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(noun) a silly self-conscious smile Definition
(verb) smile affectedly or derisively
Synonyms : smirk
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for simper

your smile should be simple...not simper

Simper=smile tampered(artificial)

Smile like "chimp"angee :)

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simper.....simp(SIMPLE)+SI(m)P+..SO WHEN PRONOUNCED give the sounds of simp(le)& sip....so A VERY SIMPLE GIRL..SIPPING THE JUICE IN A VERY SILLY WAY..like while sipping she is making gd gdddd noice....so someone smiling on her..silly way of sipping j

SIMPER - let's break the word - SI = SILLY + SIM = SMILE and PER (per (but)in Hindi). We can now explain it a little better - A SMILE PER dikhne mein SILLY kyunki aap us waqt self-conscious hote hain.



(noun) a benefice to which no spiritual or pastoral duties are attached Definition
(noun) an office that involves minimal duties
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sinecure

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7 crores ... baithe baithe hi 7 crores mil jate ...

all you have to do is SIgN papers and your job will be sECURE

SIN+CURE....in order to cure(engulf) your sins you give crores of rupees in POLICE STATIONS and you are pardoned....hence police stations are SINECURES....

the word can be broken into SINEC(soldier in hindi)+CURE....so soldiers will be working occasionally in fields ,so to cure a soldier demands little responsibility

I'm assiduous. All I need is a "secure" job. It need not be "sinecure". I need not be "cynosure".

bus SINE(signature)-HE-KAR aur enjoy the good salary just for little work

the SIGN on the officeboard claims to CURE but in reality they DO NOTHING

Hanging around the water cooler too often is a sure SINE one has a sinecure.

The doctor comforts the patient saying "Relax! We will CURE ur SINUS instantly. It's nothing but a SINECURE (a duty that has absolutely no work/responsibility)."

SINECURE doctor gives a SINE on a letter inorder to cure a person .... and gains lot of money without much efforts....


(adj) (of meat) full of sinews; especially impossible to chew Definition
(adj) consisting of tendons or resembling a tendon
Synonyms : tendinous
(adj) (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful
Example Sentence
  • a hefty athlete
  • a muscular boxer
  • powerful arms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sinewy

sounds like "sunny" deol who is muscular and strong.

sounds like SIN WAVE, one period of sin wave looks like a strong bicept

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Have you ever seen biceps of a muscular man? How does they look? Don't they look like Sine Wave? Sinewy (Sine Wave Biceps) means Muscular.

Like 'sine' in maths(trigonometry) - which was tough to understand at first

Sinewy also sounds like Shiney - The maid rapist actor, apart from being evil he is also a Muscular guy. Sinewy means Muscular. :)

SINEWY - very MANLY, BURLY, HUSKY - Somebody who is able-bodied, muscular, strong.

sinewy - SINfully HEAVY, ewy sounds like heavy.



(adj) curved or curving in and out
Synonyms : sinuate wiggly
Example Sentence
  • wiggly lines
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sinuous

Two things: 1. "sin()" uous - like a sine wave, twisting and winding <br> 2. "sin"uous - a person who commits sins (by being dishonest).

SINuous...one who commits sins is NOT MORALLY HONEST

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sign "you and us" on the card and they will be really confused

SINUOUS and TORTUOUS which are rhyming words refer to something that is full of twists and turns.


(noun) someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
Synonyms : doubter sceptic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for skeptic

Skeptic-just remove 'K' -Septic-When a person is Wonded/Injured he always have doubt whether it is going to get septic or not. So he is doubtful.:)

can not "kept" things

break it as "skip for a tick"...tick means right answer..

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SKEPTIC or SKEPTICAL or UNCONVINCIBLE - someone who is doubtful and cannot be easily convinced.

skeptic people usually were spectacles!


(verb) work hastily or carelessly; deal with inadequately and superficially
Synonyms : scant
(verb) limit in quality or quantity
Synonyms : scant
(verb) subsist on a meager allowance
Synonyms : scrimp stint
Example Sentence
  • scratch and scrimp
(verb) supply sparingly and with restricted quantities
Synonyms : scant stint
Example Sentence
  • sting with the allowance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for skimp

skimp (less than required) clothes of kim sharma (bollywood actress)

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one who skips things (meals,etc...)

a pimp provides women with less clothing. ie he provides scantily.

People tend to skip meals when forced to skimp on necessities

skimp = ski-p + m for money; skip money. Always a skinflint.

skimp has kim, remember it as 'kum' [In Hindi thoda sa].

if a whore skips a pimp then she has to live her life very economically


(noun) a selfish person who is unwilling to give or spend
Synonyms : churl niggard scrooge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for skinflint

skinFLINT.. The Flintstones cartoon show had stingy cartoon characters.

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Flint means hard stone. Just imagine Skinflint with a person having hard skin. In Hindi, we used to say, 'Paise dene ke mamle me iski chamdi [skin] moti [hard] hey'. That means unwilling to give or spend.

skin+flint~flintstone a cartoon remember he is wearing skin of animal because he doesnt like to spend money to buy cloth

SKIN + FLINT ... if Flintoff is a MISER then he would become SKINny as he will not eat anything to save money

SKIN+FLINToff feeds on the skin of animal as he is miser n stingy person.

SKINFLINT = using flint(stones for making fire) till it becomes skinny(small). USING EVERY PART IN IT


(noun) a minor short-term fight
Synonyms : brush clash encounter
(verb) engage in a skirmish
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for skirmish

break the word - skir(skirt)+mi(mini)+sh..now focus on the skir(T) part and imagine a GIRL walking on a road with her boy friend. If someone dares to pass a comment on her, what do you think will happen? There will be a SKIRMISH

skirmish, if jumbled a bit, sounds like kashmir.. => fight

SKRI(skirt)+MISH(miss): skirt of miss was torn in a minor fight. meaning a minor fight

skirmish....u gifted short skirt to miss n she get anger n had minor short fight u...

break it as SKIR(t)+MI(da)+SH(shampoo)...that leads to a minor quarrel :)

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...there will be A MINOR FIGHT BETWEEN that guy and her boyfriend.

skirmish ! take skirt of gal ! mish >> mishap (accident ) !accident bcz of girl's skirt !means fight ! Lol

Remember Shaktimaan.. villain 'Kilwish'...who used to fight.


(adj) unpredictably excitable (especially of horses)
Synonyms : flighty nervous spooky
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for skittish

In a skit ( a comic play or a drama), everyone is lively and playful.

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skittish=skirtish: think of girls all with short skirts showing skirtish (skittish) behavour,

when u r walking on skates (skatish), u r very lively and playful

SKI is a long strip of wood fastened to the foot for sliding....hence SKITTISH people are lively, playful...

skits are subjected to change pretty easily

after seeing the chick in mini skirt ibecame very frisky

Rhymes with "citish", as in "citish life" - changing, lively

everyone feels skittish(nervous) during skating.


(verb) lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner
Synonyms : lurk
(verb) avoid responsibilities and duties, e.g., by pretending to be ill
Synonyms : malinger
(verb) move stealthily
Example Sentence
  • The lonely man skulks down the main street all day
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for skulk

skulk reminds us of skull. People who associate themselves with that symbol are usually notorious(like pirates). And as everyone knows such people move about secretly.

HULK SKULKED through the city to avoid being noticed by COPS.. :)

imagine a person digging up skulls from mortuary to sell to science lab

skULK is same as LURK

The skeleton SKULKED out of the cemetery for a New life!

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SKULk reminds SKULL which hides under skin.. SKULK mean hide :D

The brain cells within the skull (skulk) moves slowly and secretly without your knowing.

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