Definition (noun) a Catholic sacrament; repentance and confession and atonement and absolution
Definition (noun) voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing
chant- verses are chanted by sages because they have a strong inclination towards spiritualiism.
Some fool is chanting his pen because he likes it so much.
think of a pendant that you wear and love very much
penchant sounds like pention............generally retired people have strong liking towards pention
PEN(pen frnd) chant(chatting) some one chatting wit pen frnd will have strong inclination in chatting
I remembered this word by the following mnemonic and neva 4 got the meaning.. : PEANUT CHAT - every loves peanut chat , hav a strong inclination over it..affinity, fondness, passion... ;)
A new parker PEN comes in the mkt and you have a strong desire for it and hence you CHANT about it where ever you go..
a PENDULUM has a penchant to swing back and forth.
in hindi.. chant is a person who will go for what he likes and take risks even if its disapproved.. especially in the context of getting dates...
rhymes with pungent which also means taste or smell
Definition (noun) (Roman Catholic Church) a person who repents for wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor)
Definition (adj) feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds
Definition (adj) not allowing contradiction or refusal
Example Sentence
spoke in peremptory tones
peremptory commands
Definition (adj) putting an end to all debate or action
Example Sentence
a peremptory decree
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peremptory
Remember it with pre-empty, i.e something which is already empty, needs to be filled, it demands...
wat param=god says has to be obeyed without questioning.( read the word with sentance frm some other source online only then ull get the meaning of the word which implies other mnemonics given here are worng check out cambridge ad
Peremptory -- Permanently empty
Imagine some one demending 'Param' super computer from Indian territory leaving us no choice
Preemptive strikes by the U.S. are peremptory. (They can't be challenged by any other country.)
Sounds like Preempt. Preempt means to prioritize oneself. Forestall oneself. Per enti ra?..(wats ur name)..its kinda intimidating...
empty vessels sonds the most.... so in order to make him silent you need to fire peremptory commands...
peremptory can be related to pre empt which means forcefully ending before it means expecting it to be obeyed immediately.Both have similar tone.
Opposite to PRIMARY.... So, it means FINAL !!!
sounds like am(em) authority(ptory) i.e I am the authority and you will have to do what I say
Remember the word preemption
~ preempt ory
perem sounds like parent always think that their children should obey them immediately without question.
Definition (adj) tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans
perfidious --- perfume
relate to perfume which reminds us of a beautiful lady who could be disloyal to you
perfidious.....imagine a guy who applies PERFume as well as he is disloyal to one of them......
PERFidious - Perforate. PerFIDious - Feed. Jis thali me khaya, usi me ched kia (= treacherous; disloyal).
Perfidious servant ne poisonous barfi di..
Perfidious:"PERFect IDIOt",here lets us use idiot as a -ve word,Hence u had a lover who is PerfectIdiot(Perfidious Lover)so he is deceitful,untrustworthy,...willing to betray ones thrust.....
PARAI(other's)+FACTORY - if you are told to take care of somebody else's factory, you would casually care about it
per+FUNC+tory .. FUNC stands for function i.e. job.. so if you are doing a job quickly just to finish it and not caring enough about it.. doing job superficially.. it is called a perfunctory act..
Perform+hurry....perform in a hurry....perfunctory....
perfunctory has FUNCTionARY who is an official, we all know how officials approach their work.. they lack care, enthusiasm or interest in their work and do it just for formality
Many people think that the PERFect, FUN job would be to make a lot of money but not have to put much effort into the work.
per+FUN+FACTORY so working in the factory is not fun or interesting as you do same thing again and again so LACK INTEREST,U START DOING THINGS SUPERFICIALLY AND U HAVE NO ENTHUSIASM FOR THE WORK.
p+er+funct+ory--- ER(error) in FUNCT(function)—if there is error in function or something, that means IT IS DONE CARELESSLY, DONE CASUALY
Picture a PERSON working a boring job on an assembly line in a FACTORY: a PERson FUNCKTORY
She thought "I'm perfect already, so why do I need to put any effort or care into this project?"
Simply doing the function.
har (hindi every) function in perfunctory manner in this office
per function if you have a specific time limit then you will do it superficially
Definition (noun) a person who walks from place to place
Definition (noun) a follower of Aristotle or an adherent of Aristotelianism
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