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(verb) satisfy (thirst)
Synonyms : allay assuage quench
Example Sentence
  • The cold water quenched his thirst
(verb) make less active or intense
Synonyms : abate slack
(verb) cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water
Synonyms : slack
Example Sentence
  • slack lime
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for slake

focus on the 'lake' part of this word..so you can say that you want to satisfy your thrist after seeing the water in that lake .

Lake ... When camel, which is going through desert, finds a lake. What will it do? Just drink the water, which takes its thirst away.

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Think slacken. Slaking a desire would be slackening it.


Remember slaked lime. Slaked lime is formed when quick lime is mixed with water.

sachin is a lake for cricket lovers calm down every supporter by making high score.


(noun) words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another Definition
(noun) an abusive attack on a person's character or good name Definition
(verb) charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
Example Sentence
  • The journalists have defamed me!
  • The article in the paper sullied my reputation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for slander

its like throwing sand on someone's reputation

talking SLANG with someone is like slandering him...get it?

"sale ko lya na ander=>slander"said the police..

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sounds like SLANg..

its like those ads online that says you could be SLENDER if you do something etc., that's a slander

its like those ads online that says you could be SLENDER if you do something etc., that's a slander

Rolling down ones reputation from a top of a SLANted ramp


(adj) marked by great carelessness
Example Sentence
  • a most haphazard system of record keeping
  • slapdash work
  • slipshod spelling
  • sloppy workmanship
(adv) in a careless or reckless manner
Synonyms : slam-bang
Example Sentence
  • the shelves were put up slapdash
(adv) directly
Synonyms : bang bolt slap smack
Example Sentence
  • he ran bang into the pole
  • ran slap into her
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for slapdash


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Sounds like (SLAP + DESH) : What kind of people will be ready to slap their Desh (Country).. ??? People who dnt feel it important to care for their country... So Slapdash means a rough careless slap on the NATION !!!!!

SLAP+DASH..slap someone and DASH(make a run for it).It is hasty and reckless as you will be caught anyway.

my dad SLAPped and DASHed me for my carelessness and recklessness...!!!

You decide to have a SLAP-DASH with a friend (a relatively large fellow). Your slaps will definitely be more SLOPPIER than his and it's very CARELESS of u. You should have chosen a relatively thin guy instead of him.

if some1 DASH with u,it might be a mistake[CARELESS].for that u dont need to slap him\her

a girl slapped you for dashing her..and after the slap, your head revolves and you walk in random fashion :D

slapdash:when you dash someone they slap you for your slapdash.

Mother slaps her son's ass for his sloppy behavior.

Mother slaps her son's ass because of his sloppy behavior.


(adj) of cloth; thin and loosely woven
Example Sentence
  • the coat has a sleazy lining
(adj) of very poor quality; flimsy Definition
(adj) morally degraded
Synonyms : seamy seedy sordid squalid
Example Sentence
  • a seedy district
  • the seamy side of life
  • sleazy characters hanging around casinos
  • sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls
  • the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils
  • the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sleazy

sleazy sounds like lazy..a person too lazy to take bath even..he is shabby n dirty

slEAZY- usualy women that r eazy(easy) r cheap, ethically low, and disreputable...

sleazy sounds like shitty. A shitty material is sleazy.

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you can see eazily through a sleazy Blouse. :P flimsy;unsubstantial

Mortal+fy:mortal meanis death,so killing someone by our comments,

yes sandy ,so its like sleek and easy to see that means low quality


(noun) adroitness in using the hands
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sleight

he can write EIGHT on SLATE with both hands this is a SLEIGHT of hands

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sleight rhymes with fight, so in a fight, you need a sleight of hands.

sleight resembles like slight feet or trick ..

Sachin was a picture of sleight and gait..(sleight-dexterity in hands gait-briskness in moving)

SLEIGHT...concentrate on light ....to create light products SKILL is required

When you "slight" someone, you have to be very careful and not show it upfront,which needs sleight (skills).

sleight - light and nimble movements - and hence skilled like in "a slieght of hands of a magician"

sleight = Sri Lanka (sl) one to eight number can bat & they r skillful are very much strong.


