• word of the day


    engender - Dictionary definition and meaning for word engender

    (verb) call forth
    Synonyms : breed , spawn
    (verb) make children
    Synonyms : beget , bring forth , father , generate , get , mother , sire
    Example Sentence
    • Abraham begot Isaac
    • Men often father children but don't recognize them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for engender

when two gender's male & female end up together .. they produce or give rise to a CHILD..

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When genders get together they cause, produce, and give rise to children.

engender ~ gene ~ make offspring

If a species is ENDANGERED it needs to ENGENDER a new child.

engender also means bringing into being.so,thats opposite of endanger where species will be on the verge of extinct

when 2 gender combine dey give rise to a new gender(boy or a girl)

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