Definition (verb) extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry
Example Sentence
quarry marble
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quarry
quarry sounds like query we know query is to ask questions when you r in doubt or when you desire to know more, and quarry means to dig deep when you want something from earth.
quell rhymes with HELL were your pleasures will be SUPPRESSED
quell taken from qualen means to vex, this word also rhyme like kill.means when u crash something you are killing something...whatever it may quell supress or crash completely
quell sounds with quail, which we have learned before, quail means fear, so quail makes you quelled.
quell sounds with quail, which we have learned before, quail means fear, so quail makes you quelled.
fell on one another like a well and suppress and crush below one
Quell means Do well.
QUELL=WELL:water extinguisher and used to put down fire
quies(QUITE)+scent(in hindi shant means quite) someone who is quite or shant for a period of time.
quiz + cent, teacher asks students who will get cent(100) in the quiz...everyone reamains silent for sometime
quiescent=quiet+descent..........lady1:->"What a QUIEt and deSCENT son u have..."...lady2:->"please dont go on his TEMPORARY INACTIVENESS...come to our house some day and u shall realise that he is an active volcano..!!!".......:D
queue scent for buying a scent a stand in a queue and bcom quiescent
It sounds like QUICKSAND, which looks harmless but deadly . A dormant threat .
quie(quiet)+scent=scent or scence means 'growing' as in quiescent means GROWING QUITER
Diesel Accent was quiet and quiescent
quiet+sometime....quiet for sometime..dormant
qui- quality, e-scent- perfume(in hindi), so, a quality scent stands still on our clothes for hours, hence motionless..
Definition (noun) the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodies
Quisling; split like QUIT+LINK means a culprit quits and collaborate (link)with enemy
Quislings are prone to QUIZZLINGS by the government when caught!
Quisling sounds like sibling who aids betraying
quit + ling = one who quits linguistic love.
Quisling, after Norwegian politician Vidkun Quisling, who assisted Nazi Germany to conquer his own country and ruled the collaborationist Norwegian government, is a term used to describe traitors and collaborators.
the culprit was questioned(QUIZ)...who is the TRAITOR in (LINGuistic department)who helped him to leak out the paper.
"quisling" == actually sounds like "wrestling" , ie "traitors" are always in a mood to wrestle with you
QUISLING -> CHRIST + LYING. In the Bible, Judas was caught LYING to CHRIST as he plotted to betray him.
quis+ling ; quis sounds like wise/cunning person
quisling = quis + ling; quit link i.e. quit the link is always a betrayer.
Definition (adj) not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic
as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood
a romantic disregard for money
a wild-eyed dream of a world state
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quixotic
quixotic== quick + exotic, if you desire something exotic to happen quickly in your life it is just a daydream.
THIS WORD IS DERIVED FROM THE NOVEL....Don Quixote de la Mancha...where the HERO IN THE NOVEL..Cervantes GETS inspired by lofty and chivalrous but impractical ideals....................
divide it as quix(quick)+otic..
i IDEALY wanted to be a quick runner but it was IMPRACTICALas i am a fat person..
quixotic=quick+sotic(sortic)...if u sort out things quickly without thinking u ll be FOOLISH AND IMPRACTICAL
if we divide quixotic, we will notice xotic which is similar to exotic which mean unusual
Quick so thick....He is Quick and so thick(fat here)...which is unrealistic.
Don Quixote sings the song "The Impossible Dream" in the Broadway play based on the book Don Quixote. So, to be quixotic is to dream impossible dreams.
Opposite of PRAGMATIC.....
He has given quick tick on the question paper i.e. without understanding i.e. not practical.
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