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(adj) spreading or spread throughout
Example Sentence
  • armed with permeative irony...he punctures affectations
  • the pervasive odor of garlic
  • an error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pervasive

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look the word carefully..PERVASI+VE....and doesn't it sound like PRAVASI BHARTIYA DIVAS.....an initiative by the Indian government to attract NON RESIDENT INDIANS who are SPREAD WIDELY ACROSS THE WORLD........

perva(means festival in hindi) festivals are spread thorughout

sounds like persuasive, if u are persuasive youre ideas will be pervasive

(per)+(vas)ive.here per:throughout and vas:to go so to go or spread every where..

Sounds like ""Param Shiv" so god is spread throughout...

pervasive sounds like expansive

pervasive sounds like per+massive n massive includes large area - spread throughout

pervasive is similar in meaning to IN-vasive

"That pearl you chucked at the poor vase has left a crack in it; now the water is apt to spread through all the cracks and leak everywhere!"

but basically this word is taken from pervādere means to pass through, which when splited means per-- through + vādere --to go, walk...so go or walk throughly..means go and walk in whole world..spread..throughly.....

a PERVert is the one who watches secretly , PERVS are present everywhere these days


(noun) the feeling that things will turn out badly Definition
(noun) a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pessimism

opposite of OPTIMISM

pessimist,everyone knows who a pessimist is..a pessimist always has the feeling that bad things will happen and that it will not be successful; the tendency to have this feeling


(verb) cause to become stonelike or stiff or dazed and stunned
Example Sentence
  • The horror petrified his feelings
  • Fear petrified her thinking
(verb) change into stone
Synonyms : lapidify
Example Sentence
  • the wood petrified with time
(verb) make rigid and set into a conventional pattern
Synonyms : ossify rigidify
Example Sentence
  • rigidify the training schedule
  • ossified teaching methods
  • slogans petrify our thinking
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for petrify

sounds like PATHARify (hindi pathar-stone)hence, the word.

killing a pet with a riffle (by being STONE hearted)

petrify sounds like stupefy remember harrypotter

patri(stone)..the disease of stone in hindi is called PATRI which is nothing but a stone

petIFY -> ossIFY


(adj) easily irritated or annoyed
Example Sentence
  • an incorrigibly fractious young man
  • not the least nettlesome of his countrymen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for petulant

The pet - u - lent me is getting me irritated

If somebody peet you(hindi of hitting somebody)or beat you up, you will become irritable and annoyed.

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remember aunt PETUNIA in harry potter?she is very ILL TEMPERED and always ANNOYED on poor harry

PETU(bhadakna like petrol or gas)....hence petulant is a person jo baat baat pe bhadak jata hain....

if somebody calls you petu(a person with tummy in hindi), you will get annoyed!

pest u lent


(adj) excessively or hypocritically pious
Example Sentence
  • a sickening sanctimonious smile
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pharisaical

Pharisaical contains HARI and SAI all GOD name so Pharisaical means pious

phari+saical . If you think of egyptian Pharaohs from 'phari', they were self-righteous and followed their traditions. 'saical' sounds like cycles meaning loops. One confined to one's cycle or loop of beliefs and traditions.

Parsees (hindi mein pharsi) are very traditional and self righteous

Phari(fully) + sai(shirdi sai).hypocritical excessive self righteous.

sai baba

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PHARI(fairy)-SAICAL meaning "like a fairy"-very devotional to god

Pharis--Parish So a person believing in parishes is hypocritically pious


(noun) a collector and student of postage stamps
Synonyms : stamp collector
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for philatelist

phil + ATLAS = loves atlas and hence collect stamps of the countries on the atlas

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break into PHIL(file)+LIST...in a file you list the STAMPS

to phil is to love something+list reminds us of the list of stamps

philatelist -> reminds me of italy. I used to collect stamps of the letters from italy.

phil(sounds like FILE) + late => A file is late when there is no postage STAMP. (STAMP COLLECTOR)

phi(love)+late(latest)+list(list of stamps), you love to get latest list of stamps

PHIL ATE Lots of glue as he licked and listed his stamps.

philatelist: phil can be spelled as fill the LIST of stamps a bit LATE!




(adj) showing little emotion
Synonyms : phlegmatical
Example Sentence
  • a phlegmatic...and certainly undemonstrative man
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for phlegmatic

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phlegmatic -> plleg (flag) when we hoist a FLAG we have the AUTOMATIC reaction be calm and unexcited.

Sounds like PRAGMATIC(practical) --> practical people think with logic and show little emotion.

If u have lots of phlegm due to cold then u would unresponsive or impassive due to tiredness.

we can't pull his leg as he is calm & composed.

when u hoist a flag u have a lot of passion. phlegmatic is the opposite of that

A child sleeps soundly on Ma's leg .. as he is not easily disturbed

phlegm is caused due to coldness. therefore, a cool person (a calm person) is phlegmatic

philips k leg static..so coz of shock he is static..no emotions

Cold with phlegm makes a person too ill and unemotional...he becomes a phlegmatic person

put leg on mat and then not easily dirsurbed..

leg + mati(soil) >>> when soil gets stuck to our leg, without any reaction or emotion we jst wipe it off...


(adj) having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly
Example Sentence
  • a jester dressed in motley
  • the painted desert
  • a particolored dress
  • a piebald horse
  • pied daisies
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for piebald

piebald -> remember pie chart which is generally of different colors

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Imagine an apple pie on a baldheaded. Obviously, it will give a spotty look on a clear shiny and sparkling bald head.

Piebald = Pie + Bald. Bald means hairless head > That bald-headed oldman always wears shirts of different colors.

try remembering the DALMATIANS.. they are all black & white spotted(mottled)

piebald - remember pied piper , the multicoloured piper, now the pied ball...a multicolour ball .. the black and white piebald ball was very attractive to the dalmatian.


(verb) make off with belongings of others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pilfer

Pills le kar farar ho gaya.

Ur pill get lost in fur. It seems like fur steal ur pill

Imagine stealing wafer biscuits

the cunning thief made u take sleeping pills n got furer.


(noun) goods or money obtained illegally Definition
(noun) the act of stealing valuable things from a place
Synonyms : pillaging plundering
Example Sentence
  • the plundering of the Parthenon
  • his plundering of the great authors
(verb) steal goods; take as spoils
Example Sentence
  • During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pillage


PILLAGE SOUNDS LIKE VILLAGE.. many villages were plundered during the Gujarat riots.

pillage sounds pirates and pirates LOOT the money or goods....

a PILL plunders a disease-causing germs

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pill(peel)+age, peel-to take off the skin, Latin. agere(age)-to do, similar to taking off the goods by force

in village the the militant came and steal things from villagers voilently

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