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    seedy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word seedy

    (adj) full of seeds
    Example Sentence
    • as seedy as a fig
    (adj) shabby and untidy
    Synonyms : scruffy
    Example Sentence
    • a surge of ragged scruffy children
    • he was soiled and seedy and fragrant with gin
    (adj) somewhat ill or prone to illness
    Example Sentence
    • my poor ailing grandmother
    • feeling a bit indisposed today
    • you look a little peaked
    • feeling poorly
    • a sickly child
    • is unwell and can't come to work
    (adj) morally degraded
    Synonyms : seamy , sleazy , sordid , squalid
    Example Sentence
    • a seedy district
    • the seamy side of life
    • sleazy characters hanging around casinos
    • sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls
    • the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils
    • the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for seedy

seedy~bidi : one who smokes bidi (gen. workers) are shabby and untidy and they are morally degraded (generally rowdy by nature + smoking is not good :no offence plz). You can also think of "beedi jalaiyi le",morally degraded song

the original seed the plant grows out of is right at the bottom in the ground.. thats what seedy means.. to lower or run down some one..

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

SEEDY business of salacious CD

seedy is opposite of seedhi(hindi) person

SEEDY and SHADY which are similar in sound refer to a disreputable, dishonest person.

Seedy can be thought of as seeds i.e balls(testacles) of a person which is vulgar..

The ppl whois always seedy wants to make relationship is always poor quality ppl.

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