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    severe - Dictionary definition and meaning for word severe

    (adj) intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality
    Synonyms : terrible , wicked
    Example Sentence
    • severe pain
    • a severe case of flu
    • a terrible cough
    • under wicked fire from the enemy's guns
    • a wicked cough
    (adj) very strong or vigorous
    Synonyms : hard , knockout
    Example Sentence
    • strong winds
    • a hard left to the chin
    • a knockout punch
    • a severe blow
    (adj) severely simple
    Synonyms : austere , stark , stern
    Example Sentence
    • a stark interior
    (adj) unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment
    Synonyms : spartan
    Example Sentence
    • a parent severe to the pitch of hostility
    • a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien
    • a strict disciplinarian
    • a Spartan upbringing
    (adj) causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm
    Example Sentence
    • a dangerous operation
    • a grave situation
    • a grave illness
    • grievous bodily harm
    • a serious wound
    • a serious turn of events
    • a severe case of pneumonia
    • a life-threatening disease
    (adj) very bad in degree or extent
    Example Sentence
    • a severe worldwide depression
    • the house suffered severe damage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for severe

see veer movie...jackie shroff played a KATHOR , JALIM ,SAKTH .rol

Sex (seks) of snakes (węże) at roof of some house during terrible flood.

Word used in video below:
text: you aren't so severe last night
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