in the add of "eak choti si love story" monisha koiralla on orkut and she shall admonish u/warn u for doing so
adm(in)+on(e)+(pun)ish : (net)admin in the company is one step away (Giving strong warning now) from punishing you.bcoz you are accessing prohibited network sites.
to avoid A DEMON-ish act, a mother Warns her naughty child
[Note: A face of a demon as the warning Sign]
Admonish--->Ad(Advertisement)+Monish(person's name)--Direct Monish was warned by Censored board for making Uncensored Advertisement.
Hope this helps.:)
admonish ~ ADD MANISH -- Add Manish in the list of guys whom we will WARN to stay away from her.
Admonish spounds similar to Admission Before giving addmission into bar guards admonish (warn)youth
Th cop warned the rash driving BRITISH and ADDed MONey to the fine.
Add + Punish= since scolding, reproving, or berating is a form of punishment, think add punish = admonish
Ad+ monish: monish means warning, so ad+ monish, warning
monish --> admonish
Adamant Monica was punished
ad+moni+sh=moni always warns us for some misfortune.
ADMONISH<===> डाà¤à¤Ÿà¤¨à¤¾ (pr. \\DaNaTana \\ )[Noun]
ADMONISH<===> गमà¥à¤à¥€à¤°à¤¤à¤¾ से सलाह देना (pr. \\gambhirata se salah dena \\ )[Verb]
Example:He was admonished to open a bank account for himself.
Definition (adj) quick or skillful or adept in action or thought
Example Sentence
an exceptionally adroit pianist
an adroit technician
his adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers
an adroit negotiator
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for adroit
Remember with Detroit which is famous for its motorcycles,which are made by able, adept, artful, brainy, canny, clever, cunning, deft, dexterous, dextrous, expert, facile, finished, good, handy, ingenious people
u get a word lesson sounding like that.. so when a kid doesnt do his lesson homework his mother butters him by saying that she would give him ice adulation
m: add+you+late---ïƒ if someone ADD YOU LATE in team, you have to ADMIRE / FLATTER him
adulate: adults + late ,this can be memorise as adults always reaches their gf late,n after that adults flatter them
add u lotion, a girl add lotion to her body,so that she luks gud nd guys admire her beauty...
in a dull nation everyone FLATTERS the best no one works
ad(add) u(you) late(lat)-to get added later in list u have to praise other person i.e flattery
ADULATION<===> चापलूसी (pr. \\chapalusi \\ )[Noun]
Example:Syeophants are experts in adulation.
ADULATION<===> चाटूकà¥à¤¤à¤¿ (pr. \\chaTukti \\ )[Noun]
Example:Syeophants are experts in adulation.
aegis - sound like "a gas" you should defense yourself from a gas by mask or any other thing due to it is harmful to your respiration system
in the anime series 'Tower of Druaga - Aegis of Uruk' , its about the legendary shield of Uruk
Ageis sounds like Achilles(movie TROY).he was the protector and so aegis means protector.
aegis | age + is, in order to get aegis (protection) he collected all the vowels of age (aeg) before the enemy |
sounds like "Jesus!". u say that when u face danger or r afraid.Thus, u need some kind of protection
aegis ~ age is; if your age is too much (old), you need some protection for your body.
(HUMAN-HANUMAN)hanuman bhi ek manav hai
aegis of immortal from dota
AEGIS<===> रकà¥à¤·à¤¾/बचाव (pr. \\rakSha/bachav \\ )[Noun]
Example:A team of doctors was flown in under the aegis of the Red cross to cure people injured in the blast.
AEGIS<===> कवच (pr. \\kavach \\ )[Noun]
u need a protection from Aegis agypti mosquito.
Definition (adj) diffusing warmth and friendliness
affable= f + able, => that the teacher is able to give f grade to the students , so students are always trying to maintain a warm n healthy relation with the teachers, n also students always approaches their teachers.
Someone who is affable is laughable!
able means sumthin possible
so a friend is easily approcahble
able to approach a fren in distress
aff-able,relate aff to affectionate.. its always easy to talk to an affectionate person who will obviously be friendly
sounds like affection that means kind=love=affable
aff (affair) + able : You will be able to have an affair with a girl only if she is affable.
AFFABLE<===> मिलनसार/सà¥à¤¶à¥€à¤² (pr. \\milanasar/sushil \\ )[Adjective]
Example:I found your parents very affable unlike what you told me.
AFFABLE<===> मिलनसार (pr. \\milanasar \\ )[Noun]
Definition (noun) a state of great suffering and distress due to adversity
Definition (noun) a condition of suffering or distress due to ill health
Definition (noun) a cause of great suffering and distress
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for affliction
sounds like infection, which causes a state of distress, irritation and suffering
lic(lick)-refers to tongue rite,so if we all remember ,a proverb says - tongue is the root cause for many family problems,so think b4 u talk.hence ,wen there is a problem,there is a state of distress.
it can be a combination of two words..affection and when there is a conflict in affection its a cause of great distress and suffering.
Affliction - flic(flick) is the middle word which means to steal in slang. So if you steal somebodies things, they go to a state of distress
fliction sounds like friction.. so a state of friction causing stress
Split "affliction" into "AFter conFLICTION" btw parents in family => usually results a affliction, state of distress
conflictions may bring affliction
affliction is a friction in heart.. A very heavy feeling.. A fr(L)iction.. you can take affli from affliation and ction from infection.When there is infection in affliation then it is state of distress.
sounds like 'affection', we show great affection for sm1 suffering miserably
AFFLICTION<===> रोग (pr. \\rog \\ )[Noun]
Example:Deafness is a terrible affliction.
AFFLICTION<===> दà¥à¤ƒà¤– (pr. \\du:akh \\ )[Noun]
Example:Deafness is a terrible affliction.
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