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(verb) move without being stable, as if threatening to fall
Example Sentence
  • The drunk man tottered over to our table
(verb) walk unsteadily
Example Sentence
  • small children toddle
(verb) move unsteadily, with a rocking motion
Synonyms : seesaw teeter
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for totter

cant believe no one thought abt it - TOT - is a baby - always moves unsteadily - abt to fall

Sounds Like Torture.therefore while someone is released after being tortured..he moves unsteadily.

TOTTER: to walk like a TODDLER

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DO+TARAF(side)- people who are on both side are always swaying either side.


TOTTER and SAUNTER are rhyming words which mean, to walk with a limp.

Tod-tod kar chalna - means not walking smoothly.. Ladkhada kar chalna

Sounds like globetrotter who travels widely...likewise totter is also to move unsteadily..

DODDERING mean SHAKY or INFIRM.. which is same as tottering

tot means disconnected. ter means wire. Some wire is disconnected so it is in unstable state.


(noun) someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit
Synonyms : ticket tout
(noun) someone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen way
Synonyms : touter
(noun) one who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack)
Synonyms : tipster
(verb) advertize in strongly positive terms
Example Sentence
  • This product was touted as a revolutionary invention
(verb) show off
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tout

tout: shout to promote (to publicly praise or promote)

improve the previous mnemonic...imagine a stout person praising his muscles

tout= t + out tell it out...this process is called promoting or advertising

Imagine a person selling advise about when "Tendulkar" will be "OUT" for betting on how many runs he will score

tout=Tendulkar OUT!!!....according to the review system tendulkar was not out but the umpire gave him out....the indian media PUBLICISED this issue too much afterwards....:D

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We have to bet on Stout persons in sumo, in order to win

An agent who annoy customers especially with persistent requests

if some1 pawns u wid scout. u must praise him

imagine a stout person who touts

A TOUT or an AGENT - someone who operates as a middleman or a negotiator.

tout - stout it up and shout it out

Shout and Tell it OUT.

the snout saleslady must tout her product in order to get it sold in an unfamiliar market.

You tout; I pout.

producers approach advertiser to tout their product...


(verb) speak unfavorably about
Example Sentence
  • She badmouths her husband everywhere
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for traduce

TRADUCE - TO + REDUCE someone's good image, to slander or defame.

He was crying again and again pointing towards me -TERA(ur) DOSH(fault)

to TRY to REDUCE someone's image with words.

t+raduce- raduce sounds like reduce ..so someone who is fond of tea traduces if t(ea) is reduced

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TRADITION+INTRODUCE = introduce some1 to the tradition of slandering(speaking unfavourably about)

source:Mnemonicsgurji traduce can be split as tennis + duece ( i know its farfetched but.. ) So a player on the wrong side of the decision swears at teh umpire Thus traduce=slander

traduce - TREAD + ABUSE = tread on one's good image and abuse it

Well u must all be familiar with transducer. Never converts energy. But always reduced in form of heat which is dissipated …hence reduced

traduce = try to reduce, i.e they are trying to reduce your position.


(noun) the sound of heavy treading or stomping
Synonyms : trampling
Example Sentence
  • he heard the trample of many feet
(verb) tread or stomp heavily or roughly
Synonyms : tread
Example Sentence
  • The soldiers trampled across the fields
(verb) injure by trampling or as if by trampling
Example Sentence
  • The passerby was trampled by an elephant
(verb) walk on and flatten
Synonyms : tramp down tread down
Example Sentence
  • tramp down the grass
  • trample the flowers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trample

imagine in Pakistan a Hindu temple is trampled..(trample sounds like temple)

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TRAMPLE and CRUMPLE are rhyming words having the same meaning i.e to destroy something harshly by treading on it repeatedly.


(noun) an untroubled state; free from disturbances
Synonyms : quiet tranquility
(noun) a state of peace and quiet Definition
(noun) a disposition free from stress or emotion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tranquillity

Trans (transfer) + quality -> transfer in to quality life

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tranQUILL ==> PILL . we take pills to reduce our tensions and become calm.

TRANQUILITY and SERENITY have a similar sound and meaning. The words mean, in a state of peace and quiet.

related to transquillisers and by using transquilliser the animal becomes quiet and peaceful and doesnot disturb us

tranquillity= transform+quiet i.e. transform to quiet which is calmness, peace


(noun) the act of transgressing; the violation of a law or a duty or moral principle
Synonyms : evildoing
Example Sentence
  • the boy was punished for the transgressions of his father
(noun) the spreading of the sea over land as evidenced by the deposition of marine strata over terrestrial strata Definition
(noun) the action of going beyond or overstepping some boundary or limit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for transgression

Trans + aggression....imagine the army of Pakistan aggressively crossing the Line of Control (LOC) and hence violating the law trans(=across) border.

take it this way..train aggression ..so aggression in train is against the law!!!

(transcribe + gre) transcribe means copy, so copyin in gre is a violation of law

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TRANSGRESSION and VIOLATION are similar sounding words which mean, to break a rule or law.


train on grass;so violating law or going beyond boundary as train should be on tracks not on grass

In some countries, there's a sign that says:"aggregation of transsexuals is illegal"


(noun) concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child
Example Sentence
  • she was in labor for six hours
(noun) use of physical or mental energy; hard work
Example Sentence
  • he got an A for effort
  • they managed only with great exertion
(verb) work hard
Example Sentence
  • She was digging away at her math homework
  • Lexicographers drudge all day long
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for travail

TRAVel - AIL...Imagine someone ailing after a long travel...repenting over the large physical and mental pain and tiredness after the travel

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Travel+rail....when you travel a long distance in a railway full of people you suffer from travail....

travail is work in french hence hard work

TRAVAIL or STRAIN - hard manual labour, stressful work.

travail ~ travel - If want to get a chance to travel overseas, you have to travail in your company.

trav+ail= ail as in ailment..which is painful.

Once the traVAIL was lifted in marriage, she had a painful childbirth

Tough(T) + Real(R) + And(a) + Vast(Va) + In(I) + Labour(L)

Travail = travel + ail; Become ail after travel.


(noun) a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations
Synonyms : farce farce comedy
(noun) a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way Definition
(verb) make a travesty of
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for travesty

If u think Bra(tra) as vest then it is a travesty.

Travesty looks like transvestite (a man dressed as a woman) and hence basically a humorous caricature of a woman.

rem TRAVESTY=TARA+AVASTY. TARA AVASTY is a female mimic who is involved in travesty of actors

travesty = trans + vest... change in clothes.. imitation but a poor one

TRAVESTY is a MOCKERY or an absurd or distorted imitation of the original.

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travesty - tra or trans + vest + y - trans means across or over or beyond, vest means to dress , so travesty means the act of dressing up an event over or beyond it..by being humourous, satirical etc.

A caricature of John Travolta in vest.


(noun) a long fishing line with many shorter lines and hooks attached to it (usually suspended between buoys) Definition
(noun) a conical fishnet dragged through the water at great depths
Synonyms : dragnet trawl net
(verb) fish with trawlers


(noun) a formal exposition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for treatise

focus on TREATI..almost same as TREATY...now remember treaty between two nations, so it must be a formal written document

A TREATISE or a THESIS is a written book or document on a subject.

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treat+ise...focus on treat means deal with a speech or writing or discuss about an issue....so discuss about a treatise...a written essay or exposition

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