• word of the day


    impeccable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word impeccable

    (adj) without fault or error
    Synonyms : faultless , immaculate
    Example Sentence
    • faultless logic
    • speaks impeccable French
    • timing and technique were immaculate
    • an immaculate record
    (adj) not capable of sin
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for impeccable

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im+pecca(pakka.it was there in our science book in class 2)...pakka house is always faultless as compared to kutchcha house.

Picking on somebody means to finding faults. Hence Im Pickable means, no fault can be found

remember bird WOODPECKER.....he can drill the wood with his beak....hence create flaws ....imPECKable or flawless

pakka+able: means work will be done definitely. only possible when a faultless man do

He packed the cable wire impeccably.

nothing to pick out

impossible thing must be done without fault.

it is IMpossible to PICK a flaw

pecca means fault so impeccable is faultless and peccadillo is minor fault

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