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    allay - Dictionary definition and meaning for word allay

    (verb) lessen the intensity of or calm
    Synonyms : ease , relieve , still
    Example Sentence
    • The news eased my conscience
    • still the fears
    (verb) satisfy (thirst)
    Synonyms : assuage , quench , slake
    Example Sentence
    • The cold water quenched his thirst
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for allay

allay allay allay rote nhi chup ho jaao

ALL- LAY- lay down and calm down..

Allay = Alleviate

al + lay ~ Ali (name of a person) + lay; Ali lay down on bed to calm down his body and mind.

allay sab rakh le pr calm down

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ai lay sab rakh le pr please calm down

Take a lay to calm down

ALLAY(ale) ab jo bhi ho.. ALLAY(ale) ho jane do.. ALLAY(ale) hum befikar chalte rahe!!!

allay-imagine ali of dhoom is laying on the chair to lessen his tension caused due to Abhishek Bachhan

ALLAY<===> दबाना{शांत कर देना} (pr. \\dabana{shanat kar dena} \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:My mothers consolation allayed doubts about my own abilities.

alay~relay~relax= when you relax, you try to calm down your mind from unnecessary thoughts.

allay = al (everybody) + lay; everybody laid in bed i.e. the situation is calm or peaceful.

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