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    threadbare - Dictionary definition and meaning for word threadbare

    (adj) repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
    Example Sentence
    • bromidic sermons
    • his remarks were trite and commonplace
    • hackneyed phrases
    • a stock answer
    • repeating threadbare jokes
    • parroting some timeworn axiom
    • the trite metaphor `hard as nails'
    (adj) having the nap worn away so that the threads show through
    Example Sentence
    • threadbare rugs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for threadbare

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Threadbare -Wear and Tear - The garment has become quite threadbare due to its continuous wear and tear.

threadbare = thread + bare;we know jeans are made of thread,imagine and old jeans, so we can say that thread can be seen in bare eyes.

threas+bare....you wear clothes when barly your clothes look like clothes..till each thread come out......

THREADBARE - Something which has been READ BAAR BAAR...so it is common..or a cliche, banal stuff!!

Observe that 'threadbar' as 'read' + 'bar' [In hindi, it is bar, bar i.e repetitive]. So when you read same thing repetitively, you get 'over familiar' and it becomes 'common/trite' for you.

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