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(noun) a series of question put to an individual (such as a political candidate) to elicit their views Definition
(noun) an elementary book summarizing the principles of a Christian religion; written as questions and answers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for catechism

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Catechism (Break it like CAT + MECHISM) Where CAT reminds us of CAT (the exam) and CAT(HOLIC) so Christianity funda... MECHISM reminds us of MECHANISM (Question Answer Pattern of the Exam).

catechism -> cat(holic) + techism. The technique of understanding catholism.

The "cataclysm" (major disaster or war) resulted in a "cataclasm" (disruption) of the "catechism" (instruction in Christian beliefs given in a question-and-answer format) classes.


(noun) (psychoanalysis) purging of emotional tensions
Synonyms : abreaction katharsis
(noun) purging the body by the use of a cathartic to stimulate evacuation of the bowels
Synonyms : katharsis purgation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for catharsis

CATHA sounds like KATHA(a religious story in hindi)..KATHA leads to the purging(means release) of emotional tensions.

Lets put it this way: the INDIAN KATHA was so inpiring that it led to the gettin rid of emotions!! meaning2:cath+arse...ARSE means the part of body where u get rid of sumthing

cath + 'arse' : so its used for evacuation of the bowels

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kaththu + archesi (after all the shouting you feel relaxed, giving up all emotions)

CATHER....A TUBE that is used in some chemical test(related to abdominan) where it is inserted into the body for cleansing .so doing a test with cather is catharsis.

CATHAR+sis : Kathe +sis. By teling u r daily kathe(stories) to u r sis, u will feel relaxed and thus cleansing of emotion is also done

Catharsis=Cut hairs.To remove licks and clean.

From "katha rus" u can relieve ur mind n pure your soul

Kasaav(a Hindi word meaning tension) ke recess

Catharsis = cat (cut) + har (hair) + sis (sister); Cut hair sister i.e purging hair.

cut hair of sis in movie made him feel for his dead sister

CATHARSIS = KATH (KATTU)+ARSE = You feel relieved


(noun) a closed political meeting Definition
(verb) meet to select a candidate or promote a policy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for caucus

cau + cus sounds like can collector come to discuss..... lets get together in a group and discuss about who will be elected ...

A meeting where COWS+disCUS therefore caucus is closed political(cows) meeting

caucus + sense = consensus

think of "RUCKUS" our politicians create in the parliament... sounds similar to CAUCUS

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cavvukuni discuss

discussions of politicians are heard as 'cau-cau' as they discuss like crows..

Caucus like chokas in hindi. Means alert and watchful. All alert people in a group meet each other to determine policy

cus sounds like "cush" of cigarette. You smoke with a group to decide something.

Sound like RAUCOUS which means harsh noise..MEETINGS AND DISCUSSIONS are generally NOISY.

caucus:cau cu is the sound of small dogs...

sounds like KYA+KISE .we arrange private meetings to discuss KYA kare+KISE select kare in election.

in the party campus private meeting of a group of people in a political party to select officers


(verb) burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent
Synonyms : burn cauterise
Example Sentence
  • The surgeon cauterized the wart
(verb) make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals
Synonyms : callous cauterise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cauterize

caught the rise of wound by burn wid hot iron

sounds like cotton ...which we use to heal and stop bleeding from burns

rise to think of caustic...

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when you are raising the cot and it falls on your feet, u get wounded which burns.

Caustic Sterilize i.e. Sterilize(rhymes with cauterize) using caustic substance

Charr(Burning) treatment, to be precise


(noun) a procession of people traveling on horseback
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cavalcade

caval(ry) (horses) + parade = parade on horses.

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this word resembles the word,cavalry, ie horses..


cavalcade -> cabal + parade; parade of group of people

camel ki parade => horses ki parade

caval(security in tamil) cade (cage) like wife sitting behind or security in horse carriage -> succession,procession of riders


(noun) a gallant or courtly gentleman
Synonyms : chevalier
(noun) a royalist supporter of Charles I during the English Civil War
Synonyms : royalist
(adj) given to haughty disregard of others
Synonyms : high-handed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cavalier

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CAVALIER sounds like cavalry, which is the part of the army which serve on the horse back and they are definitely more arrogant than the soldier on feet

ca+vali+er link it with "Vali" of Ramayan..he was arrogant

cavalier -> cava(name of a person) + liar; cava is a liar. he makes instant(offhand) lie and also arrogant in nature.

CAVALary+hIER=knights or people of high rank(hier) these people are generally ARROGANT to poor people

it sounds like kavali .. kavali gane wala mast rehta hai..

think of lebron james of the cleveland cavaliers who his really arrogant and does not bother passing the ball to any of his teammates!!

King Ravan was angered on his cavalier(sarathi) careless attitude when he got him out of battlefield during on-going war.

cavalier -> caval(security), knight security casual,offhand but arrogant.

cavalier ~ kav-va-li (singing activity) all person who sing kav-vali dress up royal

cava+lier...CAVA(crow)and crow is always arrogant

Cavalier - Like Kavali While doing kavali, people move their hand ,so offhand

cavalier = ca-valor = caval-lier both together, a valorous person who lies i.e he is arrogant and haughty more than true valor

Cavalry: Horse Riders(ier) are always arrogant

Asking arrogantly, CAVALI + ER??


