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(noun) the husband or wife of a reigning monarch Definition
(noun) a family of similar musical instrument playing together
Synonyms : choir
(verb) keep company with; hang out with
Example Sentence
  • He associates with strange people
  • She affiliates with her colleagues
(verb) go together
Example Sentence
  • The colors don't harmonize
  • Their ideas concorded
(verb) keep company
Synonyms : run
Example Sentence
  • the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consort

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in a musical consert (sounds like consert), many instruments play together

consort=con+saut(another wife) in hindi saut means a 'step wife' .. so if we consider both ways it becomes husband or wife

if couple SORTs their problems, they go together and accompany each other(else they break off)

consort has a similar pronunciation as CONCERT. both mean a group of people..

Consort also means a wife, husband, or companion.....COME+SORT....when two people of opposite sex or even same sex COME together and SORT out the problems in between them, they become a wife, husband, or companion of each other.

consort - to be with the same sort, or to play with the same sort of instruments

Will u do me the honor of being my CONSORT for the CONCERT tonight?

con + sort >> the con's from a gang sort out the plan of robbery and now they are ASSISTING EACH OTHER for the robbery..


(noun) fear resulting from the awareness of danger
Synonyms : alarm dismay
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consternation

conster(sounds like monster) + nation......and a monster creates fear in every one ....due to which we donot go out so as to avoid danger.

divide it like con(conflicts)+ster(stir)+nation.. conflicts in gujrat stirred the whole nation..&people feared a lot from going out of their homes.

if ther is constant terror in nation u have to b alarmed at all times and it is a matter of great dismay

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const+ter+nation—constant terror in nation will cause anxiety and distress

Everyone experiences CONSTERNATION when in the presence of a CONFLAGRATION(intense, uncontrolled fire).

CONSTERNATION -> CAN'T, STERN...When a big man acts STERN(harsh), you CAN't help but feel fearful.

sounds lik masturbation..every1 say not to masturbate so it will cultivate a fear within us:p

CONSTERNATION ~ (cons) continuous + ter (terror) + nation; continuous terrorist attacks on a nation can cause CONSTERNATION

When our conscious is stirred we feel fearful.

sound like constipation which causes anxiety and dismay

consternation: cons~constantly stern~expressive of severe displeasure tion~process...so you are showing consternation because of great shock / dismay


(verb) make sense of; assign a meaning to
Synonyms : interpret see
Example Sentence
  • What message do you see in this letter?
  • How do you interpret his behavior?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for construe

e.g. if i construe your message correctly...

you need to CONcentrate to decode TRUe messages.

KAUN+TRUE- let me know WHO is truely speaking.- judge said

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construe = (cons)ider it is (true)...so we interpret something by ourselves

Concentrate true to decide her feelings.

Construe the abstruse concept.

cons.+true....concentrate on all of your friends action, because you need to give A TRUE EXPLANATION.........TO the monitor.

'const'rue->if a constant appears while doing maths IT IS UNDERSTOOD that it doesnt change the value


(adj) inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits
Example Sentence
  • a style described as abrasive and contentious
  • a disputatious lawyer
  • a litigious and acrimonious spirit
(adj) involving or likely to cause controversy
Example Sentence
  • a central and contentious element of the book
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contentious

Contentious- (Contender+Serious) One who takes competition too serious always fights and quarrels)

Remember as non-contented. One who is not contented is always quarrelsome.

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contentious=content+tious(relate with malicious)..i.e. malicious content which pertains to argumentive or contravercial content..its so easy...right..?:)

Sounds like (Contagious)-The person/people/group who is causing controversy/ quarrelsome is contagious to our society

If everyone around you is content and you are not, you might start thinking of something to make them less happy.

Content+ious(ewww!U.S) If the "content" in an article is aimed at making the "U.S" look "eww" or bad, then that article will be controversial.

CONTENT + VICOUS(deliberately harmful) - Hence controvertial

CONTENTIOUS: CON(who)+TEN people+ THE (where)+VO(there)- he is such a Querulous person, he was asking for all 10 hoodlums who where involved in fighting.

con+tent+us:con is quarreling with us for the tent

If a <B>contender</B> is <B>serious</B> then they are always ready to fight.

Contentious can be broken in content+chi(Hindi meaning shit).So if you call someone's project content as chi he will be argumentative and ready to fight with you because he disagrees with you.

Sounds like (Contagious)-The person/people/group who is causing controversy/ quarrelsome is contagious to our society

Crying in front of everybody can cause conspiracy!

With tensions

the one who doesnt have any CONTENT (matter) with him tries to QUERREL and win the arguments

Think "contender"--> One who is a competitor. A very competitive contender might become quarrelsome and argumentative.

A person who contains more money , name and fame will be in controversy, dispute and has the tendency to argue.

Content with bad intentions

"Derived from CONTEND" Ye jantey huay ke khud ghalti per ho CONTEND kartey jao ge to CONTENTIOUS ban jao ge :)


(adj) feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contrite

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for being a conTRITE i.e lacking originality ,i REGRET

can't(CONT) I did it right(RITE)... so regretful

CON ( a convict or con artist ) TRITE ( hackneyed ) ... A con starts to regret things only if he is being caught again and again !

