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    thwart - Dictionary definition and meaning for word thwart

    (noun) a crosspiece spreading the gunnels of a boat; used as a seat in a rowboat
    Synonyms : cross thwart
    (verb) hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
    Synonyms : baffle , bilk , cross , foil , frustrate , queer , scotch , spoil
    Example Sentence
    • What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
    • foil your opponent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for thwart

this word sounds like THROAT....so if someone squeezes your throat your air passages will get blocked...............thus desires will be prevented.. u also feel frustrated and baffled..

Thwart or Obstruct is to prevent someone from doing something.

TH(thousand) + WART(massa).. a person having thousand wart will get furtrated.. and this is block or hinder his beauty

thWARt concentrate on WAR[against enemy,against opponents DESIRE]

thwart= 't' for total wart sounds like wat that means to spoil

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sounds like swarth(hindi)...jisne bhi swarth kiya vo frustrate ho gaya

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