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(noun) the state of being more than full
Synonyms : excess overabundance
(noun) the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall
Synonyms : glut oversupply
(noun) eating until excessively full
Synonyms : repletion
(verb) supply or feed to surfeit
Synonyms : cloy
(verb) indulge (one's appetite) to satiety
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surfeit

break SURFEIT as SIRF(sirf in HINDI means only to) EAT.Bas khate hi rehta hai..so an excess of..

surfeit = SIR is FAT..as he eats a lot than required until he is full.

surfeit= sur+ feit(feet).. sur is head in hindi,so learn it as water is above 1 feet ur head it means its in excess.

splir surfeit into " sur" and "feit". now think that u have been filled from "sur , which means head in hindi" till your feet.

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Think "surplus" to fit, or overfull

Hawaians are a FAT bunch.. all they do is Surf and EAT,EAT,EAT.. a surfeited lifestyle.

He was SURE that his pants had FIT prior to eating to SURFEIT!

surf+eit surf must be excess to clean clothes... eit sounds like eat...we shouldnot eat exess....

the feit is, even if u are bald no. of hair on ure sur is surfeit

surfeit X forfeit (to quit, give up)

Surfeit = Sirf (hindi meaning of 'only') + eat... to eat in excess amount.

Surf IT ---Create EXCESS foam

he SURE FIT that whole steak down his throat!

sound like sur-eat SUR.+EAT = surplus eating


(adj) inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace
Synonyms : ugly
Example Sentence
  • a surly waiter
  • an ugly frame of mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surly

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sur+ly......focus on sur....SOUNDS LIKE SIR......so THINK OF our school SIR...who was very BAD TEMPERED AND RUDE..who use to beat us whenever we hadn't completed our home work on time................

surly..sirly very much like are sirs who are rude and irritating

Liz Hurley is beautiful model but her sister ( ((/* not true ! *\)) Liz surley is a ugly woman.

SURLY sounds like cURLY. cURLY and Moe are SURLY when they bop each other on the head and hit each other.

surly->sirly implies like a sir.Think of a sir who was rude to you

SoUR attitude

surly=sir +li bad tempered unfriendly sir ne le li achche se...

SIR ne humari bohot LEE, we became surly towards him.

Surly - girl who is "Surla" type very apprehensive and aggressive

Boston Legals Has a BadTempered Person named "Sherly"


(noun) a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence Definition
(verb) infer from incomplete evidence Definition
(verb) imagine to be the case or true or probable
Synonyms : suspect
Example Sentence
  • I suspect he is a fugitive
  • I surmised that the butler did it
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surmise

Mice can guess where the cheese is kept even though they do not know where exactly it is kept.

PREmise -> based on a fact. SURmise -> based on an intuition

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SURMAYI- wo surmayi is taraha se ki jaise wo mujhe pyaar karti hai

I GUESS it’s a surprise(SURMISE) gift

sounds like "summarize" which means to list down the conclusions

suemise: u will sure miss the train this is the guess..


(adj) marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed
Example Sentence
  • a furtive manner
  • a sneak attack
  • stealthy footsteps
  • a surreptitious glance at his watch
(adj) conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
Example Sentence
  • clandestine intelligence operations
  • cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines
  • hole-and-corner intrigue
  • secret missions
  • a secret agent
  • secret sales of arms
  • surreptitious mobilization of troops
  • an undercover investigation
  • underground resistance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surreptitious

Surreptitious sounds like suspicious.....you suspect someone if they are hiding secrets

surreptitious sounds like sir repeated it to us. - only to us and not to everyone as it was a secret method to solve the problem.

surreptitious = surrept(corrupt) + titous ; one who is corrupt has a secret,hidden way to earn other than the usual salary !

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if you eat syrup wen on a diet u have 2 b stealthy about it (sounds like)

Sir+Rapt===Listen to sir in rapt attention as he is saying something SECRET

rhymes with Serpent >> A serpent or snake has characteristics of secretly attacking, quiet movement towards enemy, can crawl underground, etc.

Root word is Rapt/Rept means to seize or capture Sur for Sub, means hidden..