I feel contrite because I didn't do it right...

CONT+RITE= Cant + right= I regret that I cant do anything rite.

count right otherwise contrite

one who counts right feels pain for wrong thing done by him

This is for Spanish speakers. CON is with, and TRITE sounds like the Spanish word triste, meaning sad. So "with sadness" is contrite.

Contrite = Coulnd't right or couldn't be righteous

if u do not regret ur mistake i will pull ur "kaan(con)" tight(trite)

he said i cant do it right..he is very remorseful,sad now

Contrite -- co + nitrite conversion of nitrite... He filled with a sense of guilt for not able to perform nitrite conversions

contrite sounds like CAN WRITE..I'm so Sorry(expressing pain for offenses)that i CAN even WRITE it down on a paper.


(adj) showing effects of planning or manipulation
Example Sentence
  • a novel with a contrived ending
(adj) artificially formal
Synonyms : artificial hokey stilted
Example Sentence
  • that artificial humility that her husband hated
  • contrived coyness
  • a stilted letter of acknowledgment
  • when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contrived


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recollecting the game contra as in it was artificial

contrived = cont. (continue) + tried; After continue try the artificial format of human logis come with artificial Intelligence.

Con+trived=cant+tried i.e.one cant try to cheat


(adj) wilfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient
Example Sentence
  • a contumaceous witness is subject to punishment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contumacious

(In Hindi language) Break the word as CON - TU - MA - CI- OUS n tat can be read as Kaun Tu Ma Ki one who says this is disobedient

kaun(CON) hai tu (TU) , jiski mein (MA) sunu (cious),,, thus the persion is disobideint and obstinate

contumacious..taking the tum(my) part..generally police people having big tummy doesn't work

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Contumacious = one hardass contaminates all fun

contu(contrary to,stubbornly disobedient) + macious (malicious)

continue to make a racous as an insubordinate rebel

with (con) tumult and viciousness they overthrew the city

con(tradiction)+ tu(to) + macious(mission)malicous, as a person (aspersion) who is rebellious, insubordinate

contumacious,can be split as KAUN TUMHARI MA,when someone fingers towards ur mother u become disobident towards then and starts resisting them.

CON + tu + MALICIOUS >>> CON yane CRIMINAL and MALACIOUS.. both break authority and are disobedient..

contumacious : cont(continous) + um(umpire) + aci (acid) + o(on) + us; i.e continously umpire giving wrong decision against us he is morally corrupt.


con+to+Mac+ious.. No windows.. only MAc!!


(noun) an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration
Synonyms : bruise
(noun) the action of bruising
Example Sentence
  • the bruise resulted from a contusion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for contusion

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contusion - in TUITION i got several hits(BRUISES) beccause i din do homework

Con+ tuition = going to tuitions in the childhood was hidden pain.

while i was going to conTUTION i got myself hurt i.e BRUISED

contusion = cont (cant ) + us (ooz)when your bruised

tusion sounds like tution...so in tution teacher hurt/injure a child as he doesn't complete his homework

contusion = con (who) + tusion ( tution); As your teacher felt accident yesterday who will teach for the next one month.

Contusion sounds like the sound you make when you hit the ground.


(noun) a difficult problem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conundrum

drum ke andar kaun hai

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Hey this rock start got only one "drum", how he is going to do the show!! It's a difficult situation.


Can+ any one lift is drum?? As it is a difficult problem.

CONUNDRUM: KAUN(who) UNDUR(indside); so whos inside...if sme one asks u this,ur puzzled since its difficult to guess

Whiche one came first? Unda(egg)? or murgi(chicken), we can spell it like "Kon unda?". Means this is a puzzle(problem) without a solution

co-nun-drums. two nuns to beat the drum. difficult thing

Drum under a cone is ok.....But a cone-under-drum is a puzzle.(Imagine cone and drum are solid structures closed on all surfaces.)

finding total volume of this 'conun' drum is very difficult.... i.e a maths conundrum


co+nun+d+rum— NUN CO RUM—making a nun drink rum is difficult and confusing problem

conundrum - riddles and puzzles 'cons' from 'under' your brain

Cone and Rhombus related problem were very difficult

con(kaun) + undr(andar)>> kaun hai andar yeh ekk puzzle hi hai....

condrum...kaun(con) drum bajaayega...its a puzzle


(adj) occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company
Synonyms : good-time
Example Sentence
  • a convivial atmosphere at the reunion
  • a woman of convivial nature
  • he was a real good-time Charlie
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for convivial

somewhat close to carnival which also implies festivity.

con(together)vivi(bibi,wife) so if wife is with you,everything would be joyous

focus on viva==> a band of girls who played very well and thus created a festive atmosphere

CON(not)+VIVAil....convivial means (of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable...when nobody asks you personal questions and there is no viva sort of atmosphere, then the atmosphere is friendly....

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CONVIvial atmosphere is similar to CONVEnient atmosphere i.e sociable atmosphere

c+on+vivia+l--- on viva(vivia), we have to be cheerful and good natured with examiner to make an impress and score good marks


a convivial gathering to revive our frindship

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