(noun) (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent
Example Sentence
  • a batch of letters
  • a deal of trouble
  • a lot of money
  • he made a mint on the stock market
  • see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos
  • it must have cost plenty
  • a slew of journalists
  • a wad of money
(verb) turn sharply; change direction abruptly
Example Sentence
  • The car cut to the left at the intersection
  • The motorbike veered to the right
(verb) move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner
Synonyms : skid slide slip slue
Example Sentence
  • the wheels skidded against the sidewalk
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for slew

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His typing was "slow", yet there were a slew of errors.

Slew is opposite small and few.

Imagine a STEW with MANY ingredients.

slew =not FEW i.e. many in number or quantity

Slow people consumes large amount of time.

SL = Sri Lankan cricket team has great extent depth of players to play at the end of the game.

For the last 2 meanings related to changing direction abruptly: slew = sideways flew


(adj) marked by great carelessness
Example Sentence
  • a most haphazard system of record keeping
  • slapdash work
  • slipshod spelling
  • sloppy workmanship
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for slipshod

slipshod.....very close to slipshot ..slip+shot..(in cricket)....so now think of a batsman ...playing a SHOT TO THE SLIP in a VERY CARELESS MANNER...thereby being caught out by the fielder at the slip.

slips+HOD....my HOD always wears SLIP(PERS) to college and dresses in a SHABBY manner

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all know SLIPKNOT band... thw members of this band are very solvenly in appearance as they wear masks for all the performances

relate it to shoddy which means inferior. One who uses shoddy material is slipshod. One can also link it with slapdash, the meaning is similar

we'll keep SLIP in front of HOD..........careless

who always slips in doing things coz he is CARELESS


(noun) a disinclination to work or exert yourself
Synonyms : slothfulness
(noun) any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits
Synonyms : tree sloth
(noun) apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue (personified as one of the deadly sins)
Synonyms : acedia laziness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sloth


sounds like Slog>> u know slog over over in cricket.. those betn 20-40 overs.. no one watches it as its too slow cricket and ppl feel lazy n sleep..


(noun) necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass
Synonyms : gangrene sphacelus
(noun) a hollow filled with mud Definition
(noun) a stagnant swamp (especially as part of a bayou) Definition
(noun) any outer covering that can be shed or cast off (such as the cast-off skin of a snake) Definition
(verb) cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers
Synonyms : exuviate molt moult shed
Example Sentence
  • our dog sheds every Spring
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for slough

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Remember plough. Plough means to dig and make useful while slough means to cast off and remove waste.

slough sounds similar to slaughter....so when there is a slaughter ,so many lives are CAST OFF

Snake it slow when its slough.

Slough is pronouned similarly to slow. Pictorise these chases often seen on TV(say pirated of hte carribbean :) ).When being pursued by someone,you need to CASTOFF unwanted objects to move faster

slough is pronounced as sluf when it means to shed skin.. so it also means hisss-rough , a snake shaking off its skin roughly

s+lough=laugh it [off]!

slough - sluf - sounds like puff.. to inflate or distend... puff of the skin is to slough


(adj) negligent of neatness especially in dress and person; habitually dirty and unkempt
Synonyms : frowsy frowzy
Example Sentence
  • filled the door with her frowzy bulk
  • frowzy white hair
  • slovenly appearance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for slovenly

people of SLOVENIA(a country in europe) are known to be very untidy and careless people.

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split the word as slove(stove) + enly(early) In the olden days,cooking was carried out on stoves which were very DIRTY,UNTIDY

SLOW+LOVELY - she is so slow that does not want to be LOVELY/ does not groom herself. so she is slovenly.

if u r out of LOVE, u get shabby and not neat

SLOWenly....A person who has slowed his growth is careless and Untidy....

slovenly means slipshod work..slovenly woven sweater..

OVEN is always slovenly in some house

: a SLOw person is careless and OVEN are usually untidy and dirty in most bakeries in india

slovenly - not evenly in dressing and more like a dirty oven

Sounds like SLOPPY to me. Slovenly, thus can be inferred as Sloppy Dressing i.e. Untidy Dressing.

The starts with slo always means careless.

Slovenly = slow + event; i.e doing carelessly the bill.

SLOVENLY = slow + event; The event is slow i.e. not synchronized.

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