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    specious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word specious

    (adj) plausible but false
    Synonyms : spurious
    Example Sentence
    • a specious claim
    • spurious inferences
    (adj) based on pretense; deceptively pleasing
    Synonyms : gilded , meretricious
    Example Sentence
    • the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility
    • meretricious praise
    • a meretricious argument
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for specious

It sounds like 'suspicious'.

Like the movie "Species" about an alien woman who looks human but has other plans

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Seemingly true/plausible/attractive, but when SPECulated closely, it was found to be fallaCIOUS.

spec+ious => ppl with specs normally seem reasonable but end up being incorrect. * (no offense, just to remember)

He made a SPEECH to US which was false

JANta ke pisonse TICKET khared kar trip gaya

SPEC-to see/to seem specious--sthg that seems to be like this but actually it isnt

she peed sauce,I saw it.Looks true but it can't be

specious = "speech"ious, means it is true only in speech or words but not in reality

people having spects can clearly see but actually not(with out spects)

Looks like spAcious but actually not, then it is spEcious

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