solicitor means a lawyer so he always must be attentive and concerned (/solicitous ) towards his cases.
Whenever a guest comes to our house we ask him if he--> Slept well (SO), SITting well (cit) --> we are very concerned
if u sit solo(alone) for plane of USA--u will be attentive all the way.
Being Solicitous causes a fit-in-us because we are con-cerned.
socially conscious someone...
BE+LIE=to contradict
The person contradicted his statement because he had lied earlier
sounds like solicitor => many people hang up or shut the door on solicitors, so if you actually give one the time of day they may be very solicitous [eager, anxious, apprehensive]
Definition (noun) a (usually long) dramatic speech intended to give the illusion of unspoken reflections
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for soliloquy
soliloquy….soli(soul)…….loquy( or speech)…now we must have seen in a play or movie….a person talking to his soul……(talking to himself that is audible to everyone of us)
sol(ilo)+ quy = Sole + guy Imagine a Sole(lonely) guy will talk to oneself.
SOM(MONDAY)+HECTIC because of PHYSICAL work and BODY movements!
soma wrestling!! haiyaaaaa
somatic: of monday(SomVaar Means Monday), & its going involve physical work after lazy sunday. so its all about bodily & physical
SOMA is an intoxicating drink from Hindu scripture considered to be ephedra--which has the SOMATIC effects of weight loss and increased energy & sex drive.
Definition (adj) lacking brightness or color; dull
" somn " is a root which means sleep, so any word having this root is pertaining to sleep...
SOMNUS is a latin root for sleep...hence somnolent is sleepy...
focus on "nolen"the famous directors latest flick is inception which is full of sleep and dreams..
Mr Som no lent you Chinese tea to drink so you are sleepy now
it can be split into somn(body) +no(not) +lent(leaned).if u sleep without leaning ur back. then u r definitely in a half sleep
if an ENT doctor inserts a nol(=pipe in hindi) into ur ear he will be giving u sedatives nd u will be drowsy.
so SOMNOLENT=SOM(root word for sleep)+NOL(PIPE) +ENT
One who soothes you by saying that everything will be fine in the future.
Definition (noun) any of a group of Greek philosophers and teachers in the 5th century BC who speculated on a wide range of subjects
Definition (noun) someone whose reasoning is subtle and often specious
remember"sophisticated".... looks eloquent and eloborate..but logically invalid...
Sophistry = HISToRY Paper lo SOlu raasi pass avvanam.
Grow a "sofa" on a "tree", is a sophistry
so you have fish tree;hmm sounds clever n pleasing but it can't be true
STOP HIS TRY because it is not possible
-arguing false (phyisical argumaent not from his heart)
SOP history = SOP is history as its always full of chicanery
Sop + history >>> in history, many students going for MS have written cleverly some achievements which are actually false... relate this..
History - is a suject in wich we read facts.. they ll appear plaisible but may be fallacious..
SO a FISH TREE, he said, will solve the problems of polluted oceans, while still providing wood. But the Congress saw through his sophistry, and denied his request for a subsidy.
Watching daily soaps(serials) on TV makes u sleepy
SO(sleep) + PORIFIC(which pores)... SO anything Which PORES sleep... SLEEP CAUSING.. SOPORIFIC
soporific sounds like "so far risky," so this soporific is so far risky. ahh I'm too scare to take it.
SOO(hundred)+PORI(ladkiya)fic....when you have hundred girls around you, you will be in a trance and you will feel sleepy
so+porific= soo p(b)oring => sleep inducing
Soporific; the first section reminds me of SOPHmore. Combine it to become SOPHmorific. Think of a sleepy teenager in class.
Imagine SOAP for washing. It has a slippery feel (SLEEP), but also sopor means state of deep sleep. Soap-porific makes you slip, so sopo-rific makes you sleep. simple.
"soph" khane se neend aati hai....
daily soaps are soporific that is sleep inducing
soporific make it as so borefic(porific)if u r bore in class u'll get sleep
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