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    assuage - Dictionary definition and meaning for word assuage

    (verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
    Example Sentence
    • She managed to mollify the angry customer
    (verb) satisfy (thirst)
    Synonyms : allay , quench , slake
    Example Sentence
    • The cold water quenched his thirst
    (verb) provide physical relief, as from pain
    Synonyms : alleviate , palliate , relieve
    Example Sentence
    • This pill will relieve your headaches
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for assuage

ass-usage in the toilet gives huge relief

ass means donkey... donkey's usage give huge relief from carrying loads

a+sewage provides the relief ;) hope u get it

assuage .....sounds like AT YOUR AGE. imagine a nurse is ASSUAGING a 70 year old PATIENT and saying "AT YOUR AGE you should take some rest"

"as u (you) age ~ grow old" your excitement temper etc come down

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assuage>as+u+age.. The PAIN of your son's death will REDUCE in future as you age(become older)

hey angel.. think of assuage as ass+usage (while we do potty). we do feel relieved and satisfied right.

when somebody gives massage we feel relief and satisfied..keep it simple silly:)

As Sewage- released waste is no waste in your house. Yey! What a relief.

assuage: asoooage :: soothing

It sounds similar like Sausage ...So when you eat sausage u feel relief.

it must be assured that aging people get assuage

ass + usage >>> ass usage is to sit on it... it provides relief from pain by providing cushion to our body..


We tend to feel "less pain" in our "ass" as we "age". <b>assuage = to lessen the pain</b>

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