• word of the day


    seemly - Dictionary definition and meaning for word seemly

    (adj) according with custom or propriety
    Example Sentence
    • her becoming modesty
    • comely behavior
    • it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money
    • a decent burial
    • seemly behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for seemly

seemly ~ see + homely (hindi: gharelu in positive sense) : see sita is so homely and hence proper or appopriate to be my daughter in law !

SEEMLY is the opposite of SEAMY

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seemly= see+my+l == mummy "(see) (my) (l)adki" coz its appropriate & proper for me...

hmmm...seems proper...

SEEMLY or BEAUTY - something that is attractive and appropriate.

See Mili -- Mili is a seemly girl .. Proper and appropriate behavior ..

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