<b>sordid</b> = like 'sardi' (cold). If you catch 'sardi', your nose is sordid-dirty
split it like SOR+DID..sor..sounds like sour..WE all have heard of AVARICIOUS and dishonest FOX....who once SAID A VERY FAMOUS LINE THAT WE ALL REMEMBER.....these grapes are SOUR..when we generally know that fox are quite greedy, mean , filthy and di
"sorry i did this.... " a dishonest person replied
SO-Rud-DID = So æ ¸çª
SORry I DID this DIRTY thing.
Definition (adj) affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions; resembling a spasm
spate: SPAce + fATE : when we are in space(zero gravity) we count on our fate because there might be sudden flood of things/particles/rays and we might go to hell soon. so dont skate on fate and avoid going to space.. ;)
"pet" is a colloquial word in Telugu for "colony".
When there's a flood, it will "soak the pets".
The spate of dirty water from the pate
the himalyan ranges SPAT
spate= spa + te; spa means relax in water tab; when you enter you body in water tab then the water will floated & come in upper side. It will make a forceful flow of water.
when there is a spat on earth, there is a spate from God.
Spate= Spat + e.
Flood is like an e normous spat
Definition (noun) the mass of eggs deposited by fish or amphibians or molluscs
Definition (verb) call forth
spawn in the game "counter-strike" is the place where the players get rebirth in a new round. so basically spawn is place where something is regenerated. relate it to eggs.
when a piegion was watching porn...it SPAWN......hehehehe...sorry...;)
prawn is spawn.....that is prawn is d cause of production...
Pawn in chess (to cause something new, or many new things, to grow or start suddenly) Pawn(young animal or child)...
Pawn (eggs of frogs etc)
Spawn=see pawn(porn) , which makes u to see more porn, hence porn is spawned.
sporadic..spora(spores). spores are cells which grow irregulary,like a media plate when exposed to fungi spores ,next day you will see a irregular growth.
SPORES on DICK occurs occasionally and at scattered instances.
we can say sporadic as
= spores+ periodic
we know females perdically discharge sopres but fertilization of these sores and thus pregnancy occurs by chance
and thus sporadic = spores being fertilized not periodic and so occurring by chance
Remember Spores in flower.They are ocasionaly transferred by wind from one flower to another
today: PORA!!
tomorrow: IC!! tu fir aa gya be.. PORA!!
hahahahahah.. that means.... hahahah occurring irregularly :P
She was a POOR RADICal because her demonstrations only occured on occasion and in scattered instances.
sporadic~spot-radical: something RADICAL can just be SPOTted occasionally. E.g. I.Newton who occasionally SPOTted the falling apple gave birth to the RADICAL theory of gravitation.
Definition (noun) light soft moderately strong wood of spruce trees; used especially for timbers and millwork
Definition (noun) any coniferous tree of the genus Picea
Definition (verb) make neat, smart, or trim
to "spurn" means to reject. So you SPURn anything that is SPURious (false).
The polka dotted sponges in the aquarium were not the real, rare ones living in the ocean. They were fake.
Split "Spurious" into spur+ious, where spur means instantly(spur of the moment). So anything done without much thought and immediately can result in falsehood or may be illogical.
you get furious when you get spurious (counterfeit)dollar bills
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