Memory aid : con (conference) + clave (cave); we are going to organize a secret conference (meeting) in a cave.
conclave and collusion are synonyms. I thought I saw a con (convict) playing clave (musical instrument) in a secret inmate salsa band, but it was an illusion (rhymes with collusion)
(CON-)kaun(-CLAVE)clever.Everyone MEETS to decide whose cleverest.
Remember it as concave cave : people are having a meeting in that concave cave.
all the ppl (con) r in the cave for a conclave meeting
Definition (adj) fitting or appropriate and deserved; used especially of punishment
Example Sentence
condign censure
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for condign
Condign.con+deserve,means to deserves."condign censure"
condign=deserved (of punishment) condign=co+n+dign ~> come+and+dine...imagine after a well deserved punishment, ur mother calls u back for dining :)
Condign can be split as CONvicted + Dign. A convicted person has been given punishment of digging whole day in jail which is well deserved punishment for him
CON DIGN (convict dignity)
if he accepts fitting and appropriate punishment for his crime he DESERVES to can regain his diginity
Definition (noun) reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence
Definition (verb) to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
Con<together> + it as hindi word yugal (couple) conjugal means the event in which the couple meet...i.e. ''MARRIGE''
ConJugal : you see a girl and you like her and wanna marry her.. then you say I wanna CON-U -GAL .. ( ask her for marriage- so conjugal: Pertaining to marriage arrangement)
split the word conn+ ivance
Con-to decieve
ivance reminds us of ignorance
so connivance=ignoring something deceiving/wrong
Con+naïve = cons (cheats) and acts naïve, inturn pretends to ignore, in a way, conspiring to commit the crime...
connivance can be conni, telugu konni means few vans are taken to do a dangerous deed.especially maruthi van..
CONNIVANCE: CONN(kaun,WHICH);IVANCE(events) it basically means which events are u talkin abt..pretending u were not there when those evnts occured
Konnuduvein ( i'll kill you) if you tell some one abt this incident... villan threatening common man to approve his wrong doing
connivance: cooperation+cunning +in advance or secretly approving wrongdoing
con means kannu in telugu and jure sounds like jerripothu.
If u don't eat food i will turn your eye into jerripothu.
In the centre of the word connivance is -niv- which stands for knife or backstabbing. Co stands for cooperation , so cooperation for backstabbing or a secret conspiring. Vance stands for advance plot. Con also stands for condone
Definition (noun) an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts
(In Hindi Language) Connoisseur sounds like kaun inse sure nahi hoga, kaun nahi sure.. Ye to expert hai. He is connoisseur. He is EXPERT.
in connoisseur take "nn" and "ss" as two persons. theres a tie between them. so who is the winner? connoisseur should decide who is the winner. so he is a judge.
Connoisseur is always SURE as he is an expert or a good judge
connoisseur,is like noise imagine a situation of a singing competition in which the judge says what a noise ur
Conozco from Spanish means to know. Connoisseur is someone with a lot of knowledge- an expert
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