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    squelch - Dictionary definition and meaning for word squelch

    (noun) a crushing remark
    Synonyms : put-down , squelcher , takedown
    (noun) an electric circuit that cuts off a receiver when the signal becomes weaker than the noise
    Synonyms : squelch circuit , squelcher
    (verb) suppress or crush completely
    Synonyms : quell , quench
    Example Sentence
    • squelch any sign of dissent
    • quench a rebellion
    (verb) make a sucking sound Definition
    (verb) walk through mud or mire
    Synonyms : slop , slosh , splash , splosh , squish
    Example Sentence
    • We had to splosh across the wet meadow
    (verb) to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition
    Synonyms : crush , mash , squash , squeeze
    Example Sentence
    • crush an aluminum can
    • squeeze a lemon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for squelch

Very close to 'Squeeze' in both spelling and meaning.

Sounds like "belch".

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