consider amenable as a+mend+able. which can be easily influenced or easily controlled.
"mend"able person
AMENABLE<===> जवाबदेही/आजà¥à¤žà¤¾à¤•à¤¾à¤°à¥€/वशà¥à¤¯ (pr. \\javabadehi/Ajnyakari/vashy \\ )[Adjective]
Example:An employee is amenable to the officer.
Definition (adj) characterized by friendship and good will
amicable ~ am + I + cable; there is a cable (friendly connection) between me (I) and him
amicable= tkae mic means microphone which always makes sound and opposite of it is peaceful.
Amicable: A Mic on the tAble (an unused mic is always peaceful)
a+mic+able.mic is able to produce noises...a negates the meaning...hence peaceful
amicable = a(not)+ mic(microphone)+ able..if a mic is not able den it is peaceful...
the word reminds of "mic"key mouse who is friendly
am i cable:Movie Cable Guy and the friendly nature of Jim Carrey i.e. amicable
ammi(mother) cable wale se politely, in a friendly manner se baat kar rahi hain because the cable wala has the power to cut the cable!!!!!
AMICABLE<===> मितà¥à¤°à¤µà¤¤à¥ (pr. \\mitravat \\ )[Adjective]
Example:The two parties do not seem to reach an amicable settlement.
AMICABLE<===> मैतà¥à¤°à¥€à¤ªà¥‚रà¥à¤£ (pr. \\maitripurN \\ )[Noun]
AMNESIA = am + ne (north east) + Asia; Forgot everything in childhood.
AMNESIA<===> याददाशà¥à¤¤ खो जाना/विसà¥à¤®à¤°à¤£ (pr. \\yadadasht kho jana/vismaraN \\ )[Noun]
Example:Due to head injury he suffered from amnesia.
Definition (noun) a sloping gallery with seats for spectators (as in an operating room or theater)
amputate---> am(arm) + put + ate.......imagine a patient went to doctor after snake biting on leg,doctor told him to PUT his ARM to cut(ATE) his leg.
amputate= amplify+attentunate
cut and pass
amPUTate,concentrate on the highlighted word,put which rhymes with cut,so the meaning is CUT OFF
its pronounciation is like tempo,now i will memorise it as "while going through a TEMPO I meet an accident that is y i hv put a tape in my hand bcoz it was CUT in the accident.
AMPUTATE<===> काटना (pr. \\kaTana \\ )[TransitiveVerb]
Example:He has a gangrene on his leg, we must amputate it.
AMPUTATE sounds like AMBULANCE somehow, or relate it with; so when you got cut off ur legs surgically due to severe accident, you must be taken to home by AMBULANCE.
Definition (noun) the case history of a medical patient as recalled by the patient
Anarchy-Sounds like 'monarchy' (like tibet was ruled by monarchy), absenceof government
Anarchy = A + Narchy -> Narakh (like "hell" in hindi).. and in hell there is complete disorder and lawlessness.
sounds like hierarchy take “a” as no hierarchy i.e state of disorder
anarchy(noun)….divde this word like AN(.when used as prefix before noun it means..person)+arch(y)…means…most important or head of something……now think of a country in which there is no person at the most importanat position(usually a rular,or PMor
sounds like 'monarchy'(king ruler).so related government.
the most importanat position(usually a rular,or PMor president...).to rule the amend laws for country. so now think what will be the situation of that nation....obvieously..disorderness everywhere.
anarchy= a+archy => without+ruler
ANARCHY = The boy is out of order demanding a anar (fruit) chocolate.
ANARCHY<===> अवà¥à¤¯à¤µà¤¸à¥à¤¥à¤¾/अराजकता (pr. \\avyavastha/arajakata \\ )[Noun]
Example:Bad government can give rise to anarchy.
an+oin+t...oin souds like oil.....and in some communities during weding they put oil on bridegroom and bride head before they get ready for wedding they consider it sacred
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