The girl has lost her memory. The boy telling her - This is the INStitute IN which U ATE. He is trying to HINT, IMPLY to her.
IN(not)+SIGN....without any signal i.e indirectly hint or imply ....
in (sign) ate
when i snatched the cadbuary 4m my small bros hand and ate it my atomach started paining as if its HINTING /IMPLYING to me that :"IN SIN U ATE....".......:)
insinuate sounds like in sign ate
So you are showing you finished eating thro signs,gesture of hte hand.
Thus insinuate means to hint
inhe suno
insinuate= un + seen
so, when two people are engaged in gambling we give hint such that it is unseen to other... like aankh marna...:)
IN SIN U ATE is the **hint** of your suffering
IN(indicating) SIN(sign) that you ATE
read as IN+SINEW(strength)+ATE. i.e.make him "UNDERSTAND" that he is not strong or "SUGGEST" to become strong..
insinuate = in(not) + sign + u + ate; There is no sign when u will ate.
in sin u ate.. u did a sin and ate all the evidences..but there is always some HINT left behind.. Daya(CID).. dheere se uska dost ban jaao(2nd meaning) aur baat ka pata lagao
"in sin you ate" - trying to subtly tell someone they broke kashrut
Insulin goes in the blood in a slealthy way ,in our body,which we cannot perceive..
"sinuous" means winding, complicated and insinuate means to understand. narly opposites.
but basically this word is taken from latin insinuare, which when splited forms in + sinuare means to bend, or you need to BEND A PIPE to INSERT it into another pipe.
in+ sipid(spell it as spit..) ,we spit when the FOOD LACKS FLAVOR : or it is TASTELESS..
if u take a SIP IN, and realize that u were stuPID enough to taste such a flavor , then the drink is insipid
IN+SIP+IT: is there anything IN this?! i took a SIP and IT is awful and bland!
sounds like in + stupid.
not worth a sip
sip it. If it was good you would gulp it.
IN: SIP ID. It's in, all drinks have a sip ID now, this means you first have a shot at tasting it, just in case you don't like it. If it was good you would gulp it and you have to pay for that.
To be INSIPID ,if you ask me, is to be STUPID.
If you can identify (<B>ID</B>) with just a <B>SIP</B> then it must be flavorful. <B>IN</B>sipid would be the opposite.
Our waitress said the new mochas would be excellent;
They were bland instead; so we sipped it every three minutes to pretend that we liked it.
The mochas were so insipid that we left to buy the restaurant a recipe book, and so we went.
When we ret
During cooking you need to sip the food, otherwise it may be sipid
Inspire meaning increasing interst; insipi+d ; if don’t inspire , it will become boring and will lack flavor
the actors were insipid so the director was livid.
Definition (noun) the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties
sounds like In-soup-ant or in-sauce-ant.
Suppose the waiter serves you a soup with an ant in it and he is not even concerned about removing it, is insouciant.
in+social...when a person is not social it means he does not care about people around him
If you place the 1st letter (i) @ the end, it reads: N SO U C I ANTI (and so you see, I'm anti!) OR remove the "i" & its: N SO U C I CANT (And so you see, I can't!)*Also try* ENSUE=follow,result,reaction+ SHANT=Not: To Not React
in(not) + assistence -> wihtout concern or care...
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