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(adj) rolled longitudinally upon itself
Synonyms : convolute
Example Sentence
  • a convolute petal
(adj) highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
Example Sentence
  • the Byzantine tax structure
  • Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship
  • convoluted legal language
  • convoluted reasoning
  • the plot was too involved
  • a knotty problem
  • got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering
  • Oh, what a tangled web we weave
  • tortuous legal procedures
  • tortuous negotiations lasting for months
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for convoluted

Convolution theorem was very hard to understand!!

volve is root which means to roll. con is prefix which means together.If you roll some thing completely (within it self) it becomes complicated!! and difficult to entangle it!

Convoluted sounds similar to convalescent; and a convalescent home would require intricate and complicated medical care for its patients

Breaking into a VAULT is COMPLICATED (convoluted)

Luti lidha badhane involve karine

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lUT(loot)=> in hindi loot means stealing some thing, which is too complex & not easy

this may be helpful --as kids we did reading comprehension in english.with questioins below it (its even there in gre) the ability tp undestand the passage

The convocation speech was filled with convoluted language.


(adj) large in number or quantity (especially of discourse)
Synonyms : voluminous
Example Sentence
  • she took copious notes
  • a subject of voluminous legislation
(adj) affording an abundant supply
Example Sentence
  • had ample food for the party
  • copious provisions
  • food is plentiful
  • a plenteous grape harvest
  • a rich supply
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for copious

By copying in an exam, some get a LOT of marks

COP(police)....cops are found everywhere...on streets,in bars,in rallies,on the border...hence they are plentiful...hence COPIOUS means in abundance......

Sounds like copy. I took copious notes, writing everything that was on the board

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copious sounds like kuppalu (a heap of sthing) which is in abundance

copy= photocopy of something results in bulk quantity.


(noun) a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men Definition
(verb) talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions
Example Sentence
  • The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries
  • My husband never flirts with other women
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coquette

woman says to man "COCK EAT"... just decipher...

coquette=a woman who "cock+wet"s men ...this might b bawdy but dude!...dnt b sucha prude!!

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This word sounds like cuty (a girl who is cute) a flirtatious girl


(verb) establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
Example Sentence
  • his story confirmed my doubts
  • The evidence supports the defendant
(verb) give evidence for
Synonyms : validate
(verb) support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm
Example Sentence
  • The stories and claims were born out by the evidence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for corroborate

just focus on borate part of this word -- Borate test is a confirmatory test in chemistry.

sounds like collaborate => to support

visaulize ROBOT( coROBOrate) standing firm with support.

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It sounds like "CARBO-HYD-RATE" , which SUPPORTS in human growth

CORROBORATE mean to give support...CORBO LORBO JEETBO...by singing this song people support KKR...

corroborate sounds like "correlate" if two variable correlate then the causal evidence is strengthened or confirmed!

Co+Robbers. Both robbers combine to strengthen their skills.

corroborate is similar to collaborate which is again support or assistance

if u'll CO+ROB i.e rob together and then ORATE(speak publically) about ur robbings then you will confirm(CORR0BORATE) the fact that you are a robber !!!

Corroborate and Robust are built on same latin root (robur = strengthen)

sounds like cooperate--to support

Karra tesukuni burra medha kodithe adi corroborate

The police was trying to find evidence to confirm the COR(car) ROBbery

Corroborate = korro (do)+ bor (boring)+ rate; do boring is always required support of some ppl with unnecessary gossip.

carbeuretter supports vehicles


(noun) the appearance conveyed by a person's face
Synonyms : visage
Example Sentence
  • a pleasant countenance
  • a stern visage
(noun) formal and explicit approval
Example Sentence
  • a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement
(noun) the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British) Definition
(verb) consent to, give permission
Synonyms : allow let permit
Example Sentence
  • She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband
  • I won't let the police search her basement
  • I cannot allow you to see your exam
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for countenance

(count+ten) A ten year old kid is learning how to count upto 10 and his dad's countenance gave kid a lot of encouragement

as a noun ....COUNT the no. of TENANts FACE yu can see

Countenance : Count to ten --- small boy was counting form 1 to ten.he got tired. His dad ALLOWED him 2 go to play which changed d appearance of the son's face into a smiley face

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Count the issues we must take a stance for & approve of or tolerate. ALSO count the faces of depair seen in their expressions.

1. Count down to the end of patience. 2. Count the number of tenants.

countenance = count ten & hence see your angry will decrease.

