What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
foil your opponent
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thwart
this word sounds like THROAT....so if someone squeezes your throat your air passages will get blocked...............thus desires will be prevented.. u also feel frustrated and baffled..
sounds like TIME + OVER: imagine you are giving your GRE exam, and your time gets over, you will get frightened.. = fear = demonstrate fear. :)
timorous=timor+ous , think of timor ..we become fearful hearing the East timor+ USA war..
timorous means showing or suffering from nervousness or a lack of confidence...TUMOURous...if you come to know that you have a tumour, you will be TIMOROUS....
Timorous and Nervous are rhyming words with the same meaning. They refer to someone who is faint-hearted or afraid.
Pronounced similar to Amorous; So Gunnu is fearful of amorous conquests
ok little weak but concentrate to understand. Amorous is illicit love. Not pure love. And we don't fear the world in pure love. So we fear the world in timorous (a form of timid amorous)
Timorous sounds like Timon.... try to relate it with Timon of cartoon Timon and Pumba where Timon was really COWARD
remember from history the great mongol ruler Timur-lung... every king ws fearful of him
timid and morose
tehi moros: when we saw a tiger in front of us then
Definition (noun) a speech of violent denunciation
sounds like tired.. your mom gets tired after a TIRADE..i.e. LONG ANGRY DENUNCIATORY SPEECH..
In Trading job, if something goes wrong, they will scold you
papa made the rade of evening tea by tirade .(tea+rade)
TEE in pujabi means daughter. lets say TI = daughter for a second. now if you raid your daughter when she is changing clothes, youre a fucking pedophile and this is god-damn denouncing. SO DONT TIRADE
TIRADE is when you BOMBARD somebody with angry words.
Tyre vesetappudu (While a puntchur guy changes a tyre) he bitches non-stop about other puncture guy. so Tirade.
tire tho adithe, mom wil give long speech of scolding
TIRADE - sounds like "ti rage" means woh ladki gussa main hain (ti:woh ladki)rage:gussa), so us ladki apne boyfriend par apna pura gussa (anger/denunciation utara)nikala.
Tirade = T(Talk) + i(in) + rade(Rage)
When you are tired after a heavy work, if somebody speaks at you asking questions you get irritated shout at them and give the a TIRADE speech.
TIRADE RHYMES WITH BRATE.... both means to scold stongly..
Tirade: Tyrant + rade,
rade by tyrant is accompanied by bitterness
Parade of Scoldings
TYRANT + EDE = becoz his speech was very harsh and critical. THIRADEkunna polulla tyrant nte speech.
Definition (verb) touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements
A 'TITI' [ticket checker] was tickling you, Jab tum train mein 'LATE' hue the. Bez he wanted to check your ticket. Hence 'TITILLATE'.
TITI(boobs) HILAATEY... its not me the word is simply made by that. perverted englishmen ;)
aaj kal comedy circus(a prog on sony tv) goes on TILL LATE nite..a 1 hour show is extended to 1.5 hrs...nevertheless it is capable of TICKLING its audience throughout the show!!!............:D
when a titli(butterfly) flutters past ur skin u feel tickled and excited pleasurably
Definition (noun) a nervous restrained laugh
Definition (verb) laugh nervously
The girls giggled when the rock star came into the classroom
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for titter
titter : tit + her(ter), these days blouses are made so somooth they frequently slipped off. this situation may find you laughing nervously, or one can laugh when management is trying to undo all stuff but keeping tits in mind ;)
TITTER and SNIGGER which are rhyming words refer to a sort of giggle. Titter is a high-pitched giggle while a snigger is a sly giggle.
say in a lecture, professor wants to say twist and pronounces it as t(w)its, there will be nervous laughter in the classroom
toady=to(too)+ady(addy)means person who add more than fact
toady in x-men was extreemely servile
TOADY and FLATTERY are similar in sound and meaning. If you flatter a person in order to gain advantage, you will be refered to as toady.
the toad flattered the nightingale in order to gain popularity
Puffs up saying the things that influence the powerful. But whose croaks are filled with venom.
Ever wonder how Toad from the Super Mario Bros. series got his name? He's "toadally" a Toad to the Princess, today and every day! http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/characters/images/peach/peach_080321b-l.jpg
Definition (noun) a one-piece cloak worn by men in ancient Rome
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for toga
as v know dat v know dat v r supposed to wear some special clothes to do yoga...nw lets supose dat v should wear TOGA to do YOGA...so its a kind of robe
baba ramdev teaches YOGA in the morning to all the ppl in the stadium and b4 leaving the platform wears a TOGA and leaves....bhahut shining marta hai!!!.........;)
TOGA sounds like CHOGA, a Hindi word for a garb or clothing.
Definition (noun) a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility
Torpedo is fast and speedy...while torpor is opposite to torpedo
sounds like tapori, who is very lazy
Suppose you are very much disturbed with something and then you go back to your room and cause destruction i.e tod phod( in hindi language).. After you are finished with your desrtruction you feel tired and lack in energy,
Torpor and Torpid means almost the same. Lazy and inactive.
Tor- tortoise which means slow. But be careful about torpedo, which means the exact opposite.
tor - phor means breaking everything.. OPPOSITE .. lack of energy - lethargy
As in " tar par latka hua ho.. aalsi hai "
sounds like tod-phod.. person who does tod-phod is very active..Opposite of that is lethargy
A TOPPER is never a TORPOR ....he studies with vigor
tor-por is tod- phod, in hindi, after you are finished with tod-phod, you get lazy and sluggish...
torpor = tor por; The ppl who are always saying after that is always lazy.
Definition (adj) highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
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