"Comestible" sounds similar to combustible( easily burned)...So comestible, something that can be burned in stomach, think it as etable.
come eat at table :P
Comestible -> Eaten food provides energy because it is Combustible in stomach.
here mes ( mess) & tible (table) ,,together it becomes mess the table with food.......
Definition (noun) a state or atmosphere of harmony or mutual civility and respect
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for comity
comity sounds like come eat with us, which displays courtesy.
Nations around the world build some commitees to grow comity among them.
comity sounds like committee (with civil and courteous members.)
comity sounds like comedy....when there is comedy everywhere and you crack jokes, it represents friendly feeling coz at that time everyone is happy....
an ity bit different than comedy. Lenny Bruce - seemed disharmonius (worked along side jazz musicians, uncivi (was arrested), and disrespectful (used foul language) but in the end his comedy promoted comity
This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps
We memorialized the Dead
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for commemorate
come + memory(ative) remembering something and honouring it. if we forget some1 bday we ll close eyes and says please come to memory.
Focus on Memor which does mean memory and com means together so commemorate means when people recall their past great events together it can be expressed as commemorate.
focus on the first half of word commem(COMMEND)+orate.and we always COMMEND AND honour the PEOPLE who had done something great for us..
Definition (adj) corresponding in size or degree or extent
Example Sentence
pay should be commensurate with the time worked
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for commensurate
kampan meaning shivers.. when uve done smthing wrong, u shiver with guilt
is like COMe PUNCTure.. when a tyre is punctured, v r left wid REMORSE..
compuncture sounds like compensation..when you hav done a wrong thing you regret and offer victim the compensation..
Compuncture - Come + puncture - when ur self respect is punctured or hurt by yourself, then you feel guilty for such act by you, which eventually causes uneasiness.
(Com)Common puncture.If u puncture others , ur consciousness will puncture you back.
COMPUter stopped fUNCTION ing cuz of ur fault , u feel guilty for watching wrong site and getting viruses
compunction->KAMPANK(vibration)TION jab teacher punishment dene k liye puchta hai k kaun kasoorwar hai to jo guilty hota hai woh dar k mare kapne(vibrate) lagte hai.cuz usko guilty/regret feel hota hai.
COMPULSION....when you have compulsion of something,you are in great regret or remorse
if you puncture someones comp (com+punction) you are filled with remorse
compunction=comp-(completely)+un(undesirable)+tion(action) causing remorse or regret
COMPUNCTION:COM(KUM-LEES) PUNCH TION(SON-CHILD;imagine an odd situation when an elder feels guilt for doing somethin wrong to u , and he tells u COMPUNCTION, cos hes feelin guilty
Definition (noun) an elaborate poetic image or a far-fetched comparison of very dissimilar things
Definition (noun) a witty or ingenious turn of phrase
Example Sentence
he could always come up with some inspired off-the-wall conceit
Definition (noun) an artistic device or effect
Example Sentence
the architect's brilliant conceit was to build the house around the tree
Definition (noun) the trait of being unduly vain and conceited; false pride
Can remember this with the word reconcile.
Once u have a fight with your friend, then you do something good to appease him....so as to get back to normal friendship (or you reconcile with him)
So this can be taken as a conciliatory act.
Cilia line our lungs to prevent particles from being logged. In the end they are HELPing you. ConCILIAtory helps.
you can conciliate by counseling.
In India always for a dispute a council is elected, so as at least to solve a dispute with peace n goodwill.. Such things are called conciliatory... ;)
conciliatory[console the military]
we have to console the military to stop the violance against citizens and discuss peacefully
It resembles "silly". If you are in a meeting if you dont give conciliayory speech it would be silly.
con(together)+silna=bring friendship back together
council is going take eat i.e making friendly relationship.
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