COUNT the money given my TENANT and then APPROVE for staying


(adj) showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another's advantages
Synonyms : envious jealous
Example Sentence
  • he was never covetous before he met her
  • jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions
  • envious of their art collection
(adj) immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth
Example Sentence
  • they are avaricious and will do anything for money
  • casting covetous eyes on his neighbor's fields
  • a grasping old miser
  • grasping commercialism
  • greedy for money and power
  • grew richer and greedier
  • prehensile employers stingy with raises for their employees
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for covetous

covetous = split it as cove(love) + to + US ; because of excessive greed and the love for money covetous people go to USA. i remembered like that.

karan johar is covetous about kareena kapoor

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winners are always greedy (/ covetous \)to win the COVETED titles/cups. ...................................... also ............ In media reports, sports news are always like --> a competition for The "COVETED" title/cup.

Covetousness is one of the seven deadly sins described in bible http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins#Greed

cove(cover)+tous(others)-cover others property

Split it as COVE(love) TOwards US $ (dollar).

"covet all lose all"

covet means desire or dream ...

come(cov)+to+us -- you are trying to bring something to you

bush was so greedy or jealous that he cover whole of US

let us (ous) cover (cove) = we are greedy for it and want to occupy (cover) it.

My friend Kavit [covet] is very much greedy.

cope with others=covetous

covet means to desire or long for or crave something immoderately to the point of jealousy and envy and insatiably


(verb) crouch or curl up
Synonyms : huddle
Example Sentence
  • They huddled outside in the rain
(verb) show submission or fear
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cower

A coward cowers from fear while the bold and the brave do not.

Cower sounds like "cover." If you are escaping from someone, you will try to cover yourself in fear.

a cow+er—a COWard person LACKS COURAGE

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one who faces COW(animal or above word)


(verb) be false to; be dishonest with
Synonyms : deceive delude lead on
(verb) act with artful deceit Definition
(verb) cheat or trick
Example Sentence
  • He cozened the money out of the old man
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cozen

Instead of a DOZEN, he took 13 bananas, cheating the shopkeeper.

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Opposites of sajjan- dur-jjan or ku-jan

my cousin cozen me and stole my zen

My Co (Company) promised to give me a Zen Car but later denied.

C contents are responsible for ozone layer depression so cozen is cheat done by developed countries about Carbon emission.

C(carbon is represented as C in chemistry)+OZONE....instead of maintaining OZONE layer in the atmosphere, we are giving CARBON...by doing this we are CHEATING ourselves and nature.....

from cozen we can have doze-ppl cheat when u doze off a little

in the periodic table after cobalt(CO) and zinc(ZN) if we MIS a few places we get LEAD.so its MISLEAD, makes sense?


(noun) an abject coward
Synonyms : poltroon recreant
(adj) lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful
Synonyms : recreant
Example Sentence
  • the craven fellow turned and ran
  • a craven proposal to raise the white flag
  • this recreant knight
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for craven

craven -- is the opposite of 'brave'.

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Craven sounds like Cita + RAVana => Ravana was a coward man!!! he proved it by taking away Cita/Sita in absence of Ram.

craven - relate with cave + in. You hide in cave if your are coward (in a jungle)

one who keeps craving but doesn't do anything


craven == crave sounds like grave .. grave makes you coward

c + raven (bird)...the craven cat was to afraid (coward) to chase the raven.

My friend Raven acts like she is confident and brave BUT she is just the opposite!

craven—crave+n CRAVE means to have a great desire for something, so CRAVEN means not having desire for something, so LACKING IN COURAGE, so CRAVEN, just take the N in opposite sense

c+ravan;see ravan acted cowardly by kidnapping seeta..

Craven with a c is opposite of brave with a b. Craven person too quickly starts thinking of grave.


(noun) the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true
Synonyms : acceptance
Example Sentence
  • he gave credence to the gossip
  • acceptance of Newtonian mechanics was unquestioned for 200 years
(noun) a kind of sideboard or buffet
Synonyms : credenza
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for credence

sounds like "confidence". If you have the confidence in someone, you have belief in him. People believe you after seeing your CREDENCE+tial = credential

CREDENCE: should be or is "cred"-ible

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relate as Evidence : when u have evidence for something.then it has to be.."believable and should be accepted as true"

CRED means to believe so, credo, credible, credence, credit, credential, credulity, incredulous, creed, incredible all are associated with believe.

credence is from credential...eg what are your credentials...i.e "trustworthiness"

sounds like credit...you give credit to some person when you have faith in him...or belief in him...credence means give credit by believing...

certain CREatures from forrest or outerspace DANCE well... that is supposed to be a BELIEF. :P

C(see)+REDance....I can see red flower even n a desert because I BELIEVE....

CREED+DANCE .... we creed in hrithik's dances, we know that he dance well...

C+re+dance Due to belief based on evidence Group C was asked to dance again. So they said C re dance

Credentials provide a basis for confidence of belief in someone. Credentials can help lend credibility and credence to a person's claims.

u give ur credentials to a person u BELIEVE in or have FAITH in.

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