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    sleazy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sleazy

    (adj) of cloth; thin and loosely woven
    Example Sentence
    • the coat has a sleazy lining
    (adj) of very poor quality; flimsy
    Synonyms : bum , cheap , cheesy , chintzy , crummy , punk , tinny
    (adj) morally degraded
    Synonyms : seamy , seedy , sordid , squalid
    Example Sentence
    • a seedy district
    • the seamy side of life
    • sleazy characters hanging around casinos
    • sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls
    • the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils
    • the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sleazy

sleazy sounds like lazy..a person too lazy to take bath even..he is shabby n dirty

slEAZY- usualy women that r eazy(easy) r cheap, ethically low, and disreputable...

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

sleazy sounds like shitty. A shitty material is sleazy.

you can see eazily through a sleazy Blouse. :P flimsy;unsubstantial

Mortal+fy:mortal meanis death,so killing someone by our comments,

yes sandy ,so its like sleek and easy to see that means low quality

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