remember austin? I mean STONE COLD steve austin. he was harsh , severe and stern
(in Hindi language) Austere = A(hindi, means NO) + Ustere = A + USTARA(Hindi, Knife) = No+Ustrara => Aaj ke jamane me one without Ustara, it means he is SEVERLY SIMPLE
auSTERe....connect it with stern
AUS-australia TERE-tear(sorrow). like the recent beatings of Australians in INDIA. so one should deny oneself from going there
Austere = I steer away (from)
Tere=tear with strength (not water)
Tearing out from your desires-self denials.
austere ( tear are so simple without any decorations and they are filled with emotion
Aunts' Tears: When his AUnts saw his rigorously self-disciplined lifestyle, they alll bursted into TEARS.
a+us+tere—USne TERE pyar ke liye sab chod diya and led a SIMPLE LIFE WITHOUT COMFORTS
a+us(usne)+tere pyaar me khana pina chod diya hai
Definition (noun) reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins)
avarice- a + very + rich > a strong greed to be 'a very rich' person.
a+varice..varice...sounds like hindi word waris..and now imagine a greedy member of a family who kills the patriarch for his that he can become the family's waris. A is coming 2 TIMES....means a person who wants RICE 2 times has GREED.....
a+varice..varice...sounds like hindi word waris..and now imagine a family where a greedy member of family kills the patriarch to obtain his that he can become a waris of family's wealth
A VAsmati RICE.dnt greed for a meal of VAsmati RICE.have normal rice
AVOCATION-->in a vacation. u do very little /minor work only....hence avocation implies minor occupation
during vacations we take up part time(secondary----VOCATIONAL) jobs....
a+vocation........(means work which we feel is suitable for us ...but may not be a primary source of earning for us , because we just do it for sake of our inner happiness)
Vocation is our main job/occupation whereas avocation is asomething we do on the side
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