(noun) an immovable joint (especially between the bones of the skull)
Synonyms : fibrous joint sutura
(noun) a seam used in surgery
Synonyms : surgical seam
(noun) thread of catgut or silk or wire used by surgeons to stitch tissues together Definition
(verb) join with a suture
Example Sentence
  • suture the wound after surgery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for suture

sounds like hindi SOOTAR(like in mangal-sootar)...means thread in english

Sounds close to "stretcher" i.e., related to injuries etc.,

Stitch to secure.


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doctor will S-stitch U-ur rupTURE (cut) with SILK thread


(noun) an itinerant Australian laborer who carries his personal belongings in a bundle as he travels around in search of work
Synonyms : swaggie swagman
(noun) a proud stiff pompous gait
Synonyms : prance strut
(verb) to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others
Example Sentence
  • He struts around like a rooster in a hen house
(verb) discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
Synonyms : browbeat bully
(verb) act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner
Synonyms : bluster swash
(adj) (British informal) very chic
Synonyms : groovy
Example Sentence
  • groovy clothes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for swagger

It's like sword + dagger. If one has both of them, he will be quite confident.


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swagger - walk like a proud swan and also 'gurrrs' like a dog, towards the 'lowly'


(adj) naturally having skin of a dark color
Synonyms : dark-skinned dusky swart
Example Sentence
  • a dark-skinned beauty
  • gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks
  • a smile on his swarthy face
  • `swart' is archaic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for swarthy

Sounds like "swarth" which means selfish. i.e., dark side of a human.

my friend SWATHI is not SWARTHY.....she is fair!

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in SOUTH India one can find many swarthy girls

S-someone's WAR-varn(complexion) is ARTHY-earthy(dusky)

sweth is white in sanskrit, so perhaps swarth is dark ( like a war )

Keyword: "Var Arthy" If someone's husband( var in hindi) dies, she live in dark

swarthy==swarthi (selfish) pplburn from inside as a result their skin turns dark,black

The word contain war ; war is always dark & gloomy.


(noun) an enveloping bandage
Synonyms : wrapping
(verb) wrap in swaddling clothes
Synonyms : swaddle
Example Sentence
  • swaddled the infant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for swathe

also remember swathe(y),name of a gal,who's come out after a shower and has wrapped herself in a towel...she wud look horny, wudnt she :)

SWATHE rhymes with BATHE, so after you bathe , you WRAP a towel AROUND yourself.

SWAThe --> SWAT (Special Weapon & Tactics team) wrapped the hostages to protect them from getting hurt.

Think of it as "swetha" i.e., white. Bandage is also white universally.

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You "sweat" because of the covering cloth around you.

SWAThe --> SWAT (Special Weapon & Tactics team) wrapped the hostages to protect them from getting hurt.


(noun) the act of turning aside suddenly
Synonyms : swerving veering
(noun) an erratic deflection from an intended course
Synonyms : yaw
(verb) turn sharply; change direction abruptly
Example Sentence
  • The car cut to the left at the intersection
  • The motorbike veered to the right
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for swerve


rhymes with SERVE, mnemonic: in tennis the best SERVE, SWERVES, i.e. abruptly turns and puzzles the opponent.

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swerve==> sewer, what's the role of a sewer? to turning aside waste water


(noun) wet feed (especially for pigs) consisting of mostly kitchen waste mixed with water or skimmed or sour milk
Synonyms : pigswill pigwash slop slops
(verb) feed pigs
Synonyms : slop
(verb) drink large quantities of (liquid, especially alcoholic drink)
Synonyms : swill down
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for swill

When you swill a liquid, there is a chance it might spill on you.

swill means to fill with alcohol

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U swell when u drink like hell!!!(Beer actually makes your face swell.)

s+w+ill=(something )+(wet) make me (ill)

swill - bladders swell with alcohol

S-spewing(puking) but drinking WILL-willingly (alcohol which is like pigwash)

Dont swill, you might spill the beer

i like swirls ice cream, as im GREEDY about DRINKING it as it is almost liquid..

swill - sounds like swell.. u swell wen u swill !!

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