tushaar kapoor performs a pantomime in golmaal movies
pant+o+mime...when you talk a lot you tend to pant so mime(act) without panting(talking).
Mr.Bean's pantomime was the best(both by meaning of pantomime and the concept)
pant + of + mine >>> In bheja fry 2 when monkey takes away KK Menon's pant, Bhushan does an actions just like a monkey which were without words and gets the pants back from monkey..
Definition (noun) a short moral story (often with animal characters)
You remember this word by peripheral,means extra equipments..
parap(her)(nalia) : here nalia in hindi means to take bath,so gals taking bath require a lot of extra stuff.
second part of the word sounds like furniture...which reminds us of equipment
paraphernalia= parapher (fera far = marriage kar)+ n (and) + alia (giving equipments)= the people giving lots of dowry / gifts and equipments for the marriage
(para+pherna+lia)imagine u r going for a theft(dhoom 2)u r asking ur partner did u take (PARAchute+PHERna ka(magnetic substance which rotates(pherna) and attracts guns+LIYA(did u take)
if you parked the car in open, then due to sunlight and greenhouse effect it will become hot or dry
parched = P (police) after + marched (parade)= they become dry and thirsty
parked the car because of thirsty .so u need to drink cool drink
In March (and April) the summer is at its peak in places like delhi,nagpur,mumbai ... the climate becomes extremely dry and hence you are extremely thirsty
Parched!! ..Pls try the word preched instead for remembering. Think about the story of thirsty crow perched on a tree which put stones so that it can drink water from pot.
pariah :: Pare Ho : As is said in local hindi language pare ho (go away), so a Pariah is someone who is rejected from society and is ordered to stay away
Definition (adj) relating to or supported by or located in a parish
Example Sentence
parochial schools
Definition (adj) narrowly restricted in outlook or scope
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