punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for punctilious
it is very close to word PUNCTUAL...and you pay attention to even a person who is 1 second late, that shows that you care for even very minute things too.
punctilious is a person paying attention to small punctuation mistakes in a essay(or writings)
relate with punctual. You are so much punctual that you pay attention to even 1 minute and never get late. So you are minute(ly) attentive.
Definition (noun) the act of clearing yourself (or another) from some stigma or charge
take it as PUSSY + ANIMAL = a pussy will always be dumb and cowardly, will always lack courage.
pussillanimous --> PUSSY with ANIMUS(enemy). So, someone who behaves like a pussy cat with his enemies is coward and also remember PUISSANT means powerful and strong
if someone is coward,they call him 'pussy,u r no man'
The belief that men shouldn't be pussies (wimps) is nearly unanimous
pussy is a silly animal...coz it is cowardly (pussy+silly+animus)...!!!
pusill-petty, very small; anim-spirit. Petty spirit == timid, cowardly.
Definition (adj) purported; commonly put forth or accepted as true on inconclusive grounds
Example Sentence
the foundling's putative father
the putative author of the book
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for putative
divide it like put-a-ti(tea)..so we are PRESUPPOSED to put tea on the table not on the floor
remember "reputive". Reputive gods are commonly blieved and regarded.
focus on the PUT in putative....
"About nine months after putting out, the PUTative father PUT out his arm, demanding a blood test to PUT to rest the question of paternity."
sounds like mutative(mutated). It is SUPPOSED(commonly put forth) that we mutated from chimpanzee... Hope it helps!!!
basically this word is derived from latin putre....means to think.......so you think ..you sUPPOSE...YOU CONSIDER something reputed..you regard something highly....you assume that something exist in this world
changumangu's potatoes are supposed to be reputed. go figure!
A burglary case and a file of known criminals .. You PUT-A-TICK (putative) to the name which you suppose is reputed in this crime case ..
(put+at+live):put TV at live which is always recommended
putative - he is putative to be a putalian, a reputed putalian
Definition (adj) of or relating to or attended by putrefaction
Example Sentence
putrid decomposition
Definition (adj) in an advanced state of decomposition and having a foul odor
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