Definition (adj) characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions
Definition (adj) destructive of images used in religious worship; said of religions, such as Islam, in which the representation of living things is prohibited
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for iconoclastic
icon = idol
clash = fragments.
So, one who destroys idols into pieces is iconoclast.
igno(ignore)+ble(able) if something IS unworthy and not noble, ONE should be able to ignore them.
ignoble = igno[r]able coz not worthy to be noted
ignoble::::i+G(agree)+NOBLE.....if someone says to you "yes,i agree..he is NOT NOBLE..."...that means its now proved that he is IGNOBLE/unworthy/not noble...
imbecilic : foolish
in this word 'cili' hai read it as silly so a person who is silly or immatured.
imbecility; lets break it im(bec) here bec= base imbe[cili]ty
cili here is silly
thus whose base or is silly is weak minded person
I M bec(david beckam so shortly as bec) cili(silly).some one saying dat he is david beckam. we think he is stupid and talking silly.
.just remember a person BEC. who is just a naive ,seeing a street dog and saying to his friend (i+m+bec +kill+eat+). hey man dnt u knw who am i , am bek just kill and eat it .
IMBECILITY...that is I aM BASIcally SILLY(Weakness of mind)
imbecility read as imbekility (begging-beacuse you are weak in mind)
i am "bacci"...i am foolish...i only know that i can perish animal body..dont know the meaning of life....i am foolish.....weak mind
Sounds like Imbalance...... from mind.
Imbecility-i m back in city...and that was a stupid mistake
Imbroglio = I'm + broke + lie... A guy hears a false news and declares that he's broke. It is both embarassing as well as a misunderstanding
Note: thanx to jahnavi
im+b+rog+lio => you have taken a rog (rog lio) which is a complicated situation.
The doctor got confused and asked
"im brog liye ho !?!"
I +M +BRO+GALILIO...I am a brother of galilio and after knowing this, it has become a very complicated situation and I M confused
imbroglio means broil (broiler chicken)..painful and complex situation to be a broiler chicken.
in bra gilo(gila- wet)
if bra gets wet, it is embarrassing....
read it as in + bro + gal. if you get a girl in between the bros, you get a confusing interpersonal situation.
immaculate-> I+MAC+LATE->i mac(apples products) thought the arive late into market,they are so clean and spotless(thy are sexy rite?)
Immaculate - Im + Maculate - without macule (spots)
Macule is a spot or area of discoloration of skin.... so immaculate is without macules.... spotless, clean,....
impale ~ im (I am) + pale (pole) : I am going to impale him using a sharp pole.
impale=i+m+pale.....Ceasear cried::"I am already pale with fever...please dont assasin me...!!!",...still the traitors assasined him with spears and daggers.....synonyms:pierce, stick, run through, spike, lance, spear, skewer, spit, transfix
IMPALE == I Am a POLE and I Am used for PALE(Hindi tearing)ing
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