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(adj) having thin consistency
Example Sentence
  • a tenuous fluid
(adj) very thin in gauge or diameter
Example Sentence
  • a tenuous thread
(adj) lacking substance or significance
Synonyms : flimsy fragile slight thin
Example Sentence
  • slight evidence
  • a tenuous argument
  • a thin plot
  • a fragile claim to fame
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tenuous

this word sound very close to TENNIS....and most of the female TENNIS PLAYERS ARE VERY SLIM AND THIN...

TENUOUS can be split as TEN+US,so TEN of us goin to USa together,the chances are very SLIM and it'll be a RARITY

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Tenuous comes from Attenuate. Attenuate means to make thin.

tenous...this word it extracted from Latin tenuis means...thin, slight...

split it "Ten+of+us". It is a rare possiblity that ten of us will accomodate in car

this word is delibrately mispronounced some times as tenyeas....tenyears....so your ten years daughter is very thin.........and slim.....

tenuous can be related to tension..in tension a person is weak....

Read TENUOUS as 'TEN of U vs twO of US', so when ur only two against ten, u become "WEAK AND INSUBSTANTIAL"( Insubstantial : lacking strength and solidity ).

tenuous sounds like "Thin" and fragile

Tenuous and Bulbous are rhyming words with different meanings. Tenuous is something slim or thin while Bulbous is something fat and round .

me playin TENNIS is a tenuous idea

TEN+US....the plane we hired to go to gre could manage only 10 people because the plane was TENUOUS

though ten of us are thin ,its very rare to fit in the car

TEN of US can only cook a TENUOUS dish... for too many cooks spoil the dish..

tenuous = tenis. tenis players(female) are thin and generally lack substance - they are more hype.

ten u or us:so doubtful,uncertain; tender: easily broken so must be thin

tenuous-sounds like strenuous. under strain we become fragile and thin

Tenuous sound like tender, and tender meat is soft/flimsy

think about Tin can which is thin


(adj) moderately warm
Synonyms : lukewarm
Example Sentence
  • he hates lukewarm coffee
  • tepid bath water
(adj) feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm
Example Sentence
  • a halfhearted effort
  • gave only lukewarm support to the candidate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tepid

tepid sounds like torpid which is sluggish ie, inactive

te(tea) and pid(dip):ypu can dip ur hand into tea only when it is lukewarm

tepid..sounds like rapid....when u have half hearted approach for sth u do things rapidly..means u want to just finish ur work u have no interst in doing it...

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~tea+Pee'd:: you can have hint from either TEA or PEE, in either case it's luke warm

Tepid can be thought of as "Tap" which gives lukewarm water..

tepid=tap+it....introducing the new "TAP IT gyser"...tap it once and u shall get LUKE WARM water...tap it twice and u shall get hot water.......:D

Tepid refers to something Mild, lukewarm or not too hot.

tepid = tea + pid; i.e. pid is having low control power which has little interest.


(adj) brief and to the point; effectively cut short
Synonyms : crisp curt laconic
Example Sentence
  • a crisp retort
  • a response so curt as to be almost rude
  • the laconic reply; `yes'
  • short and terse and easy to understand
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for terse

terse...sounds like TERESA..Here all her achievements,efforts everything has been consolidated, confined and put into a single word "MOTHER"..So TERSE means brief,concise

TERSE rhymes with VERSE.jus a verse is always CONCISE and PITHY

write mother teresa as terse....so u r riting concise and brief!

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TEARse....when you tear your cloth it becomes brief,concise...

Terse is when you Converse in a curt or concise manner.

<B>Time</B> spent in a <B>hearse</B> is brief by comparison.

read it as T-erase.... we erase unnecessary lines to make it short and concise


(adj) easily irritated or annoyed
Example Sentence
  • an incorrigibly fractious young man
  • not the least nettlesome of his countrymen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for testy

If someone has described you as SHORT-TEMPERED in the TESTY(testimonial), then you will get IRRITATED looking at it.

TESTY sounds like TASTY, so if food is not tasty u get irritate, bad tempered

test+y - tests (exams) are irritable and make a person short-tempered

a IRRITATED person says--Dont TEST my patience

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if the food is not TASTY u become TESTY....!:)

Teasing Tea.

TESTY-S if sumone fidgets with it.. d 'proces' becomes short tempered..

for computer people: the software testers are very short tempered and are very irritable to the developer

my testicles are testy,i shall treat them gently!

