clout sounds like cloud. cloud have gr8 influence over a region.
call out(=clout) your ex girlfriend/boyfriend 's name on the crossroad. You will get a blow from his/her spouse.
~call+out: whenever a umpire calls out for a wrong decision it has a great influence and the batsman get's a hard blow
lout-l@#d@--resembles this argot,which is easily learned ,when u are influenced by social or political wen u tell this to someone,u would get a hard blow ,with there fist..
cl(call) + out.In cricket match umpire will give out(decision). So they have great influence.
clout -> tout; tout has great influence to persuade some thing
Scout has great influence on school students so as clout has influence over something.
When a bowler "Calls out" by saying Howzzat it has a"Great influence "on the umpire.
u hv enof influence to ask all to clear out!!
sounds like toying means playing with someone like a toy. It is very sweet to that person but distasteful to the society.
cloy is like clay...which is distasteful
cloying sounds very close to annoying
cloying-loy- loy, a gr8 musician, his songs were gr8 to hear in the starting,but now,,its him everywhere,cz of which the true taste of his good music,has been lost..
cloying== coying we know coy means shy or excessively modest, if someone is too shy or modest than its distasteful!!!!!!
The cloying scent of popcorn at the fair is a PLOY to get you to buy more popcorn.
cloying,loyal ppl used to play with girls.which is unpleasent
cloying sounds like 'clawing' something to your mouth and then its sickening sweetness puts you off
closing the restaurant due to cloying food
Definition (verb) change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state
Coddle - sounds like cuddle - cuddling is pampering kids, showing excessive love, indulge in excess of cuddling that is mollycoddle, which will spoil kids.
coddle ~ Noodle noodle are cooked in boiled water.
coddle sounds like CODDALU(Daughter in law in TELUGU) so generally a bridegrooms parents show a lot of care for their daughter in law just after marriage
CO+EVAL(evaluation = exam) someone who takes up exams with you, is of same age as you
coeval-co eval(oval) having the same centre--means same age
Coeval (Sounds like Co + Eve + All).. So if we all have to cooperate "EVE", we all have to sit together in TIME MACHINE and go back to EDEN GARDEN to become contemporary to EVE.
co-eval .. In the same age as Eve from the genesis of Man- And I'm the lucky adam who gets to fornicate
coeval-> co+eval means co-same
so coeval means same arrival or of same age/time
it sounds like medieval..which was a time period long ago. so therefore during the same time...:)
Co-operative bank agents are generally pursuasive.
I find my Company's Agents more convincing than others
Cogent like cognizant or appealing to the mind with reason.
CO(company) of gentleman are always convincing.....they don't need to use force to convince people....
<B>Cognitive Enchantment</B>
co(converse)+gent(gently)...wen u r conversed gently u r well argued
Sounds like coherent...
if u r in a grp and if u want ur idea to b implemented,den u need to b coagent i.e., b able to convince ur COAGENT
cogent can be thought of as co(vert)+ agent. who is a covert agent? Sam fisher is. he grabs you in a choke hold and persuades you to do things.
cognos means to be aware of. so when we are aware of a subject then we can easily persuade people on that subject
My parents will give consent if my argument is cogent.
it has 'cause' in it
Definition (verb) consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one's mind
Definition (verb) use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
excogitate:invent; so Cogitate is think over to invent new things.
cogitate sounds like--kaunsi date choose karu..u hv to think over it
gitate- if u can see the spelling of this, u will find git,,which u can resemble it with wit, and eating(ate) ur wit ,is similar to thinking over and over again,ie ponder over..
Definition (noun) one related by blood or origin; especially on sharing an ancestor with another
or co(together) + nate(born), so those who are born together (like twins) have the same origin.
cognate-nate- this is the one to rememebr ,if u can resemble this nate ,with native,then it brings us to the answer,native people are related linguistically,probly similar in akin and also origin an may be blood...!!
coiffure - in this word, if you can see, fure, read it as fur..which is the hair of animals. If you check the oi letters in the word, take it as oil and oil is used for hairstyling..!!
coiffure=c(coconut)+oi(oil)+ffure(for fur)......for betterment of hair style...
Definition (adj) according with custom or propriety
KOMAL, take it as a name and also concentrate on the meaning, first it is a girl so it wud seem attractive to boys !!! and acc to meaning one who is komal, soft n simple is easily agreeable..
comely- resembles homely,, homely gals are always liked by everyone,as they are attractive and also have a pleasing appearance.
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