consider pathy==sympathy,
there are two words.
1. antipathy = dislike
2. apathy = disinterested
Since "anti" is stronger than "a"..
disliking is 1 step above disinterested..
apathy sounds like chapathy means roti in say i dont like chapathi i like breads only.
a (negative) + pathy : root "pathy" means feeling as in sympathy; so apathy means having no feeling for others or lacking interest in something.
here p sounds like B- bee.. rist sounds like risk. Handling bees is a risk so a a-pia-rist
A pianist, who puts bees (notes) in order by playing them as a tune. Think beeee sound like miii or tiiii. Do re mi fa sol la ti do. Notes are flying through his mind, but he can bring them out as a tune.
Flip p into b, a-bie-a-wrist, Wrists control hands, which control the bees.
APIARIST ===> a farmer who keeps bees for their honey[NOUN]
remember Little John in Robin Hood, he was an apiarist priest
Definition (noun) great coolness and composure under strain
Take it as a-bomb, so a bomb defusing team must have following characteristics: assurance, balance, confidence, coolness, equanimity, nerve, nonchalance, poise, surety, tact... Nd these are the synonyms of aplomb!!!
aplomb ~ a + pl (people) + OM; people normally chant 'OM' when they do meditation to keep themselves cool under strain.
Aplomb bomb - "da bomb" (slang for 'the coolest' or 'the best')
Derived from root "crypt" which means "secret". So, Apocryphal means "of doubtful authenticity"
Assume a girl's cry. Cry is a part of the word Apo'cry'phal. Girl's crying is false and made up. So, Apocryphal means made up or questionable.
apo+cry+phal:ur crying so mom question's u..questionable...u say fall which is untrue
apocryphal = apo + cry + phal; so you cry realizing that your new jewellery is spurious!
APO CRY FAIL- you cry because,you fail; but that is untrue because i am sure you passed; therefore its of questionable authority...
APKO itna jyada CRY karne ka PHAL kuch nahi milne wala cozi know what ever u said is all UNTRUE,FALSE,MADE UP stories etc...
a(negative) +cryptic(secret)+phal(sounds like false) =>so it is widely known(not secret) but false
He claims to have A POCKET FULL of money, but we all know better.
Phil, the little known 13th APOstel, CRYed because his writings were deemed by the church to be PHull--of-it. The scriptures of John, Paul, George and Ringo were published but those of Phil were hidden away.
Think of the books not accepted into the Bible. They were not found in the APOSTLES' CRYPT.
concentrate on CRY+PHAL.when ur mother asks u did u eat the PHAL(fruit)which were not ours.u CRY[u hide ur mistake ie untrue].
In the Fiction(not real/true) film if one ate that PHAL(fruit) he/she would CRY for the whole day.
apolo+cry:-remember the greek god appolo,in the situation of disaster greek pepole says that appolo is crying.but it is not true thats why we can say apolcryphal means wide spread thing but untrue
Assume writer wrote in article a girl APO CRY for PHAL(fruit) which is not seem true.. Doubtful orginity, a questionable authorship or authenticity.
Definition (noun) a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
Definition (adj) not faithful to religion or party or cause
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apostate
apostate can be thought of as 'opposite state'.. That is changing to the opposite state, and not loyal to his current state..
Apostles do not apostate
apostate ~ apo + state; Prefix 'apo' means away; so away from state : One who's away from his state or religion. (Abandonment of religious values)
a means no,generally as we kno.
po- take this meaning in tamil,that means "go".
state- this is a normal state,state in a country.
so, no going to going to his state,or one who abandons his state..(im sorry,if it is silly)
Judas the apostle became an apostate when he renounced Jesus.
theo- theological, somthing related to god. theology elevates oneself to god hood.
Theos means god(you can remember it by THE O.S means the operating sytem that control's our live's must be god)AAP+THEOSis....aperson saying to another that aap toh god ho.....apotheosis.....
apo = up(raise) + theo(god)+ sis = is. So "god is up in apotheosis belief".
remember ur "apo" ie ur appointment/date wid ur gf/ will take care of itself :-P..afterall
Krishna's apo wid Radha is like a religious "theory"
apotheosis = apo(a person) theo(god) size(raise)~ means "to raise to the level of the god"
apo = a position + theo(god)+ (sys)size = to raise someone to the position of God size.
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