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    animadversion - Dictionary definition and meaning for word animadversion

    (noun) harsh criticism or disapproval
    Synonyms : censure
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for animadversion

"Any mad version" of a speech will bring criticism for some one..

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animated + adversion : adversion sounds a lot like adversarry. so to take out his hatred for his adversary he criticized his beautiful animation

any-mad-vason. in bengali vason means speech. so any mad's vason will contain critical/caustic remarks

animadversion=animal aversion...anyone who says they hate animals is saying a critical remark

He got mad seeing the new version and starts criticising

ANIMAL+MAD+VERSION....this person is a mad version of animal....look I am censuring

Anni(All) mad version. That is all you say is bad things. Criticize.

The animals in the zoo are ugly and poorly behaved.

some one is showing ANIMAted ADVERSIty to your plan

anima + advert ~ animal advertisement; You are definitely going to disapprove the idea of advertising animals on Television.

animus advert

ani(any)mad version of speech is always critically dissaproved

ANIMADVERSION<===> निंदा (pr. \\ninada \\ )[Noun]

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