Sounds like (SLAP + DESH) : What kind of people will be ready to slap their Desh (Country).. ??? People who dnt feel it important to care for their country... So Slapdash means a rough careless slap on the NATION !!!!!
SLAP+DASH..slap someone and DASH(make a run for it).It is hasty and reckless as you will be caught anyway.
my dad SLAPped and DASHed me for my carelessness and recklessness...!!!
You decide to have a SLAP-DASH with a friend (a relatively large fellow). Your slaps will definitely be more SLOPPIER than his and it's very CARELESS of u. You should have chosen a relatively thin guy instead of him.
if some1 DASH with u,it might be a mistake[CARELESS].for that u dont need to slap him\her
a girl slapped you for dashing her..and after the slap, your head revolves and you walk in random fashion :D
slapdash:when you dash someone they slap you for your slapdash.
Mother slaps her son's ass for his sloppy behavior.
Mother slaps her son's ass because of his sloppy behavior.
slipshod.....very close to slipshot ..slip+shot..(in cricket) now think of a batsman ...playing a SHOT TO THE SLIP in a VERY CARELESS MANNER...thereby being caught out by the fielder at the slip. HOD always wears SLIP(PERS) to college and dresses in a SHABBY manner
Definition (noun) any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits
Definition (noun) a hollow filled with mud
Definition (noun) a stagnant swamp (especially as part of a bayou)
Definition (noun) any outer covering that can be shed or cast off (such as the cast-off skin of a snake)
Definition (verb) cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers
Remember plough. Plough means to dig and make useful while slough means to cast off and remove waste.
slough sounds similar to when there is a slaughter ,so many lives are CAST OFF
Snake it slow when its slough.
Slough is pronouned similarly to slow.
Pictorise these chases often seen on TV(say pirated of hte carribbean :) ).When being pursued by someone,you need to CASTOFF unwanted objects to move faster
slough is pronounced as sluf when it means to shed skin.. so it also means hisss-rough , a snake shaking off its skin roughly
s+lough=laugh it [off]!
slough - sluf - sounds like puff.. to inflate or distend... puff of the skin is to slough
Definition (adj) negligent of neatness especially in dress and person; habitually dirty and unkempt
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