This somehow sounds like "testis". So if someone shows your testis to others you get annoyed.

Someone wrote a bad TESTY about you and hence you got "IRRITATED"

giving a test is testy

when you see that your tests are approaching you easily get irritated

Who does'nt get easily irritated by a surprise TEST!

Split the word into TEST+TEA. if u could not TEA during TESt u get irritated...

TESTY OR FIDGETY have somewhat similar sounds. The words refer to irritability.


(noun) restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal
Synonyms : lead leash
(verb) tie with a tether
Example Sentence
  • tether horses
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tether

TETHER can be split as TiE + HER, so remember it as TIE her WITH A ROPE.

Tether and Fetter are common because both words refer to a kind of restrain (rope or chain) for an animal.

tether --> tie+together

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tet+her....tightly(tet) tie .sth..to her......how?..by rope........

tether- tie+ her

Bangla tador

Internet tethering in iphone means.. it can be used as a hotspot to connect or TIE other instruments or equipments to it.


(noun) a theatrical performer Definition
(adj) of or relating to drama
Example Sentence
  • the movie director had thespian cooperation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thespian

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pronouncing thespian gives u a feeling of the (e)spn which is a sports channel..it never shows drama so thespian is opposite of espn which shows drama

do you remember thespis.....the first person in universe who appeared as an actor on the stage in a play....so thespian..means .pertaning to drama or play.

Thespian - rearrange the words into - The as THEATRE and Spian as Person. Therefore a Thespian is a Theatre Person, an actor.

THE + SPAIN..The movie Zindagi na milegi dobara was shot in SPAIN. Thus relate this movie with drama..

Thespian= The(theatre) + spian (person) means a theatre person.


(noun) the state of being under the control of another person Definition
(noun) someone held in bondage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thrall

thrall=thrill( a person is in slavery under a witch and doing thrill work

Thrall and Enthrall have similar sounds and a somewhat similar meaning as both words refer to a kind of captivity. While thrall means to be held by power or forcefully, enthrall means to be spellbound (beholden by someone's charm)

Thrall-> Thr+All -> all are thr (there) under his power. usage: all are in thrall to him.

sounds like 'troll' which is kept in dungeons, hence its slavery.....tough ti interpret


(adj) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
Example Sentence
  • bromidic sermons
  • his remarks were trite and commonplace
  • hackneyed phrases
  • a stock answer
  • repeating threadbare jokes
  • parroting some timeworn axiom
  • the trite metaphor `hard as nails'
(adj) having the nap worn away so that the threads show through
Example Sentence
  • threadbare rugs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for threadbare

Threadbare -Wear and Tear - The garment has become quite threadbare due to its continuous wear and tear.

threadbare = thread + bare;we know jeans are made of thread,imagine and old jeans, so we can say that thread can be seen in bare eyes.

threas+bare....you wear clothes when barly your clothes look like clothes..till each thread come out......

THREADBARE - Something which has been READ BAAR BAAR...so it is common..or a cliche, banal stuff!!

Observe that 'threadbar' as 'read' + 'bar' [In hindi, it is bar, bar i.e repetitive]. So when you read same thing repetitively, you get 'over familiar' and it becomes 'common/trite' for you.


(noun) violent pangs of suffering
Example Sentence
  • death throes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for throes

THROE is pronounced like throw ..so you throw things at someone when you become violent in PAIN/ANGUISH.

this word sounds like throwes...so if a person in voilent anguish..he throwes up everything whatever comes in front of him...

Throes and Woes both refer to pain. While throes means pangs of pain, woes refer to deep pain caused by great sorrow (it generally causes a heart ache).

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throes rhymes with toes... beating with toes gives someone "violent suffering"...

throes somewhat sounds like throat, so when you have a sore throat, you have a throe.

When your GIRL FRIEND THROES(throw) you out of her life it is really PAINFUL to your heart....

Thorns of roses are painful


(noun) a large gathering of people
Synonyms : concourse multitude
(verb) press tightly together or cram
Synonyms : jam mob pack pile
Example Sentence
  • The crowd packed the auditorium
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for throng

this word sounds like THRONE...so when a king sits on the throne...CROWD gathers at that time.

Remember like this when u do some thing WRONG(Throng)on road Crowd will gather


Throng - make that The + Long. The long ques thronged the entrance waiting to enter the ground where the rock concert was taking place.

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