(taint).

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taint is similar to faint.. when u faint it means u have some thing impure.. ie taint is a getting impure,contaminate

Paint on sth is to increases beauty but TAINT on sth DAMAGES BEAUTY


(noun) a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease
Synonyms : amulet
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for talisman

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Talisman sounds like Tilism(hindi word), which also refers to a magical charm (most probably a locket or an amulet) that helps protect its bearer.

It sounds similar to tulsi(a Holy Plant).whenever we go for certain exam it is given hoping that luck would be with us .bcoz it is pure and holy and this plant holds extreme importance to indians

tal(l)+is+man; if a man is tall he is lucky as girls get attracted towards him.

Remember Gandhiji talisman when unhappy ,u have think of poor person.

there is a word in telugu called "talittu" which will be hanged in the necks of small childern which prtects them from some harm..........

"tali" a jewel which usually hangs in the neck of married woman as a sign of holy ness and it is also loke a kind of jewel


(verb) harass with persistent criticism or carping
Example Sentence
  • The children teased the new teacher
  • Don't ride me so hard over my failure
  • His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantalize

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Tanta-> Taunt Tont Taunting someone... It means harassing... easy to remem.Tantalize=taunt+entice

tanta rhymes with Santa, imagine a rich kid tantalizing a poor kid, Santa gave me a car, Santa gave me new clothes, what did he give you?

u tease somebody like tan-tane-tan-ten.....tantalize

TAUNTalize...to harass persistently by taunting

Tantalize or Entice - You entice or tempt somebody with something.

tent + lie = a girl calls you in a tent, but she was lying. so u c she tantalized you

tantrik keeps the good results in view and keeps extracting money -he's harassing- tantalizing

tease, tease.. tease !!! tantalize . harassment teasing ..tanta in telgu.. Teasing is tantalizing .. so please dont harass those gals

TENANT+PENALIZE=Teasing a Tenant continuously in 2 ways 1.by penalizing him 2.decreasing and increasing the rent(offering and taking away)

Tantalize(chanchale or chakchake in nepali)and be harrassed we have to face criticism for being chanchale


(adj) being essentially equal to something
Synonyms : equivalent
Example Sentence
  • it was as good as gold
  • a wish that was equivalent to a command
  • his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantamount

ta-n-ta; an equal amount of 'ta' on both sides of 'n'.

Tantamount and Paramount are similar in sound but have different meanings. While tantamount means, equivalent, paramount means chief in importance.

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Paramount means superior. Tantamount means equal.

tantamount is like tan tan amount i.e. just equal to the price.

tantamount: t+(ant)+t=amount ... so the deed is 'equivalent' or 'equal to'(=) something...

Tantamount -seems like tent amount .For buying the tent you have to pay the amount that equals the tent amount


(noun) a display of bad temper
Synonyms : conniption fit scene
Example Sentence
  • he had a fit
  • she threw a tantrum
  • he made a scene
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantrum

sounds like "tantra mantra". We do tantra mantra to get rid of the bad temper if someone has due to evil souls entering someone's body

ant in Rum ----> make u angry, ill tempered !

TAINT+RUM....taint means spot.....after seeing taint of rum on my friend's shirt,his mother lost her temper

tantrum= t + an(=angry) + t + rum(=run) .... if someone gets angry, they run into a fit of bad temper.or ( rum pine ke baad tent mein tantrum hua..)


(noun) large southern European spider once thought to be the cause of tarantism (uncontrollable bodily movement) Definition
(noun) large hairy tropical spider with fangs that can inflict painful but not highly venomous bites
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tarantula

tarantula is like Dracula

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There was an English movie called Tarantula about wild spiders. In general, Tarantula, Godzilla, Gorilla all end with "la" - and mean some gigantic creature.

Tarantula (a venomous spider) and Tarantella (an Italian whirling dance)have the same sounds but the words have conflicting emotions. While one makes you whirl in enjoyment, the other makes you writhe (get uncomfortable) in pain.

taRANtula:RAN(run...run...tarantula is beside u)


(verb) be about
Example Sentence
  • The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square
  • Who is this man that is hanging around the department?
(verb) leave slowly and hesitantly
Synonyms : linger
(adj) having the characteristics of pitch or tar
Synonyms : pitchy resinous resiny
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tarry

like when Tar gets stuck to your boot, it leaves the boot slowly....

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tarry sounds like the hindi word deri.....so a delay in doing something..

consider the word TARIFF which means paying taxes.. So the merchants will attempt to TARRY the TARIFF

tarry sounds like tardy,so if you tarry, you will be tardy.

tarry sounds like hu(a)rry..hurry is the antonym of tarry

ataTARI chala ...khup late zalele ahe......

Tarry can be thought when a girl says "aa rahi hun"..which means to delay..

boss: y r u late? me: taarey gin ra tha :P

After consuming tarry(tarry in bengali language means wine) you are walking slowly & in curved way

Tarry and Early have a similar sound but they have opposite meanings. Tarry is to dwadle and get late whereas early means, to be punctual or be somewhere before the scheduled time.

john terry always comes late on the football field

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