(noun) an evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections
Synonyms : quibble quiddity
(verb) raise trivial objections
Synonyms : carp chicane
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cavil

sounds like evil.. evil people always find unnecessary faults in the good..

'cavil' transformed as 'vakil', who used to put "objections" on each point of the opposition.

cavil has same meaning as calumny which means making false objections or remarks....i.e bahu is so KABIL (cavil) but saas caals her KALMUHI(calumny)

c+avi+l avi relates to video extension..u unnecessarily find fault with some video

looks like KAABIL(potent in hindi) u dont make FRIVOLOUS OBJECTIONS to what KAABIL people say

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cAVIL : AVIL is close to AVAIL and the meaning of cavil is to no avail, pointless arguments

c+avil..avil is a tablet which is banned...so govt has objections with avil

c+avil..avil is a tablet which is banned...so govt has objections with avil

(cava + vil= sewage in tamil)cleaning pipe line blocked only by ur bike tyre. Find faulty.

In BSG, "brother" Cavil (Dean Stockwell's charector) found fault with humanity for no good reason. To Cavil is to find fault without good reason.

cavil = ca+vile : vile is an adjective for acts which should be objected to. cavil is to make minor ojections for less vile acts

sounds like kaabil.. kaabil aadmi can find fault in others.

cavil has evil in it.so evil ppl makes unnecessary comments about somebody's will.

Namukku cavil pokam ennu paranjappol, orukaranavumillathe object cheythu. CAVIL = petty objection without a reason.


(noun) harsh criticism or disapproval
Synonyms : animadversion
(noun) the state of being excommunicated Definition
(verb) rebuke formally
Synonyms : criminate reprimand
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for censure

Try to link the meaning of this word with the censor board which always critisizes every inch of the film and also disapproves of some of the parts.

the ppl who r very sure,they always criticise others..

censure…sounds simillar to censor….and when is something censored? When people are disapprove of something,something which gets criticism from all over.

Cent-%-SURE: I was cent percent sure, but it got disapproved

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someone is saying you have made a mess go ''C(see) and ensure'' whats the fault in this.

ensure energy drink is not good in taste, smell and disapprove to have it.(blame; criticize; express strong disapproval)

someone "CENt-per cent-SURE" of what he/she knows is likely to "express formal disapproval" when he/she sees something amiss


(noun) strong feelings of embarrassment Definition
(verb) cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
Example Sentence
  • He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chagrin

I was in a meeting and to my chagrin, CHAI GIR gayi on my pant making it very embarrassing for me.

Chagrin?? I'm surprised nobody though of this! You're SHAGGING in your room and your chacha walks in.. gives you a GRIN- ;-)You're freakin EMBARRASSED! please Rate!

When someone laughs and GRINs at u,u feel humiliated,irritated.

'cha'-disappointment, 'grin'-annoyance....

CHARGING....when you call your friend and he doesn't pick up your call and says that he was CHARGING his mobile and tries to avoid you....it's will make you ANNOYED,DISAPPOINTED...

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ike chandilier in FRIENDS who is embarrassed by joey in presence of women

shag + grin =embarassment :D

The mentally disturbed woman had a madnes in her eyes and SHE GRINNED

chagrin = "cha"(character) + "grin" i.e. someone grins on ur character /Strong feeling of embarrasment/

agri-angri-angry. somthing annoying ..wen u looses in a challenge,u are angry,caused by the humiliation and injured pride..

chagrin = no grin

rachel grin in friends broke up with ross, so she was very disappointed in the serial.

also grin- u grin wen u a re angry and annoyed..

Chagrin sounds like charge, taking charge on some one means annoying them.

Chagrin is like the opposite of grinning


chagrin=CHild+Always+GRINs...if yout child always grins in front of everyone, it brings humiliation, annoyance, and disappointment


(adj) characterized by great caution and wariness
Synonyms : cagey cagy
Example Sentence
  • a cagey avoidance of a definite answer
  • chary of the risks involved
  • a chary investor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chary

Chary : Think of it as "BramhaChari": What do the Bramhachari's do ?? They refrain from Marriage/ Females in general. They are unwilling to be bound by family life.

CHARY sounds similar to WARY, meaning CAUTIOUS.

chary is like 'cherry'. Remember 'CHERRY' BLOSSOM shoe polish i.e we should be "very cautious" while using polish. Because if it falls on our clothes its hard to remove the stain.

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chary: think of charred... somebody "charred" is chary i.e., somebody who is burnt is always wary or cautious

Chary= cary( somebody who takes care)

chary in adhurs telugu movie,he is very cautious n fearful.

Think: <B>charred</B> as in having been burned and from now on will be cautious.

take for ex actor brahmanandam(chary) in dee movie.. he doesnt want to take risk. (nannu involve cheyakandi)

''chary'' its somehow sounds like ''scary'' . So its scary to put a money in any company whiich is not well known to you... So you ''unwilling to take risk on that bcoz u r cautious of ur money''

chary sounds like CHARITY...and chary is quite opposite to charity.

in a telugu movie money money, a person named chary does not want to take risk by giving money to owners husband itself

CHARtered accountants are CHARY.i.e.,CAREFUL in spending money.

Remember in the tv show FRIENDS, Monica calls her virginity as cherry. So she is very CAREFUL and CAUTIOUS about giving her cherry to anyone. :D No offence please!

chary and wary go hand in hand be Chary; be wary too!

chary sound like care-e.that means to take care or sincerety

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